View Full Version : Special Thanks!

03-09-2011, 04:46 AM
Special thanks to you idiots who voted for scott that work for our agency. Hope you guys are the first one's up for working the weekend and midnights. We warned you. You treated us like we were dummys during the election. Now, you act surprised about all that he is doing. Do us a favor, stay home next time election comes around. You idiots will more than likely vote for him again.

03-09-2011, 05:31 AM
Special thanks to you idiots who voted for scott that work for our agency. Hope you guys are the first one's up for working the weekend and midnights. We warned you. You treated us like we were dummys during the election. Now, you act surprised about all that he is doing. Do us a favor, stay home next time election comes around. You idiots will more than likely vote for him again.

Agreed! Good post!

03-11-2011, 05:27 PM
Special thanks to you idiots who voted for scott that work for our agency. Hope you guys are the first one's up for working the weekend and midnights. We warned you. You treated us like we were dummys during the election. Now, you act surprised about all that he is doing. Do us a favor, stay home next time election comes around. You idiots will more than likely vote for him again.

The only idiots are the ones who think that Scott has any control over our future! Our senate and house have a super majority and can pass or not pass anything they want regardless of what the governor wants. The pension and retirement reform were coming regardless of who the governor is and the merger would have come up again as well. Stop your sissy whining about having to work weekends and midnights and be happy you have a job. Get over it, what's done is done. It's time to move on and make the most of what we will have when the smoke settles. If you don't want to work weekends, midnights and crashes, then get out right now. If you stay, then shut up and do your job. By the way tumtaker, I, unfortunately, voted for Scott but I'm up for working weekends and midnights. I like having a job. See you there.

03-16-2011, 04:11 AM
Well spoken there Midnight rider, sounds just like a Scott voter! LOL...Guess your a new guy. So i want be rude. Alot of us came here for the schedule. If we wanted to work weekends and midnights we would became troopers. Unlike you , I guess you were passed up by the patrol. Guess, what your gonna get your fantasy! see you there........Maybe I will be your supervisor and make sure you work those nights and weekends. DUMMY :devil:

03-18-2011, 12:53 AM
Well spoken there Midnight rider, sounds just like a Scott voter! LOL...Guess your a new guy. So i want be rude. Alot of us came here for the schedule. If we wanted to work weekends and midnights we would became troopers. Unlike you , I guess you were passed up by the patrol. Guess, what your gonna get your fantasy! see you there........Maybe I will be your supervisor and make sure you work those nights and weekends. DUMMY :devil:

This doesn't sound like a post that a sergeant would put on here, so you better get promoted before July 1 or you'll be what's known as a "legacy DOT/MCC officer" and a career slick sleeve. Actually FHP will give you some private stripes!

03-26-2011, 12:34 AM
a dream

http://www.thepetitionsite.com/2/recall ... scott-now/ (http://www.thepetitionsite.com/2/recall-governor-rick-scott-now/)