View Full Version : Granteed silence speaks volumes

07-19-2011, 05:48 AM
HOLLYWOOD City commissioners tentatively agreed Monday to let voters decide whether to reform employee pensions as part of an effort to close a $38 million budget gap.

After the unanimous votes — one pertaining to each of the city's three unions — a deep, loud chorus of "Shame, shame, shame on you," rang out from police and firefighters who had packed into City Hall.

Vice Mayor Patricia Assef said the city's state of financial urgency has forced some difficult and unpopular decisions. "Nobody wants to do this, but it's either this or how are we going to pay them?" she said.

The proposed pension changes are specific to each union, but each would increase retirement ages, eliminate cost of living adjustments, and alter the formulas that calculate pensions. For example, under the current plan, a general employee hired in 1996 who retires in 2021 would have received an annual pension of $45,000. Under the new plan, that employee would get $34,500 a year.

The reform would also eliminate the DROP plan — or Deferred Retirement Option Program — which allows long-time employees to defer retirement for a set period and "bank" retirement benefits they can later take in a lump sum.

"This is not reform of the pension, this is gutting of the pension," said Michael Braverman, attorney for the Police Benevolent Association.

Because the unions have not agreed to the changes, the city by law must put it to voters. So on Monday commissioners gave initial approval to spending $400,000 to put the item on a Sept. 13 ballot. If voters approve, that would allow the changes to go into effect Oct. 1, the beginning of the new budget year.

A final commission vote on the matter has not yet been scheduled in the hopes that the sides can come to an agreement.

Matthew Lalla, director of the Finance and Information Technology Department, projected pension reform would save the city $8.5 million. "That's a pretty substantial piece and we're definitely counting on it," he said.

Earlier this summer, commissioners laid off 16 city employees, slashed pay for most city workers by 7.5 percent, and cut salaries for police and firefighters by 12.5 percent.

If pension reform is not achieved, said interim City Manager Cathy Swanson-Rivenbark, the city would have to cut employee pay by an additional 25 percent, lay off 150 employees, cut and privatize services.

Ralph Dierks, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees said he believes commissioners are using financial urgency as a tool.

"I think the city commission and management is being driven by the ability to use financial urgency to make gains against the employees that they would never achieve through negotiations," he said.

Dan Martinez, president of Hollywood Professional Firefighters Local 13-75, said, "It needs to be negotiated amicably. It shouldn't be thrust into the public's hands to make this decision."

Painful as it is, mending the city's budget is critical, Mayor Peter Bober said.

"We're dealing with people's livelihoods, so I totally understand the anger and frustration,'' Bober said. "But I have to close a $38 million gap and there is no easy or pleasant way to do it."

Aug. 12 is the latest commissioners could cancel the election and not have to pay the total $400,000, though there would still be some costs for sending out absentee ballots, posting legal notices and training poll workers, said Mary Cooney, director of public services at the Broward Supervisor of Elections Office.

tealanez@tribune.com or 954-356-4542

07-19-2011, 06:26 AM
Silence? It is my understanding that Granteed is part of the same pension and a dues paying member of the PBA who is one of the unions fighting the pension changes. So Granteed is the ONLY dues paying member of the PBA just like he's the only lifelong Democrate in the Sheriff's race.

07-19-2011, 12:47 PM
Silence? It is my understanding that Granteed is part of the same pension and a dues paying member of the PBA who is one of the unions fighting the pension changes. So Granteed is the ONLY dues paying member of the PBA just like he's the only lifelong Democrate in the Sheriff's race.

If Granteed is still paying dues to the PBA even though they cant do anything for him, that shows he does back his guys. As a Deputy Chief the PBA can't do squat for him. They can use his money to fund other stuff for cops.

The interesting thing here is the cops and firemen were booing at the meeting. Who has the balls to do that at a Broward Commission meeting?

07-19-2011, 01:14 PM
Looks like Chief Granteed put his money where his mouth is. That does more talking than anything else.

07-19-2011, 03:56 PM
Looks like Chief Granteed put his money where his mouth is. That does more talking than anything else.

The Hollywood police Dept.,Firefighters and city employees have been under attack from the Hollywood City commissioners for months now and still no comment from Granteed.Earlier this summer commissioners laid off 16 city employees, slashed pay for most city workers by 7.5 percent, and cut salaries for police and firefighters by 12.5 percent.Now the Hollywood commissioners are attempting to gut the city's pension plans of its employees or threatening to cut salaries an additional 25%.There have been numerous stories written in the local news papers covering this subject.As a top administrator and Assistant Police Chief of Hollywood, Granteed has never once shown up at any of the commission meetings or been quoted in any of the News Papers speaking in defense of the men and women of Hollywood PD.As the Assistant Chief of Hollywood and a candidate for Sheriff you would think he would have been out defending the men and women of Hollywood from the beginning.His silence in this matter speaks volumes about the kind of leadership we could expect from Louis Granteed.IF HE IS TOO AFRAID TO FACE THE HOLLYWOOD CITY COMMISSIONERS,HOW COULD WE EVER EXPECT HIM TO STAND UP TO THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AS SHERIFF.

07-19-2011, 04:25 PM
Looks like Chief Granteed put his money where his mouth is. That does more talking than anything else.

The Hollywood police Dept.,Firefighters and city employees have been under attack from the Hollywood City commissioners for months now and still no comment from Granteed.Earlier this summer commissioners laid off 16 city employees, slashed pay for most city workers by 7.5 percent, and cut salaries for police and firefighters by 12.5 percent.Now the Hollywood commissioners are attempting to gut the city's pension plans of its employees or threatening to cut salaries an additional 25%.There have been numerous stories written in the local news papers covering this subject.As a top administrator and Assistant Police Chief of Hollywood, Granteed has never once shown up at any of the commission meetings or been quoted in any of the News Papers speaking in defense of the men and women of Hollywood PD.As the Assistant Chief of Hollywood and a candidate for Sheriff you would think he would have been out defending the men and women of Hollywood from the beginning.His silence in this matter speaks volumes about the kind of leadership we could expect from Louis Granteed.IF HE IS TOO AFRAID TO FACE THE HOLLYWOOD CITY COMMISSIONERS,HOW COULD WE EVER EXPECT HIM TO STAND UP TO THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AS SHERIFF.

Lamberti/Granteed for Sheriff 2012

07-19-2011, 04:37 PM
Once again, I want to state that I'm supporting Sheriff Lamberti all the way in his re-election bid in 2012!!!

Let me ask you this you green shirt wearing fools. What the hell does granteed have to do with the hollywood police contract? Make no bones about it, But I don't see the connection here.

I wish nothing but the worst on the rank and file of BSO. You sit in your tinted window units and blame everyone else for your lousy contract. You foolish morons had your contract gutted in 2008-2009 for an extra day of in service training and baseball caps. Lets continue;

**** and Jeff, your PBA leaders, got every thing they need to sail off in the sunset. That's hollywood police department's problem. What about the BSO pba board of directors you jerks voted in (or you probably didn't get involved because you were admiring your new green units). Look at all the benefits and privileges each one of them received on the backs of the general membership. I salute them though, they use you like a bunch of prostitutes and you sit there and do nothing.

Look at you pba attornies. Barbara and Claudia, YES CLAUDIA, will be working on your new contract, while your pba board of directors clean up in promotions, specialized units, and overtime.

I hope everyone of you take a trip to the emergency room this year. Because the sheriff already announced through the pba that there will be no medical increase. That's because of the 80-20 split you fools. When your children are eating cat food for dinner maybe you'll wake up. Nah, you wont.

Remember, wage freezes will continue. Step freezes will continue. You'll jerks that live outside the county will lose your take home units. The pba will continue to benefit from you fools. But look at the bright side;


VIVA SHERIFF LAMBERTI!!! 4 MORE YEARS!! 4 MORE YEARS!!! Don't forget to give your pba reps 2 hours of you annual leave time next month. :evil:

07-19-2011, 05:33 PM
It is becoming clearer and clearer that Israel and his friends have no idea about leadership,government or running a police organization. It gets clearer and clearer Granteed is the candidate to beat. Granteed has outstanding character and Israel doesn't. Israel isn't raising money or getting much support. Granteed is proving to be more than Israel and his criminal friends can handle. All Israel does is lie and talk shit about everyone all over town. It is clear Granteed is troubling him and his group. Keep doing what your doing Granteed, because the more they keep attacking you, the clearer it is that you are doing the right things. Also, everyone knows you stand up for your COPS and Civilians and nobody cares about the negative things being written or emailed about you because everyone knows how Israel and his friends are and what they are all about. There is nothing good going to.come out of Israel or his friends. The negative stuff being written by him is the best example of bad his poor leadership and character. Granteed in 2012.

07-19-2011, 05:48 PM
I'm loving this! Please guys, vote for nothing in this contract. Please? I want Lamberti to get another term so he can totally finish the demolition job. Way to go ball caps, hub caps, green shirts, tint, green and white paint....

07-19-2011, 08:07 PM
Yes, Lamberti for sheriff 2012! Let him finish what he started. The total demolition of BSO. No, we don't want Granretard or Israel. Heck no. We want Lamberti to finish the destruction. Hip hip hooray for Lamberti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-19-2011, 09:28 PM
It is becoming clearer and clearer that Israel and his friends have no idea about leadership,government or running a police organization. It gets clearer and clearer Granteed is the candidate to beat. Granteed has outstanding character and Israel doesn't. Israel isn't raising money or getting much support. Granteed is proving to be more than Israel and his criminal friends can handle. All Israel does is lie and talk shit about everyone all over town. It is clear Granteed is troubling him and his group. Keep doing what your doing Granteed, because the more they keep attacking you, the clearer it is that you are doing the right things. Also, everyone knows you stand up for your COPS and Civilians and nobody cares about the negative things being written or emailed about you because everyone knows how Israel and his friends are and what they are all about. There is nothing good going to.come out of Israel or his friends. The negative stuff being written by him is the best example of bad his poor leadership and character. Granteed in 2012.

Granteed who?

07-27-2011, 12:51 PM
Granteed and ALL the Majors, Asst. Chiefs and Chief in Hollywood remain members of the Broward PBA because the Broward PBA sets up a special account for them. Their "dues" go into an account and it's used for sending flowers, etc. for funerals, & other events from the "command staff." Linda B. is the extended secretary for HPD's Command Staff. Has nothing to do with "backs his guys", they simply can't open an account under the City rules- Remember, the BPBA was founded years ago by mostly Hollywood PD guys: Brickman, Bias, Frazier. Don't be disillusioned, Granteed supports Granteed and that's it.

07-27-2011, 07:15 PM
Granteed and ALL the Majors, Asst. Chiefs and Chief in Hollywood remain members of the Broward PBA because the Broward PBA sets up a special account for them. Their "dues" go into an account and it's used for sending flowers, etc. for funerals, & other events from the "command staff." Linda B. is the extended secretary for HPD's Command Staff. Has nothing to do with "backs his guys", they simply can't open an account under the City rules- Remember, the BPBA was founded years ago by mostly Hollywood PD guys: Brickman, Bias, Frazier. Don't be disillusioned, Granteed supports Granteed and that's it.

Granteed has been a member of the Broward County PBA for 29 years. You don't need anyone's permission to send flowers for funerals, births, weddings, etc. Give it a rest Israel.

07-27-2011, 08:28 PM
Granteed doesn't have to grand stand to fight for members. In Hollywood the PBA Members have always done very well with contracts, which means the Chief, Assistant Chiefs must have been in support and agreement with the PBA so that the members were treated right. That has always been the case in Hollywood. Granteed has been involved in negotiations for years and always supported the PBA and Hollywood COPs to get the best of everything. The person saying Granteed doesnt support his people and only worries about himself is lost in space. Granteed always supports his COP and Civilians. He is very well liked and Israel and his people can't handle it.

If you read the WPLG10 article written by Bob Norman, Granteed clearly states he is against layoff and against balancing budgets on the backs of employees and the employees of the BSO need someone like him to fight for them and if you have ever been around him, you would know he ABSOLUTELY WILL!!! Read the article and read the truth.

Granteed in 2012 for sure!!!! Israel Who!!!!!

07-28-2011, 12:17 AM
Granteed/Lamberti for sheriff 2012.

07-28-2011, 04:36 AM
Granteed and the Command Staff have made many sacrifices over the past five years for the Members of the Department to prosper. Over five years, two years no pay increase while the PBA Members did get raises etc. three years pay cuts so Members of the PBA and AFSCME can get a contract and raises. Silence speaks volumes. Granteed or any other Staff Members have never complained or fought their pay cuts because it was to benefit the PBA and AFSCME members in the Department. Silence speaks volumes. Granteed treats everyone with respect and is a trusted leader.

Granteed in 2012....

07-28-2011, 10:02 PM
You got the two names for the General Election right, except it will be Sheriff GRANTEED in 2012. Everyone knows Israel is cooked and cannot beat Granteed. Israel could never beat Lamberti, especially since Israel finally came clean and admitted faking being Jewish in 2008 and handling out the Israeli flags at the polls was shameful. Granteed is the only Democrat that can beat Lamberti. I would vote for Lamberti again before ever considering voting for Israel.


07-29-2011, 12:23 AM
Granteed who?

07-29-2011, 03:22 AM
You got the two names for the General Election right, except it will be Sheriff GRANTEED in 2012. Everyone knows Israel is cooked and cannot beat Granteed. Israel could never beat Lamberti, especially since Israel finally came clean and admitted faking being Jewish in 2008 and handling out the Israeli flags at the polls was shameful. Granteed is the only Democrat that can beat Lamberti. I would vote for Lamberti again before ever considering voting for Israel.


Would you vote for Rick Scott again as well?