View Full Version : FOP PRESIDENT MIA

03-16-2011, 04:33 PM
When was the last time our distinguished President of the FOP Sgt Armando Aguillar addressed the troops in email or in person at roll call? I understand we have monthly meetings, but many have to work and can not attend. Why is it that the V Pres does ALL the communicating? Lack of communication is ALWAYS a sure sign of problems. With all due respect Mr President many of us feel a disconnect because of your lack of communication.
Have you lost interest? Do not become offended, it's just business. We need to hear more from you and less from your subordinates.

Otherwise perhaps you should resign.

03-16-2011, 04:38 PM
When was the last time you saw any of them at a roll call ??? thats right no elections are coming just paycuts and dishonesty.