View Full Version : The Adventures of Roque and Bullwinkle

08-13-2011, 12:08 PM
"Hey Roque,watch me pull a demotion slip out of my hat"

"Pero Bullwinkle esa artimaña nunca trabaja"

"Nothing up my sleeve because the manager won't let me...PRESTO!

"y ahora aquí está algo que espero que quiera realmente"

[i]Announcer: " Join us next week when our two heroes try to to play dominoes in the rear of Cuban Crafters during a hurricane in IF THIS IS DOMINOES WHERE IS THE EXTRA CHEESE? OR IS THAT MONICA LEWISNSKY OVER THERE IN THE CORNER? see you next week. :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:

Music closeout

08-13-2011, 01:26 PM
"Hey Roque,watch me pull a demotion slip out of my hat"

"Pero Bullwinkle esa artimaña nunca trabaja"

"Nothing up my sleeve because the manager won't let me...PRESTO!

"y ahora aquí está algo que espero que quiera realmente"

[i]Announcer: " Join us next week when our two heroes try to to play dominoes in the rear of Cuban Crafters during a hurricane in IF THIS IS DOMINOES WHERE IS THE EXTRA CHEESE? OR IS THAT MONICA LEWISNSKY OVER THERE IN THE CORNER? see you next week. :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:

Music closeout


08-13-2011, 04:24 PM
Let me guess. mail order degree fro "Whatsamatta U" in Mooselvania. You guys are too much. LMAO!!!! :mrgreen: :cop:

08-14-2011, 01:45 PM
Let me guess. mail order degree fro "Whatsamatta U" in Mooselvania. You guys are too much. LMAO!!!! :mrgreen: :cop:

"Whatsamatta U"? ..WHY U LOOKA SO SAD?.....ITSA NOTSO BAD!......LMAO :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

08-14-2011, 06:52 PM
Let me guess. mail order degree fro "Whatsamatta U" in Mooselvania. You guys are too much. LMAO!!!! :mrgreen: :cop:

"Whatsamatta U"? ..WHY U LOOKA SO SAD?.....ITSA NOTSO BAD!......LMAO :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


08-14-2011, 10:12 PM
who plays the part of Boris Badenoff and Natasha?

Boris: "You think moose can get to the important people?"

Natasha: " Boris, in the Grove, Pumpkin Head is a household name. In Siberia it is a felony to have sex with a squash."

08-15-2011, 04:08 PM
..And now....
" Hey Roque watch me pull Shaky Perez out of my hat."

" Pero el Sr. Crespo escribirá acerca de él y acerca de mí"

Nothing up sleeve except some e-mails that Al found....PRESTO!

ROAR ( lion is pulled out of hat).....
"Don't know my own strength."

"Soy sólo lo que la Ciudad de necesidades de Miami y merezco.
Y ahora aquí está algo que espero que quiera realmente."

Join us next week when our two heroes climb the highest mountain in Tibet to ask the Dalai Lama if crack has been made legal in the United States since someone is really serious when they think Cabrera or Roque can run this police department as a major American police department and not some 3rd world Banana Republic outpost in:


08-16-2011, 09:04 PM
jajajjaajaja It is easy to speak about look down behind is back, but grow some balls and tell him in his face. You are the biggest joke and a coward, I think you are affraid of Roque :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:

08-17-2011, 11:54 AM
jajajjaajaja It is easy to speak about look down behind is back, but grow some balls and tell him in his face. You are the biggest joke and a coward, I think you are affraid of Roque :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:

No one is afraid of him. He is mocked along with other the delusional badge wearing political hacks whothink they bring something to the table in law enforcement. He is the personifciation of Banana Republic politics in this sh!thole.

PS these people are cowards...only talk tough in a crowd or at a cigar store...jajajajajajajajaj THIS!

01-23-2012, 02:17 PM
How about " The New Adventures of Roque and BlomWinkle?"

"and now"
"Hey Roque, watch me pull a rabbit from under my hat."
"dígame sólo que sale pronto"
" PRESTO!! No hair, but I got a hare"
"Y ahora aquí está algo que espero que quiera realmente"

:snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:

01-23-2012, 02:49 PM
jajajjaajaja It is easy to speak about look down behind is back, but grow some balls and tell him in his face. You are the biggest joke and a coward, I think you are affraid of Roque :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:

Afraid of you lookdown? Yeah, you might jump up and hit someone in the knee. And we cannot tell you to your face, as we would have to get on our knees to do so. and as far as being the biggest joke? Your the shortest joke on the MPD. Now look down at our feet again.

01-24-2012, 12:57 PM
Roque the Flying Squirrel: "And now...."
Blomwinkle: "Hey Roque watch me pull a rabbit out of hat."
Roque the Flying Squirrel: "Pero fue supuesto salir en octubre así que podría ser el jefe."
Blomwinkle: " Presto!! I'm hanging around like the Norwalk virus
Roque the Flying Squirrel:Y ahora aquí está algo como que espero a todos los políticos :devil: :snicker: :lol: 8)

01-24-2012, 01:16 PM
Talk about Roque to his face? Do you really think anyone is afraid of the little, ass kissing punk. He is the ultimate back room player. His wife is dying and he is still pimping her out to the mayor so that he will become an assistant chief. He is the lowest piece of scum on the earth.

01-25-2012, 01:04 AM
Roque the Flying Squirrel: " Y Ahora"
Blomwinkle: hey Roque, watch me pull a pink slip out of my hat.
Roque the Flying Squirrel: No me moleste como eso. Dejaré caer mi puro
Blomwinkle: Presto ( Lion comes out of hat roaring)......Don't know my own strength.
Roque the Flying Squirrel: Mueva su carro antes que lo remolque

01-25-2012, 05:38 PM
Roque the wife pimp does nothing but walk around the station speaking spanglish and sucking on the phallic symbol. What is wrong with this idiot. Is this what the MPD has come to? Roque kissing the mayors ass to get promoted, Orosa kissing the mayors and anyone elses ass to become chief and remain chief, AAjr having his dayy make him Ex. Asst, McQueen who cant read and write in anything but ebonics trying to stab Brown in the back, Gort ordering Orosa to promote Lozano, Colina meeting with Sarnoff and then Sarnoff stopping further promotions, Spence-Jones ordering Orosa to pay for the "Believe" bumper stickers and to bring back Burden, Orosa cutting the SWAT budget to buy the bumper stickers, Blom mocking Orosa and telling everyone that Expo is returning and Orosa is out, Orosa not having the backbone to get rid of Blom, ....and it goes on and on.

The MPD is no better now than it was when Exposito took over and slashed staff who knew what they were doing, now Orosa is trying to promote staff members who also don't know what they are doing. The only qualification, is being a Cuban male, a Mason and be politically connected. Oh yes the the few token african-americans to keep spence-jones quiet.

02-15-2012, 12:07 AM
my dear friend roque watch your back, martin is saying that you are undeserving of the promotion and he will make an excuse not to attend the ceremony.

02-15-2012, 03:49 AM
Roque the wife pimp does nothing but walk around the station speaking spanglish and sucking on the phallic symbol. What is wrong with this idiot. Is this what the MPD has come to? Roque kissing the mayors ass to get promoted, Orosa kissing the mayors and anyone elses ass to become chief and remain chief, AAjr having his dayy make him Ex. Asst, McQueen who cant read and write in anything but ebonics trying to stab Brown in the back, Gort ordering Orosa to promote Lozano, Colina meeting with Sarnoff and then Sarnoff stopping further promotions, Spence-Jones ordering Orosa to pay for the "Believe" bumper stickers and to bring back Burden, Orosa cutting the SWAT budget to buy the bumper stickers, Blom mocking Orosa and telling everyone that Expo is returning and Orosa is out, Orosa not having the backbone to get rid of Blom, ....and it goes on and on.

The MPD is no better now than it was when Exposito took over and slashed staff who knew what they were doing, now Orosa is trying to promote staff members who also don't know what they are doing. The only qualification, is being a Cuban male, a Mason and be politically connected. Oh yes the the few token african-americans to keep spence-jones quiet.

IF, I were a betting man, my money would be on Expo winning. Based on the city charter is why. Police dept staff work at the discretion of the chief. Says in plain English too. How can johnny fire the chief for following the city charter? Read it for yourselves. It ain't over till the courts rule. And in the past, they have ruled the charter stands. Ask the demoted ones what the lawyer told them when 5 of them went to one. And your talking of decades of case law. So everyone read the charter and use common sense. And those who voted for the dismissal and brought charges best have deep pockets. And no, I am not one of either group. It is just that I can read and have common sense, and seen many demoted majors leave based on the CHARTER. So everyone hold on to your prior rank brass, you will need it.

02-17-2012, 02:08 PM
The last time we looked we found our heroes locked in disagreement over which Al Pacino movie poster should hang in the Asst. Chief's office>

Blomwinkle: Hey Roque, I an't going no where. You're out of order. Manny's out of order. This whole damn place is out of order!

Roque:¿Por qué no he sido promovido yo todavía?

Blomwinkle: Roque, you broke my heart. I knew it was you all along.

Roque:Pero fui prometido que sería un jefe.

Blomwinkle: Not even of an Indian Tribe. Hooah!

Roque:Seré un jefe y saludaré a mi amigo pequeño.

Narrator: Join us next week when our two heroes discover that the only certain thing in the City of Miami is uncertainty in " THE ROQUE ROAD TO SUCCESS" OR " BLOM IT ON RIO."

02-18-2012, 01:33 AM

The last time we looked we found our heroes locked in disagreement over which Al Pacino movie poster should hang in the Asst. Chief's office>

Blomwinkle: Hey Roque, I an't going no where. You're out of order. Manny's out of order. This whole damn place is out of order!

Roque:¿Por qué no he sido promovido yo todavía?

Blomwinkle: Roque, you broke my heart. I knew it was you all along.

Roque:Pero fui prometido que sería un jefe.

Blomwinkle: Not even of an Indian Tribe. Hooah!

Roque:Seré un jefe y saludaré a mi amigo pequeño.

Narrator: Join us next week when our two heroes discover that the only certain thing in the City of Miami is uncertainty in " THE ROQUE ROAD TO SUCCESS" OR " BLOM IT ON RIO."

02-18-2012, 07:14 AM
EXCELLENT ! Will Regalado play Boris next week ? I can hardly wait !

02-19-2012, 11:22 AM
EXCELLENT ! Will Regalado play Boris next week ? I can hardly wait !

That could only mean that Rojas would play "Natasha."

02-19-2012, 03:16 PM
Tomas Badenoff: Natasha, do you think that moose will stay way from MPD? Or do vee need to get squirrel to cut him off?

Natasha Rojas: Tomas, squirrel tells everyone he is a man with a plan and three stars.

Tomas Badenoff: You mean he scraped Blomwinkle's name off of door already?

Natasha Rojas: No Badenoff, He tows cars. Someone else now in Blomwinkle's office

Badenoff: That squirrel sure gets around

Join us again next week when our two heroes confront Natasha and Badenoff in " Roque and roll" or " Bloms have more fun."

02-19-2012, 06:34 PM
Who plays Chumbly?
who plays Tennessee Tuxedo?
Who plays Mr. Whoopee?
Who plays Mr. Peabody?

I know fo sure who can play Mr. peabody's pet human, Sherman.

02-20-2012, 05:54 PM
Roque the flying squirrel: Y Ahora

Blomwinkle: Hey Roque, I thought you moved into my office already.

Roque the flying squirrel: ¿Su oficina, Blomwinkle?

Blomwinkle: Nothing up my sleeve or my desk drawer...PRESTO!

(lion roars)

Roque the flying squirrel:¡Y ahora aquí está algo que espero que quiera realmente porque por el viernes, yo seré el jefe de investigaciones!

02-20-2012, 07:16 PM
Presenting ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pblVz7Vu ... ure=relmfu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pblVz7VukhQ&feature=relmfu)

02-24-2012, 11:46 PM
Roque the Flying Squirrel: Y Ahora

Blomwinkle: Hey Roque, watch me pull a cigar right out of your mouth

Roque the Flying Squirrel: Delo su trata mejor Blomwinkle

Blomwinkle: That sounds like a threat, Squirrel.

Roque the Flying Squirrel: Trabajo para Tomas Badenoff, Moose!

Blomwinkle: Am I supposed to be scared?

Roque the Flying Squirrel: Quizá debe ser espantado de Natasha Rojas. Mi esposa.

Tomas Badenoff: Hey Moose, you tink you tough? You nuddin' but a yoke

Nathasha Rojas: I tink Moose need whooping!

Blomwinkle: I am balding. But I got radar in my antlers.

Roque the Flying Squirrel: necesita un cenicero para mi puro.

Blomwinkle: I can get you a gift when you get promoted in mid-march squirrel.

Roque the flying squirrel: Deseo un partido grande. Deseo que todos celebrenme.

Join us for our next episode then things get clearer and mistakes get made in " Promotion Commotion" or " The Roque Road to Success"


fade out....

02-06-2013, 01:23 PM
Roque:"Y Ahora"
Blomwinkle: "Watch me pull a chief's job out of my hat"
Roque: "Comienza y salgo."
Blomwinkle: Yeah Roque, it sure looks like that."
Roque:"Yo no voy dondequiera. Tengo alot de amigos."
Blomwinkle: There are alot of illegally parked cars in the parking lot at Doral PD."

Just us next week when our two heroes are caught in a blizzard just outside Sweetwater in " You may drive a Lexus but I drive a Buick Regalado."


02-06-2013, 10:52 PM
You Anglos are dead, so don't waste your breath posting racist comments here.

02-07-2013, 12:30 AM
You Anglos are dead, so don't waste your breath posting racist comments here.

Rocky & Bullwinkle....that's rascist?! you are an a$$hole who sees shadows where none exist. How about getting a college degree nutsaxk? or is that rascist too?

08-20-2019, 12:23 PM
Still a classic....so many years later.