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View Full Version : Protest King Scott

03-04-2011, 04:27 AM
Governor Scott (King Scott) only understands economics and it’s economical for him to screw government and county employees. He wants to bend over State Law Enforcement, County Law Enforcement, Firefighters, Teachers, and everyone else he can pick on. King Scott is no different than a baby rapist. He picks on the people who are defense less and really can’t fight back. So the only thing I can come up with other than contacting your legislator is not do business with any business who supports or voted for King Scott. Do not buy products and tell the owners why you won’t do business with them. Do not send tourist to the business. As much as I’m for mom and pop businesses and family owned businesses, take your money elsewhere if they support King Scott. Send a message to businesses that if King Scott does anything to our retirement, income, health insurance, or picks on the retiree’s they lose too. Ask them to put signs in their windows that they don’t support King Scott’s proposals or actions. King Scott owns pharmacies and other business don’t do business with them. Law enforcement we deal with people everyday tell tourist to go to other states till King Scott leaves office. Protest against King Scott anyway we can and word of mouth works.