View Full Version : Lamberti welcomes Granteed in the race!

08-04-2011, 04:32 PM
The Leading Conspiracy Theory In Local Politics
By Bob Norman
POSTED: Thursday, August 4, 2011
UPDATED: 9:28 am EDT August 4, 2011

It comes up time and time again, this conspiracy theory and it goes like this:
Hollywood Deputy Chief Louis Granteed's race to become sheriff is a farce designed to gum up the Democratic primary, stymie leading Democratic candidate Scott Israel, and help pave the way for the reelection of Sheriff Al Lamberti.
The theory went into overdrive yesterday when a post was put on the LEO Affairs website alleging that Lamberti had urged Hollywood Commissioner Patty Asseff to allow Granteed to campaign for sheriff while on the Hollywood PD's time clock.
There are other more serious allegations in the piece. It's sourced anonymously; until it is confirmed, take it with a grain of salt. But there are rumors that some of the sheriff's biggest supporters are -- or will -- raise money for Granteed as well.
It's clear that Lamberti welcomes Granteed in the race and, after a bitter race against Israel, it's no surprise he and his supporters hope he pummels the other Democrat in the race. That's politics as usual. As for the other stuff, I'm on a fact-finding mission and will report later.
-- It's been a slow week here -- sorry for the lack of posts. Been putting together a couple of TV pieces and those things can really eat up your time. When school starts back up and the pols come back from summer vacation, it'll kick back up.

08-04-2011, 06:13 PM
The Leading Conspiracy Theory In Local Politics
By Bob Norman
POSTED: Thursday, August 4, 2011
UPDATED: 9:28 am EDT August 4, 2011

It comes up time and time again, this conspiracy theory and it goes like this:
Hollywood Deputy Chief Louis Granteed's race to become sheriff is a farce designed to gum up the Democratic primary, stymie leading Democratic candidate Scott Israel, and help pave the way for the reelection of Sheriff Al Lamberti.
The theory went into overdrive yesterday when a post was put on the LEO Affairs website alleging that Lamberti had urged Hollywood Commissioner Patty Asseff to allow Granteed to campaign for sheriff while on the Hollywood PD's time clock.
There are other more serious allegations in the piece. It's sourced anonymously; until it is confirmed, take it with a grain of salt. But there are rumors that some of the sheriff's biggest supporters are -- or will -- raise money for Granteed as well.
It's clear that Lamberti welcomes Granteed in the race and, after a bitter race against Israel, it's no surprise he and his supporters hope he pummels the other Democrat in the race. That's politics as usual. As for the other stuff, I'm on a fact-finding mission and will report later.
-- It's been a slow week here -- sorry for the lack of posts. Been putting together a couple of TV pieces and those things can really eat up your time. When school starts back up and the pols come back from summer vacation, it'll kick back up.

Just more BS and lies from the Israel campaign... What a bunch of LOSERS :devil:

08-05-2011, 11:36 AM
The Dirty Dozen of 2008
If only we could fit all the bums in...
By New Times staff Thursday, Dec 18 2008

Not surprisingly, Broward and Palm Beach counties had more than their share of backroom deals, slimy alliances, ego trips, and moral shilly-shallying this year. So many scoundrels, so many liars, so many wimps and turncoats. So many bums stalking our backyards in 2008, in fact, that New Times considered expanding its annual Dirty Dozen list. Each gets a rating on our Dirt Meter, with one being merely nauseating and 10 for downright despicable.

Scott Israel In the wide open, five-candidate race for the Democratic nomination for Broward sheriff that raged last summer, Scott Israel distinguished himself as the most desperate, unscrupulous option. The police chief of tiny North Bay Village had been a lifelong Republican, an affiliation he hoped would earn him an interview with our GOP governor. In the fall of 2007, Crist needed an interim replacement for Sheriff Ken Jenne, who pleaded guilty to corruption charges. But Crist didn't even give Israel an interview before he appointed Al Lamberti. Then Israel changed his party registration to Democrat. Presumably, after selling that part of one's political soul, it's easier to part with what's left. Israel hired a ruthless campaign adviser in Judy Stern, and then embarked on a fundraising drive that included vendors who served the Broward Sheriff's Office, suggesting that he learned nothing from Jenne about the danger of mingling contracts with political favors. Flush with campaign dollars, Israel's name was plastered all over Broward, though not on the malicious literature aimed at his rivals. One hit mailer portrayed former federal prosecutor Bruce Udolf, a Southwest Ranches resident, as a hayseed. Another contained a cartoon likeness of Wiley Thompson, an African-American, wearing a bow tie (a brilliant attempt to suggest Uncle Tom sell-out to black voters and black Muslim to paranoid white voters). Israel won the primary. But his dirty games backfired. In a general election where Barack Obama's candidacy drove high Democrat turnout, droves of voters cast ballots for Republican Lamberti. Israel made a deal with the Devil, and he learned a hard lesson in how the Devil gets his due. Dirty Meter reading: 6 (Anything higher is like dancing on a grave.)

08-05-2011, 11:43 AM
Funny that Mr.Bob Norman did not post any such comments on his own blog page,,,Think this is Team Lamberti/Granteed doing what they do best,,,,LYING!!!!!!

A Vote For Granteed is a Vote For Team Lambeti/Granteed

Commeny quote from Bob Norman's blog...seems to hit the nail right on the head!


I can't believe you would write a story based on a ridiculous and maliciously spread false rumor. The Israel camp is known for negative campaigning and their lack of ethics. people who read your blog admire you and they might think that because you posted a story it must be true. I am absolutely positive that this libelous rumor has no truth to it what so ever.

Israel should be ashamed of himself for resorting to this type of negative campaigning. What does that say about the character of someone who wants to be Broward's top law enforcement officer. I would hope that you thoroughly vet this false rumor and hold the rumor mongers accountable.

08-06-2011, 01:59 PM
The fact that Scott Israel ran a desperate and unscrupulous campaign in 2008 isn't breaking news. The fact that he's doing it again is. I thought he would have been humbled by his loss and learned that people don't respond well to lies, false attacks, and dishonesty, but apparently you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

08-06-2011, 05:56 PM
If this is the best the Dem's can come up with they're in for a world of hurt. I bet Lamberti wins by 10 points if Israel gets the nomination again.

08-07-2011, 03:52 PM
Don't worry Israel will never win the primary again. All of his dirty laundry will haunt him forever. You have to be an idiot to go through this again with such a horrid reputation and record. He must like losing, he never comes out on top of anything, elections, chief's jobs, court cases, civil rights complaints against him etc.

Say No to ISRAEl. He still hasn't answered the questions!!!!