View Full Version : Recent Emails Concerning the PBA

04-22-2011, 03:37 AM
I hope that most of you can see through this email barrage that we have received trying to discredit Cecil. Cecil, for most likely selfish reasons, is fighting for the average officer/dispatcher in this department. While the people that have been sending out emails, and most likely the ones agreeing with them, are doing so at the administrations orders. This is all orchestrated with #1 as the conductor. Baker is a total hypocrite expecting perfection with less pay and safety from you, while he has done criminal things in his past. Never trust that man, he would sell his soul for your ability to come home to your family every night at work. Please remember that last sentence every time you hear someone sticking up for him. They also will give up your life for a possibility of a promotion.

You hear all this talk about the way Cecil spends money. Whatever reasons they give, the money they are really talking about is the money being spent on lawyers for all these grievances. The city manager puts pressure on the chief, the chief puts pressure on his lackeys. This is how they respond. By trying to discredit him.

There are plenty of reasons to hate Cecil, however remember this. With Cecil we know what we get, and right now he is working at making this a better place for us to be at for whatever reason. While the Medico/Hoover faction will never look out for you. They will do everything they can to diminish the rank and file, while allowing the admin to do as they wish.

Two more things. For those that may place any trust at all in Medico remember what he did to Nava. He didn't like him and did everything he could to fire him. Where is he now? Well we know he's not here.

And Hoover? People under you may appreciate you, but the truth is we know your goals. You want a promotion. It's sad to see someone I respected become a willing puppet for the the administration goals. You really should be ashamed of yourself. When your family asks you what you did today,"Well honey, I did my best to make sure that Officers felt insecure in their jobs. Thankfully they now worry more about keeping the 'customer' happy, instead of seeing their wife/husband and children every night'." Of all the people that I now loathe you are by far the worst, because I thought you cared about us. Traitor.

04-22-2011, 04:45 AM
Don't you wonder why the wonder boys and girl are allowed to violate our own City Policy pertaining to the use of e mails for personal reasons? If that was anyone else we would get fired! I hope the PBA gets rid of Medico just Like Prince so we can have a union not a bunch of a''''' ki'''''''

04-22-2011, 04:50 AM
Sad to see others use thier rank to make sure they get what they want for #1. Then he protects them! We all hope the Baker boy is gone soon! He can leave today and no one would care! Just like he used Andy to get his job.

04-22-2011, 04:53 AM
Bakers house is falling down! and the few are trying to help! Kick the door in PBA and make us Proud!
I am sure Baker will get pissed off one night and beat up his new wife. Then we can call him Doug Peterson.

04-22-2011, 04:58 AM
Well I like so far what the PBA has done and Ceceil is there for us! we just nee to stick together and I am sure the PBA and C will take care of Medico.
I hope the Big boy C kicks his butt, That would be great! well the good thing he would not get fired.

Keep up the good work!

04-22-2011, 05:02 AM
As a FMPD employee I am embarrssed the way these so called Sgt's are acting. Hoover you have to be kidding! You are never here, either in training or using your sick kid as a reason to be away from work. And when you are here you are chasing down your employees on break or attacking the PBA.
Grow up and do your job!

04-22-2011, 05:35 AM
Direct File, you can say whatever you want to on here about officers and supervisors, but someone's family and their children are off limits. Talk bad about him or anyone all you want, but leave the family out of it. He, like any other father, would trade his life to ensure his children are healthy. You are ignorant, and need to apologize.

04-22-2011, 11:01 AM
Closed case. Looked at the time stamps and figured out the same person wrote all of these posts. Can I get on the station two list now?

04-22-2011, 01:47 PM
Closed case. Looked at the time stamps and figured out the same person wrote all of these posts. Can I get on the station two list now?

Is that seriously your rebuttal? Assuming that one person wrote all the posts so it must be BS. If this is the best argument that the whole Medico/Hoover faction can give than it's obvious we are right. I read those emails and I've learned what the real "transparency" in this department is. All those people that acted in concert with the emails, trying to sound like some anti-cecil chorus we all know what you are now. It's so obvious with the way you responded to the emails, you are the mouth pieces for the administration. Medico we know you never showed up to meetings. We know you don't care about us. We know that you're completely focused on yourself. And those of you that don't. Please educate yourself.

Let me just reiterate, though. Cecil is a slug, through and through. But right now it's apparent there are two camps. The Medico/Hoover faction taking orders from the administration, and the Cecil faction. Both choices are ugly, but you have to get in bed with one. And right now what is Cecil doing? Fighting for us. What has Medico done for Officers other than go after a cop that was trying to put a criminal in jail, and demand productivity to a level that it's unsafe for the people on his shift. And Hoover? Just doing his best to get that Lt spot when Mulligan, or Jelks retires.

All we want is to go home every night, and some consideration for the stress involved in our work place. Let us. Don't you owe us that?

04-22-2011, 03:31 PM
Don't forget to include that house cat sergeant who never leaves the station. He is the biggest company man of them all. Always spewing his propaganda to anyone that will listen, when he should be out there with his guys. Yeah I'm talking about the Supervisor of the year from behind a desk.

04-22-2011, 06:23 PM
Anytime I read something that MEDICO, PRINCE, GRUBER OR LANGTON support I have to take it with a grain of saly. As far as I am concerned Prince lost all credibility when she conducted bogus, AND I MEAN BOGUS, investigations. Medico was lost the day he was sworn in, Gruber well lets just say Gruber is just Gruber. He is easily influenced by any and all of the third floor. They are all self serving and just looking out for themselves.

04-22-2011, 09:09 PM
Bring back the retired supervisors who actually cared about the rank and file. The one's who would stick up for there people when they needed it. The one's who were not influenced by anyone when it came to the safty and respect of there shifts. Why are all the newer supervisors so about themselves? I hate this s*&t. I want to respect supervisors like I did in the past but can not find one to give the respect to. FMPD needs new leadership from the top down.. I hope the new chief comes from one of the reitred supervisors who actually cared.

04-23-2011, 03:58 AM
Vic and Sean what the hell are you whining about? You and the rest of the board members should already have a copy of the bylaws. You should have received a copy on the first day you served on the board. You are all a bunch of douche bags. Ruggio is laughing his a$$ off right now!! I don't give two shits what Cecil’s agenda is, knowing that admin has absolutely no control over PBA and seeing admin run ragged is more than I can ask for. :snicker: Cecil keep doing what you are doing.....this is some funny shitt. Baker.... why is it that no one has anything good to say about you. I just have to wonder if you actually encourage Daniels to stay away from Widman’s funeral so you can take all the credit. Daniels indeed received the entire wrath while you glorified yourself to win everyone’s approval. Daniels deserved what he got, but you, YOU ARE A SCOUNDREL!! You use people and then discard them when they are no use to you anymore! Your dirty little secrets continues… :twisted:

04-23-2011, 05:46 AM
Victor Needs to woory about what someone specical to him is doing over here with the SAO special unit guys. To bad he is worried about the little things, She is not.

04-23-2011, 05:49 AM
Wow looks like the Cape is board? Join the fun I am sure you know some stories about that Medicos you can share with us?
You are always Welcome over here.

04-23-2011, 05:59 AM
The worst one is the Blad headed drunk McCormick! What a joke, The last time I saw him he was so far up Medico is was sick. Get a life and a job Timmy. Or go have a drink with Chris. Too bad you did not get caught yet.
You will one day!

04-23-2011, 02:31 PM
Let me see, Prince,Medico and Hoover? I dont think so! You and your little party is over! No one trust you!