View Full Version : Pines DMS Copys get paid under table for software program

04-01-2011, 06:22 PM
Pines cops get paid under the table to get policedms.com program.

04-02-2011, 10:44 PM
You must get your facts straight, this is now the second post that your facts are a mess. If you work for a company, a private entity (DMS), and payment is made to same company, and you happen to work for same company and receive your portion,(partners get theirs) and you are a Pines cop; tell me where anyone is paid under the table.....again...idiot...get your facts straight before spreading your nonsense.

05-10-2011, 02:46 AM
Two words: Insider Trading

Even if what was done is not illegal, it sure smacks of opportunism on the backs of brother officers who gave up Arnetts salary for a year to get this program. Now put his .50 back in their pockets and crow about how you got them a dollar raise...

Every move is so choreographed the reps oughta be on DWTS!

06-10-2011, 05:03 AM
You must get your facts straight, this is now the second post that your facts are a mess. If you work for a company, a private entity (DMS), and payment is made to same company, and you happen to work for same company and receive your portion,(partners get theirs) and you are a Pines cop; tell me where anyone is paid under the table.....again...idiot...get your facts straight before spreading your nonsense.

Still way too many unanswered questions.

Who are these officers who got paid union money for this program?

What is the name of the company?

How much was paid for the program vs. how much had been collected?

Why is their so much deceit when simple questions are asked?

06-10-2011, 12:21 PM
What deceit? Have you asked anyone who would know the answers those specific questions? Just ask someone who would know (not a fellow conspiracy theorist) and they'll be answered. It's really not that difficult.

06-10-2011, 01:23 PM
What deceit? Have you asked anyone who would know the answers those specific questions? Just ask someone who would know (not a fellow conspiracy theorist) and they'll be answered. It's really not that difficult.

If only it were that easy Chris. Three different answers from three different people doesn't actually warrant a conspiracy theory, but it does raise questions.

Why don't you remove all doubt and answer the questions either here, or have the Union give a full accounting via email to the General Membership?

It's really not that difficult.

06-10-2011, 01:42 PM
Remove all doubt and answer the questions on an anonymous internet message board so that some disgruntled person can follow up with the typical anonymous response that accompanies all of these threads.

My phone is right here (I know you can't see but I'm holding it up) and I'm more than willing to field phone calls at any time.

06-11-2011, 11:34 AM
AF's explanation about the voting situation was so "enlightening", why don't you give it a shot explaining these questions in the same format. Doesn't have to be here, use the E-mail. I mean in the name of transparency and all, that shouldn't even be too difficult for you.

06-11-2011, 12:45 PM
If you were to pose the questions in that format they would be answered. As it is, I'm fairly certain the questions you are referring to were already answered over the e-mail system about a month ago when it was brought up there.

06-11-2011, 10:41 PM
If you were to pose the questions in that format they would be answered. As it is, I'm fairly certain the questions you are referring to were already answered over the e-mail system about a month ago when it was brought up there.

Evasiveness then deniability..."I'm fairly certain" means you really don't know. You're learning well my friend as you slob from the knob of perceived power. You sold your soul pretty quickly for an ex-vet. Mix the facts, point in another direction, claim to be for the people, then muddy the waters with irrelevancy as you slither away...yep, it's a well used script.

Good Luck.

06-12-2011, 04:21 AM
I don't have all the answers but I believe Anderson is the person that works for the DMS company, which is really hard to figure out the name, it's only written 100000 times on their software.....genius above.......let me clarify if your not smart enough to figure out the name of the company...D for detail M for management S for system...is that clear enough.....genius....I heard it cost about 20 grand...not sure about the monies but I will call one of the reps....what a novel idea....picking up the phone and actually calling the person who might have the answer...... soon as I find out from them I will post the answer.....unless you call first...but I doubt u will....

06-12-2011, 03:00 PM
I don't have all the answers but I believe Anderson is the person that works for the DMS company, which is really hard to figure out the name, it's only written 100000 times on their software.....genius above.......let me clarify if your not smart enough to figure out the name of the company...D for detail M for management S for system...is that clear enough.....genius....I heard it cost about 20 grand...not sure about the monies but I will call one of the reps....what a novel idea....picking up the phone and actually calling the person who might have the answer...... soon as I find out from them I will post the answer.....unless you call first...but I doubt u will....

Let me rephrase that last comment..."I don't have any answers, everything I just said is supposition, I really hope it's Tim or I just really screwed him, I didn't do any research before opening my pie hole, forget everything I said."

There, fixed it for you...genius.

Anyhow, that name and company name were well known, unfortunately an internet search for licensing through Broward County and the FL DBPR revealed nothing, no company owned or licensed under that name or individual. Just saying you're a company doesn't make it so. Admittedly the product is well done and has provided all of us little relief, but don't you think that things like this should be done a little more above board? After all it's your money that is being spent, they haven't stopped collecting said money, no one really knows how much was there or how much was spent (or at least they're not telling anyone openly) and last but not least this was a done deal before the program was ever written. Throwing members hard earned money around and not expect to give a full accountability as to where that money goes is wrong.

For a rep team that prides itself, truthfully or not, in being above the board about things, this seems to be an issue that gets skirted time and time again. Members have a right to know and should be told, they shouldn't have to beg for an accounting.

06-13-2011, 12:56 AM
Didn't Sgt A make about $40k a year doing the detail stuff? That seems like an awful lot of money for a program. And since it's paid for when do we start getting his fifty cents back in our checks, or will it become a forever thing like Turnpike Tolls?

Edited by Mod 461 - Let's leave full names out of the posts when possible. W

06-13-2011, 12:25 PM
Everyone got their .50 back already.

06-13-2011, 12:39 PM
Chris, you are wasting your energy....for the douche above that has no idea that the 50 cents has been given back to the officers since May 1 shows what you and the other reps are dealing with. That and asking what the name of the company is. I truly feel for you guys.

06-13-2011, 08:31 PM
Sgt. A was a huge waste of my detail money. Lets be real with ourselves. That scammer is one pos I am happy to have gone (and dont want back as an SRO). The program is a huge benifit, and I am glad my money went to someone in the PD and his family rather than some stanger. It has quick fixes when things go wrong and works fine. Much better than disappearing pages, pages out of order, oh and 20 person lines in the roll call room. Stop complaining and learn to write software and maybe Ill throw 50 cents your way some day, until then stop whinning like a child. Doooshe.

06-14-2011, 03:05 AM
Sgt. A was a huge waste of my detail money. Lets be real with ourselves. That scammer is one pos I am happy to have gone (and dont want back as an SRO). The program is a huge benifit, and I am glad my money went to someone in the PD and his family rather than some stanger. It has quick fixes when things go wrong and works fine. Much better than disappearing pages, pages out of order, oh and 20 person lines in the roll call room. Stop complaining and learn to write software and maybe Ill throw 50 cents your way some day, until then stop whinning like a child. Doooshe.

1. It has already been acknowledged as a benefit
2. The only complaint made is why their is no accounting for how the money was spent
3. Learn how to write in complete sentences, and spell check is definitely your friend you dipshit
4. If you're gonna call someone a "Dooshe", at least know how to spell it, DOUCHE
5. DMS doesn't exist in the business world, so you can call it what you want but it is not a company, LLC, DBA or an AKA for anything at all
6. I hope a 1099 is given to this non-existent business...Obama wants his piece too
7. Unemployment is at 9.1%, be thankful you have a job because you are stupid

06-15-2011, 02:03 AM
To the above DOUCHE ! I made some phone calls like a man, not a wimp who ONLY speaks nonsense on a computer, without attempting to find facts. The non- existent company is Police DMS LLC...a simple phone call to TA was all it took. Amazing! He also advised that Homestead just signed them to do their details as well, and possibly Hallandale as well. I wonder if they ***** and moan when something positive is acquired. I will call a REP tomorrow to get an account balance etc....since apparently you are not capable of using a phone. Or more likely a coward.

06-16-2011, 12:22 AM
Still waiting...

Will the Reps tell you the truth? You decide that.

06-17-2011, 01:31 AM
You should change your name to DOUCHE-spelled correctly, of course, or COWARD because you refuse to call a rep on your own. First off, there was an email that AF sent out explaining in detail-no pun intended the following: I am going to use approx. because the net number continues to change due to costs. There was approx 30000 in the account--the program, which was a shady deal to company that doesn't exist, like I said the sooner you change your name to DOUCHE the better cost approx 18000. That left 12000 in the account. Third party server which costs approx 160 monthly...before you get your panties in a bunch..it's godaddy.com..google it...it's a real company. The PBA has spent approx 1500 to tweek the system as SW will tell you. That leaves approx 10000 in the account. The 160 monthly is not going away, so it will be paid out of the account up until the account runs dry...as well as program problems that have taken place...especially on the payroll side, which is taking time. I was told that hopefully if any monies are left, direct deposit will be instituted. I am sure you will find something to STILL ***** about, it's all a conspiracy involving hidden money and secret deals....were you on the committe that chose which company to go with.....DOUCHE

06-17-2011, 02:12 AM
See, now how hard was that Trunkmonkey?

Thanks for wastin' your time. You got pwned.

06-18-2011, 12:01 AM
Nice copout...and change your name from guest to DOUCHE already DOUCHE....and I would prefer rich trunk monkey seeing that I am just about retired.....and have plenty of time with my nice pension that you cant shake a stick at......hmmmmmm..yep I think will stay on as a.......u got it an SRO now that we voted for that as well!!!!!! I will wait for your next ***** moan or complaint so I can smack down more of your nonsense....DOUCHE !,,,

06-18-2011, 04:11 AM
Ha!, If you only knew, $%*%-in-the-mouth.

Now get back out there and handle my calls trunkmonkey!