View Full Version : Cop killer loose - I wanna do something about it

05-19-2011, 05:22 AM
The murderer of a member of my department got sentenced to life, but unfortunately life doesn't mean life. Now he is living free on 1.4 acres of land while the good man he killed is still dead and his four children who were under 12 turned out poorer because of his absence.

I want to do something about this. I have tracked down the daughter of his live-in partner and want to send her a set of newspaper clippings and court transcripts. I want to make sure she knows what kind of man her mother lives with. I am also thinking of sending the clippings to the local police, the local veterans club, etc. Just in case he is running around with some story about being in the military during those years no one saw him, or in case he has some story about a war injury for those wounds to his face.

Is there anything wrong with this plan? Does it break any mail laws or anything? I think about loved ones of mine who have mothers with men in their lives and would want those loved ones to know the truth about the men.

Life should mean life!

Bill Fyler
09-10-2011, 03:02 PM
There's nothing like a cop that follows and respects the law. If the stupid system has freed him, and YOU do not agree with the law, then YOU should do what YOU need to do. Damage this man further any way you can think of! YOU know he is not sorry, YOU know he will never repent, YOU know he is scum. YOU need to do what YOU KNOW to be RIGHT. Think hard man, MAYBE you can set him up and get him put back in prison. Get other members of YOUR department to join in and scare, harass, and intimidate him till he makes a mistake. THEN GET HIM GOOD. If you do it correctly, he won't need a trial, or prison, just a grave. GO DO YOUR LAWFUL DUTY.