View Full Version : Chief Doug Baker's Dirty Little Secrets

03-15-2011, 06:56 PM
Vs. CASE NO. I95-1955-CA-HES

The Respondent/Wife, Dana M. Baker, by and through her undersigned attorney, hereby files this motion for Emergency Hearing and says:
1. On or about March 13, 1995, the Husband filed a petition for injunction for protection Against Domestic Violence against the Wife.
2. Approximately one week earlier, the Wife had filed a similar Petition.
3. Prior to an Order being entered on the Wife’s Petition the Husband talked her out of her filing.
4. The Husband is a detective with the Fort Myers Police Department. The Husband failed to indicate his profession in his Petition.
5. The Wife is a full time home maker and mother who has dedicated her life to raising her children.
6. The Wife has no job and no income.
7. The Husband has been abusive to the Wife for quite some time. At one point, his violence was so severe as to cause the Wife to miscarry a child.

18. The Husband has been financially abusing the wife by directing her to write out checks to pay the household bills then threatening to refuse to deposit his payroll into the joint account, thereby creating the “Worthless Check” problem he described in his Petition.
19. The Wife has been a full time mother for eight years with the Husband’s approval; it is only now that she desires a divorce that he is accusing her of child abuse.
20. The Wife is very naïve and has been emotionally battered that she has been unable to separate herself from him.
21. The Husband has used his knowledge of the courts to manipulate the system by playing the “First to the Courthouse Wins” game. He talked the Wife out of filing her valid Petition so that he could obtain one against her.
22. The Husband had the Wife arrested on an allegedly valid warrant from 1986 almost simultaneously with the service of the injunction. He abused his authority as a police officer to continue to abuse his wife.
23. With regard to the specific allegations of the Husband’s Petition:

A. The Parties jointly applied for all their credit cards;
B. The Wife’s friend gave the Husband the information regarding the drug dealer in order to have the dealer arrested;
C. The Husband recommended the Wife see Dr. Williams. The Husband advised the Wife to use an alias because the doctor was under investigation for improper dispensing of medication.
D. Approximately three years ago the parties son ran in front of a car at Burger King, the Wife reacted as any normal parent would and swatted his bottom. The driver of the car called HRS. The incident was determined to be unfounded.

24. The Husband has been routinely physically abusing the Wife since the first month the parties were married. The Wife was pregnant at the time of marriage. Approximately one month after the parties married he threw her against the stove in their apartment.

25. The Wife has attempted to lock the Husband out when he becomes violent. On approximately five occasions he has broken the door in to get to the Wife.

27. Approximately three years ago, the Husband became so violent that he left marks on the Wife as well as loosened one of the Wife’s teeth. The Wife’s sister saw the resulting injuries, and they were also seen by a friend of the Wife’s.

28. The Husband became remorseful as a result of his actions that he wrote the Wife an apology letter admitting his physical violence. A copy of said letter is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

29. Approximately one year ago, the Wife’s grandmother, Margaret Montalto, witnessed the Husband put the Wife in a choke hold.

If you want to see more of Chief Baker's Dirty LIttle Secrets copy and paste:


To your Internet Explorer's address bar and enjoy the plethora of information that Chief Half-Baked doesn't want you to see or know about..

Thank you again. Please enjoy the show..

Team Whistle-Blowers and the CRC

04-20-2011, 12:23 PM
And the story does not end there. After 16 years of mental abuse by this man, I believe its time for me to come out and tell my story. And the way he has taught his 3 kids to be so fearful and intimidated by him is unbelievable....How he see his children struggle and barely slide by financially. How he refuses to pay for his children's college. And how he has paid very little child support to raise these children, as compared to what should have been paid. And this is the man who preaches about how important family values are to him?

Stay tuned...more to come!
The ex....

04-21-2011, 04:46 PM
And the story does not end there. After 16 years of mental abuse by this man, I believe its time for me to come out and tell my story. And the way he has taught his 3 kids to be so fearful and intimidated by him is unbelievable....How he see his children struggle and barely slide by financially. How he refuses to pay for his children's college. And how he has paid very little child support to raise these children, as compared to what should have been paid. And this is the man who preaches about how important family values are to him?

Stay tuned...more to come!
The ex....

The ex should contact Joe Martinez at: joenyani@gmail.com or (239)344-6257