View Full Version : John

02-12-2011, 08:45 PM
Hey John, congratulations on making the agency look like fools AGAIN!!!!! Knowing you the way I do, I'm sure the wheels are in motion. And so I don't have to add another post, 90 percent of the rank and file support you and your buddy. 800-200. Remember that!!!!! PS. Tell Russ to dig a little,he will be amazed at what he finds.

02-12-2011, 08:52 PM
Not quite cool aid drinker. Most of us think he is a useless tool like yourself. Just go away and make trouble for some other agency.

02-12-2011, 10:02 PM
1000 hours of donated sick time when John was injured. So much for no one liking him. I donated 15 hours and proud of it. Big supporter. Gooooooo Johny Goooo!!!!!!!

02-12-2011, 10:29 PM
Hey John, congratulations on making the agency look like fools AGAIN!!!!! Knowing you the way I do, I'm sure the wheels are in motion. And so I don't have to add another post, 90 percent of the rank and file support you and your buddy. 800-200. Remember that!!!!! PS. Tell Russ to dig a little,he will be amazed at what he finds.

Bailen reinstated? Cool. This agency is gonna go broke on lawsuits against them!

02-13-2011, 03:36 AM
All of these people that did Jon and Russ wrong will have to paint lamb's blood over there doors. The Angel of Death is coming soon. You can believe that.

02-13-2011, 03:38 AM
What to go Teflon John your the best. The guys pushing the green and whites love what you stand for. Keep up the good work and remember the brass can't sleep at night knowing you are still here. :)

02-13-2011, 03:39 AM
Hey John, congratulations on making the agency look like fools AGAIN!!!!! Knowing you the way I do, I'm sure the wheels are in motion. And so I don't have to add another post, 90 percent of the rank and file support you and your buddy. 800-200. Remember that!!!!! PS. Tell Russ to dig a little,he will be amazed at what he finds.

First of all, if you know JON very well you would've spelled his first name correctly. You are probably a fraud that is posting bull crap here. Just go away and forget it.

02-13-2011, 03:43 AM
Stop it, we can easily see that you are the same person using different screen names to give the false appearance that people actually support Bailen. Nobody really cares about him, so get over yourself and stop posting under different names. Go back to work if you actually have a job!

02-13-2011, 05:32 AM
Stop it, we can easily see that you are the same person using different screen names to give the false appearance that people actually support Bailen. Nobody really cares about him, so get over yourself and stop posting under different names. Go back to work if you actually have a job!
You must be one of the Deputies that nobody likes. Bro look in the mirror and what do you see LOOSER. :shock: :shock:

02-13-2011, 05:38 AM
Hey johny, 21-months baby.

02-13-2011, 11:10 AM
I was onlyyyyy tryinggg to get aheaddd, but the spot light makes me nervous. You put the tea in the kettle and light it... :devil: Go JJJJJJJBBBBBBBB


02-15-2011, 03:00 AM
I was onlyyyyy tryinggg to get aheaddd, but the spot light makes me nervous. You put the tea in the kettle and light it... :devil: Go JJJJJJJBBBBBBBB

Hey jonny boy, it feels like yesterday when you and your buddy were telling us Lamberti would be a failure. If I were you I would be gloating!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya bro. 21-months.

02-15-2011, 05:24 AM
:devil: Johny B for SHERIFF! :devil: I LOVE YOU, JB. Don't listen to these people, just put the tea in the kettle then light it. :devil: :devil: :devil:

"I was only trying to get ahead, but the spot light makes me nervous. I guess I'm working in a circus."

02-15-2011, 05:17 PM
All the negative posts are always removed.

02-15-2011, 05:33 PM
All the negative posts on Rat Boy are always removed.
If jonny boy is a rat because of his roll in bring down this sheriff,than please, I want to be called a rat-boy. Go,go jonny go.

02-16-2011, 07:04 AM
Gooooo JJJBBBB GOOOOOOOOO :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

02-16-2011, 07:54 PM
We love you Johnny! :cop: :snicker:

02-16-2011, 08:03 PM
What ever happen to Art Santucci, we don't here about him anymore along with Dave Benjiman. Hey Jon, do you know? Ha ha. You and your bro have reeked more havoc on evil than I have ever seen. Oh yea, your a rat. 21-months! P.S heard your boy landed on his feet big-time.

02-17-2011, 12:13 AM
January 1,2009 Benji,Wheeler and the boys were having a great time at the Bova with good eats,drinks and girls. They also were strong politically and able to hurt anyone at anytime. J.B, you have done the unthinkable, you have made the command staff at BSO look like a bow and arrow tribe fighting against a modern day army. The future is looking good.

02-17-2011, 12:23 AM
January 1,2009 Benji,Wheeler and the boys were having a great time at the Bova with good eats,drinks and girls. They also were strong politically and able to hurt anyone at anytime. J.B, you have done the unthinkable, you have made the command staff at BSO look like a bow and arrow tribe fighting against a modern day army. The future is looking good.

It's obvious all these posts are the same person. JB????? Notice no one else but you is posting any kudos here.

02-17-2011, 12:37 AM
I love it, not disbuting the facts but launching attacks. And you my friend must be from the command staff. lol lol lol lol lol.

02-17-2011, 01:31 AM
There are some serious issues with the sheirff's office, which often find there way to the interanl affairs office. Here is what I have to say about JB. Brother, I work in here. I've seen you come in several times, and I must confess to you that the people here aren't your best supporters. Call me one of them if you want, but I see your fight, I know what your fighting for, and that my friend I respect. You frighten them... When they know your coming, they freak out! JB, I'll greet you one day; I hope its soon.

I'll hit you up in Leo big boy. My regards to you, JB. Keep it coming!

P.s. GO JB GO! lol

02-17-2011, 02:50 PM

02-17-2011, 03:09 PM
JB, why don't you run for Sheriff? Bump up

02-18-2011, 05:43 PM
Hey Jon, I heard what your buddy is doing, can't wait to read about it. you guys are the best. And what's so great about it? they can't do anything to him. I'm laughing my a** off with plesure as I right this.

02-18-2011, 10:52 PM
Hey Mod be fair stop deleting most of the negative comments.

02-18-2011, 11:07 PM
Hey Jon, I heard what your buddy is doing, can't wait to read about it. you guys are the best. And what's so great about it? they can't do anything to him. I'm laughing my a** off with plesure as I right this.
The entire blog is still coming from the same IPS........LOL......no support here except from your alter-ego

02-19-2011, 06:55 PM
Hey Jon, I heard what your buddy is doing, can't wait to read about it. you guys are the best. And what's so great about it? they can't do anything to him. I'm laughing my a** off with plesure as I right this.
The entire blog is still coming from the same IPS........LOL......no support here except from your alter-ego

plesure???? PLEASURE

right????? WRITE

Obviously JB. you have idiots following you..... Sorry bro and congrats!

02-21-2011, 01:05 PM
Hey Jon, I heard what your buddy is doing, can't wait to read about it. you guys are the best. And what's so great about it? they can't do anything to him. I'm laughing my a** off with plesure as I right this.
The entire blog is still coming from the same IPS........LOL......no support here except from your alter-ego
Not my alter-ego, Jonny boy, you and your buddy are the best. I heard the same thing,can't wait to read about it. Lot a people getting nervous, 21-months.

02-21-2011, 02:39 PM
[quote="Enjoying The Show":3shu520u]Hey Jon, I heard what your buddy is doing, can't wait to read about it. you guys are the best. And what's so great about it? they can't do anything to him. I'm laughing my a** off with plesure as I right this.
The entire blog is still coming from the same IPS........LOL......no support here except from your alter-ego
Not my alter-ego, Jonny boy, you and your buddy are the best. I heard the same thing,can't wait to read about it. Lot a people getting nervous, 21-months.[/quote:3shu520u]

[b]Lameberti won't be able to hold on for 21 months. Mark my words. If he's smart he'll resign.

02-22-2011, 01:07 PM
Hey Jon,you must have something on these guys,I can't see the command staff sitting around the table saying "you know,Jon Bailen is a pretty good guy,let's clear him of all charges" Check out Jim Murry's arbitration and IA Sgt Mary G. testimony! Hey RD don't procrastinate! P.S great debate your father and James Baker against that college faculty, they cleaned their clock!

02-23-2011, 03:13 PM
[quote="Enjoying The Show":1cvc3nzd]Hey Jon, I heard what your buddy is doing, can't wait to read about it. you guys are the best. And what's so great about it? they can't do anything to him. I'm laughing my a** off with plesure as I right this.
The entire blog is still coming from the same IPS........LOL......no support here except from your alter-ego
Not my alter-ego, Jonny boy, you and your buddy are the best. I heard the same thing,can't wait to read about it. Lot a people getting nervous, 21-months.[/quote:1cvc3nzd]

Hey Jon, I've been around a while and I don't know you by sight but have heard of you and your situation. I feel that you did get screwed as well as RD....for political reasons,,, maybe and probably. How about this...instead of coming back with a vengance and hurting those that hurt you guys...how about coming back with whoever you align yourself with, making the agency better and stronger and more legitimate than ever. That way we can have "Pride and Integrity"! If you come back and fire everyone you don't like and hurt whoever did you wrong then you would be no better than the idiots who screwed you guys in the first place. That would speak bunches for everyone that comes in and would make this place alot better. Not saying some people shouldnt get moved but lets stop all the freaken head hunting. I've seeen it through my whole career and its been the same thing every 4 years! Good Luck!

02-23-2011, 06:42 PM
Come on now,just because they were the biggest SI supperters and within 10 days after the election they were both brought up on charges, doesn't mean it was political. Haha. It's great to here RD has such a great sense of humor about it. He's the happiest fired guy I know.

02-23-2011, 07:20 PM
let the a##kissing commence...all you taters think jumping on the bandwagon to these other knuckleheads is the answer..the place will never straighten out.......dummies

02-23-2011, 08:24 PM
No azzkissing going on here....its jerkoffs like you that continue to go to work everyday with your head in the sand thinking BSO is the greatest show on earth. It's not...it's a an absolute disgrace what the Sheriff did to JB and RD and others that were part of the SI campaign run in 2008. lamberti is a failed experiment and I'm not an SI supporter at all. I have a lot of questions about him as well (If he decides to run again?). But to go after these guys on a political withchunt was completely unjustified.

02-24-2011, 02:03 PM
[quote=Guest][quote="Enjoying The Show":3g3p7g7k]Hey Jon, I heard what your buddy is doing, can't wait to read about it. you guys are the best. And what's so great about it? they can't do anything to him. I'm laughing my a** off with plesure as I right this.
The entire blog is still coming from the same IPS........LOL......no support here except from your alter-ego
Not my alter-ego, Jonny boy, you and your buddy are the best. I heard the same thing,can't wait to read about it. Lot a people getting nervous, 21-months.[/quote:3g3p7g7k]

Hey Jon, I've been around a while and I don't know you by sight but have heard of you and your situation. I feel that you did get screwed as well as RD....for political reasons,,, maybe and probably. How about this...instead of coming back with a vengance and hurting those that hurt you guys...how about coming back with whoever you align yourself with, making the agency better and stronger and more legitimate than ever. That way we can have "Pride and Integrity"! If you come back and fire everyone you don't like and hurt whoever did you wrong then you would be no better than the idiots who screwed you guys in the first place. That would speak bunches for everyone that comes in and would make this place alot better. Not saying some people shouldnt get moved but lets stop all the freaken head hunting. I've seeen it through my whole career and its been the same thing every 4 years! Good Luck![/quote:3g3p7g7k]

The cancer needs to be cut out completely. There is no other way to stop these attacks on people. The offending parties need to go, it's that simple.

02-24-2011, 04:23 PM
oh boo hoo,,,as much as i do feel bad for the guys that obviously got screwed, when you play politics, you almost always get burned. do your job, stay out of trouble and use common sense and you will have a long career and enjoy your retirement as i do. i still have many friends there and i too am not to thrilled with the current administration but continuing to align with clowns will not fix the issues. there will always be individuals that capitalize on their connections, that will never change but the best sheriffs have always been the best connected and most informed "politicians". as much as we have all hoped in the past for one of our own ( thru the ranks, ex cops etc..) we see how thats turned out. if these guys got screwed then i hope they get their jobs, back pay etc.... but to think they are coming back and going to look after your best interest, then you truly are a d-bag. be happy you have a job, now shut up and go back to work.

02-24-2011, 08:47 PM
The last post says it all. With the attitude that is being convayed by this deputy, you will never get get or see change. Our laws allow us to participate in politics.

02-25-2011, 09:48 PM
Hey JB,RD, I can't believe it was you guys who brought Al's son to the Super Bowl, and got him in with false documentation. Well, I'm reading the blogs and you guys seem to be getting blamed for the scandel. The heat is on. Hey Al, welcome to politics, your in now.

02-26-2011, 09:58 PM
You guys are leading the revolution and the movement is growing. Al is blaming politics,or is it the fact that he got caught?RD,JB, keep the movement alive.

02-26-2011, 10:55 PM
Enough already abiout J>B> and R>D> all the true negative posts are deleted within mins of posting.

02-28-2011, 03:44 PM
Hey JB,RD, isn't great when Al uses the system to attack you guys and says you guys did something wrong,but now the system is investigating him and it's a political witch hunt and the media's falt. Ha Ha Al, can't have it both ways.

02-28-2011, 05:11 PM
Hey JB,RD, isn't great when Al uses the system to attack you guys and says you guys did something wrong,but now the system is investigating him and it's a political witch hunt and the media's falt. Ha Ha Al, can't have it both ways.

In words Al can understand, you can't ride the horse on both ends!

02-28-2011, 10:01 PM
All of John supporters should erect a statue of John.

02-28-2011, 11:14 PM
Hey JB,RD, isn't great when Al uses the system to attack you guys and says you guys did something wrong,but now the system is investigating him and it's a political witch hunt and the media's falt. Ha Ha Al, can't have it both ways.
Another JB post....give it up....we know its you doing all the blogging here

03-01-2011, 05:47 PM

03-01-2011, 06:28 PM

and then what?

03-01-2011, 06:36 PM

and then what?

You know. A new sheriff we can be proud of.

03-03-2011, 01:18 AM
JB, please tell us what you have on these people. I would love to read your case file. If this guy has his people including himself lie on official records, imagine what he had them do in your case. and RD.

03-03-2011, 02:13 AM
JB, please tell us what you have on these people. I would love to read your case file. If this guy has his people including himself lie on official records, imagine what he had them do in your case. and RD.
Oh please, JB tell us what you know...you are my god!!! LOL....get a life you losers! I mean JB!!! Again you are still the only one posting here....LOL

03-16-2011, 09:19 AM
No its called double dipping from New York Pension.
It's called having a very relaxing life with his family.
By the way this not JB.

03-17-2011, 01:08 AM
Just goes to show you how much BSO is a rat filled cest pool....come and go as you please, John. The last thing they want is for you to leak anything more to FDLE or the State Attorney's office. You get a bunch of Lamdirti kiss asses on here always trying to argue how great this jerkoff Sheriff is....its like winning the special olympics for them. Let them talk their BS. 19 more months will be here before you know it.

03-17-2011, 03:58 AM
Go JB GOOOO! Your my hero, brother... It's time for Lamdirty to listen to the Bronx doorbell... :devil: :devil: :devil:


Hit me up on LEO, kid. :D

03-17-2011, 04:34 AM
Why Jon Bailen is so dangerous? First, the people that don't like him, despise him and they are the minority. But Jon is like Mariano Rivera from the New York Yankees, he only has one pitch and everyone knows what it is, but know one can beat him. And this is his pitch. He has a preemptive approach towards everything. While the scholars on the 5th floor try to get him, he has already got something on them. And when he puts something together, be assured it is well documented and full of surprises. Here at BSO they make it easy for Jon. Jon was exonerated of all charges a few weeks ago. Do you think he walked away saying to himself "okay, they will leave me alone now." No, he got the copying machine going and started to put together his next preemptive move. Love em or hate em, With Jon, it's always the bottom of the ninth with a one run lead and Jon (Mariano Rivera) is on the mound!

03-17-2011, 05:02 AM
I wonder if Lamdirty can hit that fastball? Batter, Batter, Batter, baatter, come onnnnnnnn....

Hey, JB. Can you pitch a sinker? :devil: GO JBBB GOOO

03-17-2011, 08:25 PM
One question.....If Jon is so well liked and he is a hero or icon amongst the employees of BSO, then why are there so few posts about this guy when everyone knows about this web site and everyone talks about it at one time or another if not all the time???

Fact.....There are about 6,500 employees within BSO and an approximate 1,700 just in the Department of Law Enfprcement!

You do the math.....About 6,500 employees (or 1,700.....which ever you prefer to use) compared to the number of posts on this thread.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, get the picture?

Can you see the forest through the trees?

It was just a question.....some food for thought.

In my opinion, if Jon was such a hero, this thread would be bombarded with posts cheering Jon on.

I think there would be a parade honoring Jon's victory and return to the sheriff's office.

Sistrunk Blvd would be shut down for Jon and his few underlings as Jon's underlings parade along Sistrunk Blvd joining close together holding Jon high above their heads like he just scored a touchdown for his team in the last few seconds of the game winning the Superbowl!!!

6,500 (or 1,700.....whichever you prefer) would line both sidewalks of Sistrunk Blvd cheering for Jon with the song "Eye of The Tiger" blairing from speakers as tall as one of the ragged shacks along Sistrunk Blvd that some would call a home.

Nah, really don't see it happening!!!

I think Jon is liked by the minority of the sheriff's office. The lazy, crying, why can't I have it my way mal-contents.

One day, Jon and his few others will get their wish.....Lamberti out and their "Chosen One" in!

But, I believe they will all be in for a surprise when their "Chosen One" does not come through with the promises made to Jon and his few underlings!!!

Then what, it is time to dig up dirt on the "Chosen One" add some water to it and throw mud in the "Chosen One's" direction and smear the "Chosen One" in the eyes of the agency and the public.

In the meantime, Jon and his underlings will latch onto another possible candidate for sheriff and boast this new "Chosen One" is the answer.

I have an idea.....Why doesn"t Jon and his few (5) underlings get with the program and do the job they are paid to do while they are at work instead of politicing to oust Sheriff Lamberti and elect or find a new sheriff!!!

This county would be much safer if Jon and his underlings used their energy in a positive way. You see, if you use your energy to jail criminals the end will result will be fewer criminals on the streets to commit crimes; therefore, you will have more time to goof off at work.

Sounds a lot easier than making up crap about the Sheriff or making something of nothing.

Like Jon and his underlings are squeaky clean.

What Jon and his underlings want to do is exactly what this and every other Sheriff has done....."Changing of The Guard", which is remove Sheriff Lamberti's people from positions and insert your (Jon's or the new "Chosen One's) freinds, buddies and people you owe and then the people that deserve it!

Thus, the same thing that has gone on since the position of Sheriff began.

It is a way of life.

Except, I know Jon.

I worked with him.

I saw what he does and what he doesn"t do.

And, I saw that he does nothing and that he doesn't do anything.

All Jon wants to do is be in a position of power or a position in which he does nothing.....or both!

Like.....A Major in charge of the Broom Closet!!!

He has power, gets paid well and doesn't do a damn thing!!!

Now, that's the Jon I know !!!

Jon's underlings (or followers because they can not lead themselves to their own victory) are no different than Jon!!!

Jon got what he deserved and it should be alesson learned.

Jon may win the little battles here and there, but he will lose the war!!!

What a prise BSO has!

Well, I had enough fun and entertainment with this and I refuse to spend any more time on it.

To all my LEO freinds that are like me and know who I am.....let's continue to show Jon and his underlings that doing your job and keeping your head out of politics is the best policy. Do what your paid to do.....protect and serve.

Let the politicians politic and let the crime fighters fight crime.

Jon, you are out of your league and it is about time that you realize you have no real support other than a few mal-contents and the outsiders that listen to the poison you inject in their ears with your sharp tongue!

By the way Jon, I left your personal life and family out of this because I strongly feel your personal life and your family are off limits.

Everyone take care and be safe,

Absolutely Amazing

03-18-2011, 05:44 PM
Screw, JB. I want to be the Major in charge of the broom room. Is their an opening for that? Or, wait... What about a Major in charge of the PSB gym? I will love to do that... :devil: :devil:

03-21-2011, 02:39 AM
Nice Try "Absolutely Amazed" you P.O.S I worked with Jon also on the real job and he is a hero and did more work in the real department then you ever did wearing your green and white parks department uniform. Keep up the good work Jon you will always be blue!

03-21-2011, 03:34 AM
I'm retired MOS (NYPD) and I worked with Bailen in the 32pct for a few years. He was the best delegate one could ask for and a teriffic cop. Before the knee and hip replacements he was practically the lead PT instructor in the NYPD academy from 1998/2000. 2000 recruits running around that god forsaken gym and along the East River in the winter being lead by JB....hard to believe but true. Hey John "you wanna go to Cabrini" LOL. I heard your were having some problems with that corrupt Sheriff at BSO. Keep sticking it to him every chance you get. You drove the bosses in Manhattan North crazy and I hear your doing the same at BSO. Keep up the good work, brother.

03-22-2011, 12:05 AM
20 months and another Sheriff Lamberti victory. Then its Miller Time. That should shut you New York lossers up fo another few months.

03-22-2011, 12:57 AM
I'm retired MOS (NYPD) and I worked with Bailen in the 32pct for a few years. He was the best delegate one could ask for and a teriffic cop. Before the knee and hip replacements he was practically the lead PT instructor in the NYPD academy from 1998/2000. 2000 recruits running around that god forsaken gym and along the East River in the winter being lead by JB....hard to believe but true. Hey John "you wanna go to Cabrini" LOL. I heard your were having some problems with that corrupt Sheriff at BSO. Keep sticking it to him every chance you get. You drove the bosses in Manhattan North crazy and I hear your doing the same at BSO. Keep up the good work, brother.

I don't know this guy JB but if any of what you say is the truth, then reading your last 2 sentences just says volumes about the 2 of you.

03-22-2011, 02:16 AM
I'm retired MOS (NYPD) and I worked with Bailen in the 32pct for a few years. He was the best delegate one could ask for and a teriffic cop. Before the knee and hip replacements he was practically the lead PT instructor in the NYPD academy from 1998/2000. 2000 recruits running around that god forsaken gym and along the East River in the winter being lead by JB....hard to believe but true. Hey John "you wanna go to Cabrini" LOL. I heard your were having some problems with that corrupt Sheriff at BSO. Keep sticking it to him every chance you get. You drove the bosses in Manhattan North crazy and I hear your doing the same at BSO. Keep up the good work, brother.

I don't know this guy JB but if any of what you say is the truth, then reading your last 2 sentences just says volumes about the 2 of you.

JB quit posting these stories about yourself, Don't forget your worked for Delray Police Dept prior to BSO checked out his record therek, Ha Ha

03-22-2011, 03:11 AM
I worked with him in Delray. He was the best!! Aren't you supposed to be out there locking up 90 year old grandmother's? Your a jerkoff....stay off this site

03-22-2011, 09:04 PM
I'm retired MOS (NYPD) and I worked with Bailen in the 32pct for a few years. He was the best delegate one could ask for and a teriffic cop. Before the knee and hip replacements he was practically the lead PT instructor in the NYPD academy from 1998/2000. 2000 recruits running around that god forsaken gym and along the East River in the winter being lead by JB....hard to believe but true. Hey John "you wanna go to Cabrini" LOL. I heard your were having some problems with that corrupt Sheriff at BSO. Keep sticking it to him every chance you get. You drove the bosses in Manhattan North crazy and I hear your doing the same at BSO. Keep up the good work, brother.

I don't know this guy JB but if any of what you say is the truth, then reading your last 2 sentences just says volumes about the 2 of you.

Amen brother, I agree with you 1000%.

This Jon is nothing but a TOOL!!!

03-22-2011, 10:28 PM
Tool was cool to say about 15 years ago. Get back on the road STFU. Isn't there a parapalegic out there you can try and lock up. Hence the word "Try". You'd probably need a 94 to step it up to get him the cuffs......jerkoff!!!

03-22-2011, 10:30 PM
Sorry, was typing fast. Get him in cuffs....jerkoff!!

03-23-2011, 04:09 AM
I'm no rocket scientist and I am certainly no math guru. Can someone please tell me why "John" has 4,000 + hits? I guess he's important after all. :devil:

Hit me up on leo, JB. You put the tea in the kettle than light it... I was only trying to get ahead, but the spotlight makes me nervous. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

03-24-2011, 05:50 PM
JB for Sheriff 2012

03-24-2011, 09:55 PM
I'm no rocket scientist and I am certainly no math guru. Can someone please tell me why "John" has 4,000 + hits? I guess he's important after all. :devil:

Hit me up on leo, JB. You put the tea in the kettle than light it... I was only trying to get ahead, but the spotlight makes me nervous. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

4000+ hits on this thread.

Damn, you can"t count!!!

But, about half of the posts on this thread are from me!!!!


03-25-2011, 02:48 PM
JB for Sheriff 2012

1 down many more to go!!!! Go get em JB

03-26-2011, 08:05 PM
Absolutely Amazing is so jealous of Jon Bailen. Keep eating his dust AA. Who's the tool?

03-26-2011, 10:35 PM
Over 4700 hits...yeah I guess people are starting to see that JB is "Winning" the fight and eventually the war against the corrupt politicians on the 5th floor. I gotta hand it to you Jon, for a guy that they tried to lock up on more than one occassion your beating them up pretty good upstairs. The end for these scumbags is around the corner.

03-26-2011, 10:56 PM
Seriously, this guy is getting or trying to take the credit for everyone who leaves or resigns? Tell me how super B got all this accomplished? You guys are wee-tarded to think that he had anything at all to do with anything going on here. Knock off the stupidity and stupid statements on how great this midnight guy from Hollywood is such a huge factor in what is going on...TALK ABOUT DRINKING THE KOOLAID!

03-26-2011, 11:36 PM
Don't need to drink the Kool Aid, jackoff. He has done alot to upset the brass...as far as telling you how he went about it would be pointless. If you haven't figured it out by now then you've been living under a rock for the past year or so. More to come

03-26-2011, 11:49 PM
Over 4700 hits...yeah I guess people are starting to see that JB is "Winning" the fight and eventually the war against the corrupt politicians on the 5th floor. I gotta hand it to you Jon, for a guy that they tried to lock up on more than one occassion your beating them up pretty good upstairs. The end for these scumbags is around the corner.

OK, 4700 hits (views) because people use this crap as entertainment. Do you really think 4700 hits is support??? I hardly see any replies. And the few replies there are consist of the same posters and me several times. And me JEALOUS! NEVER, when it comes to Jon or anyone else like him. I go to work and do my job (an honest days worth of work), come home and take care of my family. I leave people alone and they leave me alone. Then, I collect my pay check. Most of the employees that get arrested/fired get their jobs back. In fact too many. Is there a problem with that?.....YES there is! Who is to blame? The agency, the investigator, the SAO or the jury? Each case is different. So, being Jon got his job back that is a very usual occurrence in BSO. Most likely has nothing to do with what Jon may or may not have on the administration. It sounds awful funny that a little guy like Jon has so much dirt on the big boys. Has Jon been fratenizing within their tight inner circle? And they confided in him? Now Jon is disclosing he is a double secret deputy and spilling all of their corrupt doings? I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT!!! The only ones that wanted to hang around Jon were the deputies that were always in trouble for screwing up. I never needed him. And if I needed someone, I sure would not have gone to him.

Well, have a great day and as always, be safe!

03-27-2011, 01:34 AM
Over 4700 hits...yeah I guess people are starting to see that JB is "Winning" the fight and eventually the war against the corrupt politicians on the 5th floor. I gotta hand it to you Jon, for a guy that they tried to lock up on more than one occassion your beating them up pretty good upstairs. The end for these scumbags is around the corner.

OK, 4700 hits (views) because people use this crap as entertainment. Do you really think 4700 hits is support??? I hardly see any replies. And the few replies there are consist of the same posters and me several times. And me JEALOUS! NEVER, when it comes to Jon or anyone else like him. I go to work and do my job (an honest days worth of work), come home and take care of my family. I leave people alone and they leave me alone. Then, I collect my pay check. Most of the employees that get arrested/fired get their jobs back. In fact too many. Is there a problem with that?.....YES there is! Who is to blame? The agency, the investigator, the SAO or the jury? Each case is different. So, being Jon got his job back that is a very usual occurrence in BSO. Most likely has nothing to do with what Jon may or may not have on the administration. It sounds awful funny that a little guy like Jon has so much dirt on the big boys. Has Jon been fratenizing within their tight inner circle? And they confided in him? Now Jon is disclosing he is a double secret deputy and spilling all of their corrupt doings? I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT!!! The only ones that wanted to hang around Jon were the deputies that were always in trouble for screwing up. I never needed him. And if I needed someone, I sure would not have gone to him.

Well, have a great day and as always, be safe![/ Jon never missed a pay check bro. Get you facts straight before making a post.quote]

03-27-2011, 06:48 AM
Your an idiot....Jon never won his job back!!! He was never fired!!! However, they tried to jam him up on several occassions and he hit back. Once they realized they couldn't get him (and believe me Benji and the Bhoys at IA tried their damnest to lock him up because he supported SI) he beat them every step of the way. So before you comment on JB know what it is your talking about. Bye the way, Jon, thanks for being the first cop to show up on my city wide 10-13 on 135th and Bway circa Jan 1997. On the ground with 2 perps trying to pull my gun out of my holster and you were the first cop to pull up with your RMP along with your partner( forgot his name) swinging your bats like you were trying to hit a home run out of Shea. You saved my ass that night (it was 5 below and I was stuck on a foot post). BSO would've probably tried to lock you up for standing up for another cop, but on behalf of my family thank you, thank you, thank you.

03-27-2011, 07:17 AM
And before any of you idiots crticize me for spelling BHOYS the way I did its because I was born in God's Country (Ireland) and I was taught gaelic. Now get back on patrol and answer you calls, jerkoff's!!!

03-27-2011, 08:57 AM
And before any of you idiots crticize me for spelling BHOYS the way I did its because I was born in God's Country (Ireland) and I was taught gaelic. Now get back on patrol and answer you calls, jerkoff's!!!

This interesting surname is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and is a locational name from any of the places thus called. Chadwick in Lancashire and Worcestershire were recorded as "Chaddewyk" in the Coucher Book of Whalley Abbey (1180), and as "Cheddewic" in the 1182 Placenames of Worcestershire respectively. Both placenames share the same meaning and derivation, which is the Olde English pre 7th Century personal name "Ceadda", with "wic", dairy farm; hence "Ceadda's dairy farm".

So were you an illegal?

03-28-2011, 11:03 PM
Keep it up Jon after the next election you will have more friends then you know what to do with.

03-30-2011, 03:14 AM
Your an idiot....Jon never won his job back!!! He was never fired!!! However, they tried to jam him up on several occassions and he hit back. Once they realized they couldn't get him (and believe me Benji and the Bhoys at IA tried their damnest to lock him up because he supported SI) he beat them every step of the way. So before you comment on JB know what it is your talking about. Bye the way, Jon, thanks for being the first cop to show up on my city wide 10-13 on 135th and Bway circa Jan 1997. On the ground with 2 perps trying to pull my gun out of my holster and you were the first cop to pull up with your RMP along with your partner( forgot his name) swinging your bats like you were trying to hit a home run out of Shea. You saved my ass that night (it was 5 below and I was stuck on a foot post). BSO would've probably tried to lock you up for standing up for another cop, but on behalf of my family thank you, thank you, thank you.
Well, if I remember correctly, Jon was removed from the road and he was unplugged.....powers of a LEO were taken away. Hence, temporarily removed from his position. Possible termination ahead of him. Adventually Jon was reinstated. So, what happened to Jon since he saved your life in NY by wildly swinging a plunger at some scumbag? Being that he was such a kick butt up there why didn't he continue down here? Well, ya see, it's like this.....YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO WORK HERE! And Jon doesn't like work and that came from his very own mouth and I heard it with my very own ears. Enough said. Now, go play with your little commendations you tote above your police badge that you received for coming to work and not calling out sick. By the way, I lived and worked in law enforcement in the northeastern part of the US and in an area commonly referred to as the Tri-State. I am very familiar with NYPD through living in the area and having a relative and a few friends working there. And I will say, there is nothing impressive about NYPD. They are masters of doing nothing unless the dirt bag literally runs into them. Ok JB, stop writing about your dreams and get to work. JB, 10-65 a S-21 Delayed!

03-30-2011, 03:43 AM
So what's your point? John doesn't like to work, Ok? So what who really cares. Does it really matter? How about you worry about youself. I was talking about something that happened 14 years ago. Guess what as you get older running after mutts isn't fun anymore and it takes a toll on your body. Besides, why would you want to be pro active on any police job nowadays. All that does is put one step closer to jail. So STFU and go out there and get yourself in a jam so I can read about you in the Sun Sentinel.

03-30-2011, 03:52 AM
I couldn't have said it better myself :devil: Hey Absolutely Amazing go do something that gets you jammed up and let's see how the "you have to work down here comment" holds up in front of the SAO. Good luck

03-30-2011, 05:32 AM
So what's your point? John doesn't like to work, Ok? So what who really cares. Does it really matter? How about you worry about youself. I was talking about something that happened 14 years ago. Guess what as you get older running after mutts isn't fun anymore and it takes a toll on your body. Besides, why would you want to be pro active on any police job nowadays. All that does is put one step closer to jail. So STFU and go out there and get yourself in a jam so I can read about you in the Sun Sentinel.

Wait! Who is this really? Is it "Irish" Bill Chadwick? Is it Tom Laidlaw? Or, could this be J...

03-30-2011, 05:38 AM
Its God.............. :devil:

03-30-2011, 09:30 AM
Its God.............. :devil:

Couldn't be. God does not cuss, God does not chase mutts, and most of all God would not waste His time reading the Sun Sentinel.....must be J...

03-31-2011, 10:54 PM
So what's your point? John doesn't like to work, Ok? So what who really cares. Does it really matter? How about you worry about youself. I was talking about something that happened 14 years ago. Guess what as you get older running after mutts isn't fun anymore and it takes a toll on your body. Besides, why would you want to be pro active on any police job nowadays. All that does is put one step closer to jail. So STFU and go out there and get yourself in a jam so I can read about you in the Sun Sentinel.
My point is just this.....you have a job you are being paid for, so do it!!!

Who cares you ask?.....the ones that do their jobs and the jobs of others that are too lazy. The burden is put upon the rest of the shift, thus creating annimosity and discontent between the employees.

Does it matter?.....Of course it matters. Citizens are paying for protection and how in the world do they get it with this kind of attitude. Look at it this way.....at some point during the day you have to take your gun belt off for something other than a dump. Like, going home. Then you go to sleep with your little family and in a nice quiet suburban area of the tri-county. Now, knowing what you know and with the attitude you have, do you really think all the other cops out there are doing exactly what they should be doing? Definitely not! And why? Because there are more cops out there like you.....plain lazy! Thus, you sleep under the blanket that provides a false sense of security. But, because you are a cop (if you really are one), you are a tough guy that totes a firearm and can not be beaten by the worst of the worst because of that stupid gun you have that someone with capability can shove into one of your cavities where the sun doesn't shine. And, take you, your family to see your maker and whatever else they wish. So, if everyone employed in the capacity of law enfoprcement would do their fair share we could sleep under a stronger blanket.....the very brave men and women in the streets that wear dark blue, khaki, green and white or any other color uniform that get involved and do the job they are paid to do make a difference and make it matter!

I worry about myself a lot with guys like you on the job.

Obviously you were talking about something that occurred a long time ago because I haven't seen Jon do a damn thing since he has been here. It must have been before he became a disgruntled employee.

Well, in case you don't remember (possible dimentia patient) reading any of my earlier posts I have been in the business for 26 years and I still chase mutts with enjoyment, catch them and I am not tired. I bet you want me working your neighborhood while you sleep so you can take that little .380 out from under your pillow and put it back in the dresser drawer so you don't accidently grab it during one of your dreams of being attacked and shoot yourself in the foot.

I love to be proactive on the job because it makes a difference. I am not afraid of the SAO or any other agency that may investigate me for false allegations. Can't worry about the bull sheet because it is just that. I have been there and done that with no problems. Never been put on admin, suspended or fired. Maybe it is because I know how to do my job!!!

By saying STFU to me you show your true ignorance and disrespect in law enforcement and care less attitude for your job, your community, yourself, your family, your friends, your employer and anyone that may look up to you or look to you for help. Good job schmuck!!!

And by the way, if I were to get in a jam, you wouldn't know it is me because I hide behind this stupid screen name like you hide behind yours!!! So, you will never get the satisfaction of knowing!!! LOL

You my brother in law enforcement are why citizens have no respect for law enforcement and no faith in law enforcement.....GREAT JOB!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

Now, go to bed and for God sakes be careful with that little loaded gun under your pillow.....you may hurt yourself or someone else!!!

03-31-2011, 11:49 PM
[quote="Tom Laidlaw":t5imlrxa]So what's your point? John doesn't like to work, Ok? So what who really cares. Does it really matter? How about you worry about youself. I was talking about something that happened 14 years ago. Guess what as you get older running after mutts isn't fun anymore and it takes a toll on your body. Besides, why would you want to be pro active on any police job nowadays. All that does is put one step closer to jail. So STFU and go out there and get yourself in a jam so I can read about you in the Sun Sentinel.
My point is just this.....you have a job you are being paid for, so do it!!!

Who cares you ask?.....the ones that do their jobs and the jobs of others that are too lazy. The burden is put upon the rest of the shift, thus creating annimosity and discontent between the employees.

Does it matter?.....Of course it matters. Citizens are paying for protection and how in the world do they get it with this kind of attitude. Look at it this way.....at some point during the day you have to take your gun belt off for something other than a dump. Like, going home. Then you go to sleep with your little family and in a nice quiet suburban area of the tri-county. Now, knowing what you know and with the attitude you have, do you really think all the other cops out there are doing exactly what they should be doing? Definitely not! And why? Because there are more cops out there like you.....plain lazy! Thus, you sleep under the blanket that provides a false sense of security. But, because you are a cop (if you really are one), you are a tough guy that totes a firearm and can not be beaten by the worst of the worst because of that stupid gun you have that someone with capability can shove into one of your cavities where the sun doesn't shine. And, take you, your family to see your maker and whatever else they wish. So, if everyone employed in the capacity of law enfoprcement would do their fair share we could sleep under a stronger blanket.....the very brave men and women in the streets that wear dark blue, khaki, green and white or any other color uniform that get involved and do the job they are paid to do make a difference and make it matter!

I worry about myself a lot with guys like you on the job.

Obviously you were talking about something that occurred a long time ago because I haven't seen Jon do a darn thing since he has been here. It must have been before he became a disgruntled employee.

Well, in case you don't remember (possible dimentia patient) reading any of my earlier posts I have been in the business for 26 years and I still chase mutts with enjoyment, catch them and I am not tired. I bet you want me working your neighborhood while you sleep so you can take that little .380 out from under your pillow and put it back in the dresser drawer so you don't accidently grab it during one of your dreams of being attacked and shoot yourself in the foot.

I love to be proactive on the job because it makes a difference. I am not afraid of the SAO or any other agency that may investigate me for false allegations. Can't worry about the bull sheet because it is just that. I have been there and done that with no problems. Never been put on admin, suspended or fired. Maybe it is because I know how to do my job!!!

By saying STFU to me you show your true ignorance and disrespect in law enforcement and care less attitude for your job, your community, yourself, your family, your friends, your employer and anyone that may look up to you or look to you for help. Good job schmuck!!!

And by the way, if I were to get in a jam, you wouldn't know it is me because I hide behind this stupid screen name like you hide behind yours!!! So, you will never get the satisfaction of knowing!!! LOL

You my brother in law enforcement are why citizens have no respect for law enforcement and no faith in law enforcement.....GREAT JOB!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

Now, go to bed and for God sakes be careful with that little loaded gun under your pillow.....you may hurt yourself or someone else!!![/quote:t5imlrxa]

04-01-2011, 12:02 AM
You wasted alot of time writing your novel "Amazing". You took way too much time parked under your favorite tree in your green and white writing this BS. You should have been out there looking for bad guys. So I am going to report you to IA for stealing department time and illegal use of your department laptop. :devil:

04-01-2011, 04:17 AM
Ok Jon, is that REALLY the best you can do??? Calling me a rat and claiming I am the first to run to a supervisor for personal gain? Obviously you haven't read my other posts; otherwise, you would know so much more about me and realize your comment was way off base. And the last chance at a stab....."I am one of those guys under the desk." Wow, this speaks volumes about you and I will simplify it.....IDIOT!!!

[quote="Tom Laidlaw":35fqpijt]So what's your point? John doesn't like to work, Ok? So what who really cares. Does it really matter? How about you worry about youself. I was talking about something that happened 14 years ago. Guess what as you get older running after mutts isn't fun anymore and it takes a toll on your body. Besides, why would you want to be pro active on any police job nowadays. All that does is put one step closer to jail. So STFU and go out there and get yourself in a jam so I can read about you in the Sun Sentinel.
My point is just this.....you have a job you are being paid for, so do it!!!

Who cares you ask?.....the ones that do their jobs and the jobs of others that are too lazy. The burden is put upon the rest of the shift, thus creating annimosity and discontent between the employees.

Does it matter?.....Of course it matters. Citizens are paying for protection and how in the world do they get it with this kind of attitude. Look at it this way.....at some point during the day you have to take your gun belt off for something other than a dump. Like, going home. Then you go to sleep with your little family and in a nice quiet suburban area of the tri-county. Now, knowing what you know and with the attitude you have, do you really think all the other cops out there are doing exactly what they should be doing? Definitely not! And why? Because there are more cops out there like you.....plain lazy! Thus, you sleep under the blanket that provides a false sense of security. But, because you are a cop (if you really are one), you are a tough guy that totes a firearm and can not be beaten by the worst of the worst because of that stupid gun you have that someone with capability can shove into one of your cavities where the sun doesn't shine. And, take you, your family to see your maker and whatever else they wish. So, if everyone employed in the capacity of law enfoprcement would do their fair share we could sleep under a stronger blanket.....the very brave men and women in the streets that wear dark blue, khaki, green and white or any other color uniform that get involved and do the job they are paid to do make a difference and make it matter!

I worry about myself a lot with guys like you on the job.

Obviously you were talking about something that occurred a long time ago because I haven't seen Jon do a darn thing since he has been here. It must have been before he became a disgruntled employee.

Well, in case you don't remember (possible dimentia patient) reading any of my earlier posts I have been in the business for 26 years and I still chase mutts with enjoyment, catch them and I am not tired. I bet you want me working your neighborhood while you sleep so you can take that little .380 out from under your pillow and put it back in the dresser drawer so you don't accidently grab it during one of your dreams of being attacked and shoot yourself in the foot.

I love to be proactive on the job because it makes a difference. I am not afraid of the SAO or any other agency that may investigate me for false allegations. Can't worry about the bull sheet because it is just that. I have been there and done that with no problems. Never been put on admin, suspended or fired. Maybe it is because I know how to do my job!!!

By saying STFU to me you show your true ignorance and disrespect in law enforcement and care less attitude for your job, your community, yourself, your family, your friends, your employer and anyone that may look up to you or look to you for help. Good job schmuck!!!

And by the way, if I were to get in a jam, you wouldn't know it is me because I hide behind this stupid screen name like you hide behind yours!!! So, you will never get the satisfaction of knowing!!! LOL

You my brother in law enforcement are why citizens have no respect for law enforcement and no faith in law enforcement.....GREAT JOB!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

Now, go to bed and for God sakes be careful with that little loaded gun under your pillow.....you may hurt yourself or someone else!!![/quote:35fqpijt]

04-01-2011, 04:25 AM
You wasted alot of time writing your novel "Amazing". You took way too much time parked under your favorite tree in your green and white writing this BS. You should have been out there looking for bad guys. So I am going to report you to IA for stealing department time and illegal use of your department laptop. :devil:

Oh, should I be scared of you or the police police???

Not much time used at all.

Proficient typist.

Look for bad guys all the time.

Always find one.

Its not that hard.

Well, as I can see by this post I just responded to, there is another ROCKET SCIENTIST making earth shattering comments or should I say just another IDIOT drinking Jon's Kool Aid!

I will stick with the "IDIOT".

04-01-2011, 04:54 AM
10-65 the senior citizen that locked their keys in the car and make sure you give granny a lecture about not bothering you next time because your way too important to be tied down with her BS. Your in this job 26 years because you have absolutely no skill to do anything else. Now take your 26 years and ride off into the sunset.

04-01-2011, 04:01 PM
10-65 the senior citizen that locked their keys in the car and make sure you give granny a lecture about not bothering you next time because your way too important to be tied down with her BS. Your in this job 26 years because you have absolutely no skill to do anything else. Now take your 26 years and ride off into the sunset.

No super cop here!

Help everyone I can without prejudice with their problem whether it is minor to me or not.

I am in this job for many years as many others are for the very same reasons.

The beauty of this job is that every day it is something different.....unlike many other jobs.

Skills? Yes, I have many other skills, but I enjoy this profession.

When I am done I will use my other skills to venture into several small businesses and travel abroad so I can see the many things I sacraficed through the years.

Now, go crawl back under the rock from which you came so my horse can step on it as I ride off into the sunset.

04-01-2011, 04:53 PM
Well I hope it works out for you (violin playing). I'm sure you'll do well with your several business ventures. Just remember cops don't make good bussinessmen...they never did. So take that pension and make sure you spend every penny trying to convince yourself you are a "businessman". I think that low carb pizza idea still has potential. Good luck

04-01-2011, 05:47 PM
Jon B puts his energy into seeing that people are treated fairly. And if it weren't for cops like him, you would still be making 25,000 dollars a year. And by fighting for guys like you, he puts himself in harms way as we have so blatantly observed. He may not make arrest or right tickets, but he helps morale by winning the battles for the little man, and that's what a good union leader does. It is because of people like you that allow this sheriff to get away with his unethical behavior and ignore the big picture. I guess people forget how Jon and Russ went out and fought for our last contract when people like you were willing to settle for zero-Zero- and 3. It was because of them that Lamberti lost that union vote 800-400. If lamberti wins that vote you Mr. 26 year man would have received nothing. Love em or hate em, they did the right thing.

04-04-2011, 02:34 PM
I love when the Lamberti cool aid drinkers call Jon lazy. With all the so called energy and skill of writing tickets and making arrests, they should have enough experience to solve a murder case. Especially when the victim is a cop. We are a disgrace of an agency and have been for the last 10-years. But the last 3 1/2 years have definitely been the low point for BSO. I voted for Lamberti but will vote for the Dem regardless of the candidate and so will my family. That's 8 votes. It may not make a difference, but at least I can say I didn't vote for Lamberti.

04-05-2011, 07:27 PM
John is great

04-10-2011, 11:27 AM
wish we had more like Johnny :!:

04-12-2011, 12:12 AM