View Full Version : Time To Attack The PBA

08-12-2011, 09:26 PM
I got it on good grounds that the rep election will be fixed to reflect returning the same reps to the board. Now it's time to attack the organization. I understand that people are resigning by the handfuls every week. Let's continue the trend and put the Broward PBA back to a little ma and pa organization. Hey Pat, how you gonna pay that mortgage on the hall?

08-13-2011, 01:04 AM
Are you really that stupid to think a PBA election is fixed. Just maybe the current reps have more support than the small group losers attacking them. The hall is not in Pats name so why would he be concerned. You should take your inside information and call the New Times they are always looking for more BS. :devil:

08-13-2011, 12:13 PM
You're kidding right? The current reps have support? All I hear is complaints about them and how they lay down for the sheriff. All of them have specialized positions, promotions, re-promotions, etc. Do you think for one minute that the PBA is a straight laced organization? You are a sheep in the herd of stupidity.

08-13-2011, 04:43 PM
You're kidding right? The current reps have support? All I hear is complaints about them and how they lay down for the sheriff. All of them have specialized positions, promotions, re-promotions, etc. Do you think for one minute that the PBA is a straight laced organization? You are a sheep in the herd of stupidity.

If they have no support, don't worry they won't be relected. You should contact Jesse Ventura on the "Conspiracy Theory TV Show" he could look into it. The PBA may also be involved in the JFK case in Dallas or they may have infomation on area 51. Keep up these stupid posts its keeps us amuse :D

08-13-2011, 04:47 PM
You're kidding right? The current reps have support? All I hear is complaints about them and how they lay down for the sheriff. All of them have specialized positions, promotions, re-promotions, etc. Do you think for one minute that the PBA is a straight laced organization? You are a sheep in the herd of stupidity.

Only you would be thinking of sheep. baa" baa"

08-13-2011, 05:47 PM
You're kidding right? The current reps have support? All I hear is complaints about them and how they lay down for the sheriff. All of them have specialized positions, promotions, re-promotions, etc. Do you think for one minute that the PBA is a straight laced organization? You are a sheep in the herd of stupidity.

Only you would be thinking of sheep. baa" baa"

And they are nervous.

08-13-2011, 05:47 PM
You're kidding right? The current reps have support? All I hear is complaints about them and how they lay down for the sheriff. All of them have specialized positions, promotions, re-promotions, etc. Do you think for one minute that the PBA is a straight laced organization? You are a sheep in the herd of stupidity.

Ok @ss clown you made a statement that ALL Reps are in a specialized position.

List them. I know for a fact this is not true. More lies.

08-14-2011, 12:52 PM
I am running for the REP position. I am not in a specialized unit I work road patrol in . Lets change the Board and start fresh with new voices!!

08-14-2011, 04:29 PM
You're kidding right? The current reps have support? All I hear is complaints about them and how they lay down for the sheriff. All of them have specialized positions, promotions, re-promotions, etc. Do you think for one minute that the PBA is a straight laced organization? You are a sheep in the herd of stupidity.

Ok @ss clown you made a statement that ALL Reps are in a specialized position.

List them. I know for a fact this is not true. More lies.

Do riot-Motors

08-14-2011, 04:32 PM
I am running for the REP position. I am not in a specialized unit I work road patrol in . Lets change the Board and start fresh with new voices!!

Don't bother. The fix is in. layoff, Poole, Leiner, Pisanti, etc all back on Board.

08-14-2011, 04:58 PM
I am running for the REP position. I am not in a specialized unit I work road patrol in . Lets change the Board and start fresh with new voices!!

Don't bother. The fix is in. layoff, Poole, Leiner, Pisanti, etc all back on Board.

I hope you run for the board don't let this coward stop you. Its very easy to do nothing then sit back and complain about it. He probably didn't make badmiton team or glee club in school and is still biiter about it. Just keep being a lazy do nothing slug, maybe some day you will grow some B's and do something.

08-14-2011, 06:46 PM
I spoke with Johnny B this morning. Other than Al Milian and Debbie Reggio, he said the PBA is worthless. He spoke very highly of Debbie but she can't do it by herself. When Debbie steps down, it's going to be a devastating loss to the membership, especially regarding the PSC board.

JB said he uses the FOP for death benefits and PLEA for legal assistance. If he didn't have PLEA, he would of been sitting next to RD.

JB now goes by "anyone but the PBA". Call Jeff Bell District 10 and sign up with IUPA. Call Dan Howard and sign up with PLEA. Call your local FOP chapter, or anyone you can think of for legal assistance.

I dropped out of the PBA last week. Lets stop lining their pockets with our money. All they do is lie to the membership and I can't even imagine what our contract negotiations are going to look like. Like JB said this morning, they never turn the page to their play book. He called it. After the first contract meeting 4 weeks ago, they threatened the Sheriff and asked to see the books (budget). Sound familiar? When Claudia (PBA attorney) was asked the status of the contract talks, she replied "BSO deputies are nothing but cry baby *****'s that won't even show to a meeting. They should grow up and have some balls. I'll get to it when I get to it". Now mod, this was an exact quote and should not be erased.

Don't vote, just drop out. And when the PBA has to eliminate BSO members from their union, lets see how well the Sheriff takes care of our current reps. then. One more useless than the other.



08-14-2011, 07:10 PM
I am running for the REP position. I am not in a specialized unit I work road patrol in . Lets change the Board and start fresh with new voices!!

Don't bother. The fix is in. layoff, Poole, Leiner, Pisanti, etc all back on Board.

I hope you run for the board don't let this coward stop you. Its very easy to do nothing then sit back and complain about it. He probably didn't make badmiton team or glee club in school and is still biiter about it. Just keep being a lazy do nothing slug, maybe some day you will grow some B's and do something.

Did I hit a nerve Bob, Jay, Jeff or Rich?

08-14-2011, 09:31 PM
there are close to 20 reps and you come up with 5 in specialized units... That sure counts as ALL of the reps.

You sir, are still an @ssclown and probably just another Israelite, liar.

08-14-2011, 10:07 PM
there are close to 20 reps and you come up with 5 in specialized units... That sure counts as ALL of the reps.

You sir, are still an @ssclown and probably just another Israelite, liar.

Hey Jackass, the election is for AT LARGE BOARD you idiot. Now you're the assclown. Typical BSO deputy that doesn't pay attention.

08-15-2011, 12:11 AM
there are close to 20 reps and you come up with 5 in specialized units... That sure counts as ALL of the reps.

You sir, are still an @ssclown and probably just another Israelite, liar.

Hey Jackass, the election is for AT LARGE BOARD you idiot. Now you're the assclown. Typical BSO deputy that doesn't pay attention.

Ummm there are district reps that rep the districts. Then there are at large reps that rep the other units. All are elected. That said not even all of the at-large reps are in specialized units.

Come on Israelite, get it right. That's right you cant because lying is in your DNA.

08-15-2011, 02:39 PM
The Board nomination ends today and the ballots will be mailed out or District reps will pick them up this week. Vote the incumbents out and get fresh faces on the board. There are 17 total running for the 9 positions. VOTE THE NEW 8 NAMES IN and PICK ONE FROM THE LAST BOARD THAT IS THE BEST OF THE WORST and we will start NEW!! Its up to us. Vote the stiffs out!

08-15-2011, 09:26 PM
I QUIT 4 weeks ago.

08-15-2011, 10:37 PM
Quit...and then get into a shooting and cry like a little ***** that you have no representation on scene....and the get bailed out by the other guy involved who had representation....and then beg for forgiveness from the PBA....yes he was actually crying tears.....go to IUPA or FOP....bunch of freaking idiots!!! O yeah and babies too....

08-16-2011, 01:49 AM
I QUIT 4 weeks ago.

Who cares, no one knows your name or cares, you sure are a brave one. This should make it easier for the same old posts. (I quit ______ weeks ago.) just copy and paste.

08-16-2011, 02:35 AM
Just a thought....think of being a PBA member as insurance for our monthly dues you have an attorney on call in case of a shooting.

If you were to call out a attorney at 3 in the morning for a shooting and have him defend you it would cost about 15 grand or more.....

08-16-2011, 08:24 AM
Let the ballot stuffing begin!

08-16-2011, 03:07 PM
Let the ballot stuffing begin!
excuses, excuses, please stop your whinning. Its quite apparent that its the same small group attacking the PBA. If they had support their reps could easily win the election.
Hey I got an NEW idea dropped out of the PBA.

08-16-2011, 09:26 PM
I QUIT 4 weeks ago.
Good for you! You should have listened to me 2 years ago when I left. It is not getting ANY BETTER. There will be more to leave.

08-17-2011, 01:51 AM
My posts get deleted. The ballot stuffing will happen. Your votes don't count. Wait until you see who gets elected.

08-17-2011, 08:49 PM
My posts get deleted. The ballot stuffing will happen. Your votes don't count. Wait until you see who gets elected.

Your post should be deleted, they are the same old posts about fixing or stuffing the ballots. Try if you can to come up with a something new. I sure it hard for you with your limited intelligence but try.

08-19-2011, 04:01 AM
My posts get deleted. The ballot stuffing will happen. Your votes don't count. Wait until you see who gets elected.

Your post should be deleted, they are the same old posts about fixing or stuffing the ballots. Try if you can to come up with a something new. I sure it hard for you with your limited intelligence but try.

Obviously you're either too stupid to realize the PBA is crooked, or you are the PBA.

08-19-2011, 02:03 PM
My posts get deleted. The ballot stuffing will happen. Your votes don't count. Wait until you see who gets elected.

Your post should be deleted, they are the same old posts about fixing or stuffing the ballots. Try if you can to come up with a something new. I sure it hard for you with your limited intelligence but try.

Obviously you're either too stupid to realize the PBA is crooked, or you are the PBA.

Post what crimanal acts have occurred at the PBA instead of you old posts. I not the PBA but I know coward when he hides behind a computer.