View Full Version : I blame this one on Regalado for not taking action sooner!

02-11-2011, 07:35 AM
MPD undercover gang detectives while attempting to make a tactical traffic stop shots two black males in liberty city. Both subjects were shot from inside the their car. One of the subject was pronounced dead on the scene while the other was transported to JMH trauma center in critical condition.

Source close to Exposito staff are saying that the possibility exist that the subjects made an averted move as the Officer open fired. Strong rumor is quickly spreading through the Department that a gun was not recover.

02-11-2011, 07:55 AM
Micky you have taken us back to the 80's on your method of policing the black communities. We cant resort to reducing crime by killing them.
Concentrate on doing your job instead of fighting with the mayor everyday about the illegal gambling machine. You have lost focus! I think eventually, as chief of police, you are going to get personally sue for contributing to several of these wrongful death cases.

02-11-2011, 10:46 AM
Hey fat boy stop the killing of black people! This dept is lost.

02-11-2011, 01:00 PM
This city has become dangerous and the cops are scared.

02-11-2011, 02:11 PM
Now what Chief! Traffic stop turns deadly. An unauthorized under covers stop claimed another live, while another one hands in critical condition. The officer is in a jam placing himself in danger as they violated several traffic stop procedures and Do's.
Wake up!!!!
More people are dead.
Officer gets relieved and Exposito and Alvarez are doing the moon walk again.
Are you surprised that your Predators are still in a rampage?
This is exactly what the chief wanted to destroy the department and City.
Anyone remember the Lozano Riots? Exactly the same case here.
Mother of the 27 year old victim is already saying my son had no gun!

02-11-2011, 02:29 PM
It's very easy to Monday morning quarterback an officers actions when you were not in his shoes. Maybe if you stopped hiding behind a desk or sleeping on duty you'd know better. It took patrol units over 5 minutes to get to the scene even after a 315 was requested. I guess they were sleeping with you.

02-11-2011, 03:08 PM

02-11-2011, 04:00 PM
you guys are real F'ing garbadge.. using the officers shootings to wage your pesonal attacks on the chief is just plain sad.

Cops in general and more-so with the specialized units are out there every day going after the worst of the worst and putting their lives on the line for a city who doesn't give a shit about them. But you sit there behind a computer screen and wage you little war against the chief by using what happened to these officers as a way to what...further your own career. you don't give a shit about the other officers in our department that have to deal with the garbadge your spewing.

02-11-2011, 04:10 PM
you guys are real F'ing garbadge.. using the officers shootings to wage your pesonal attacks on the chief is just plain sad.

Cops in general and more-so with the specialized units are out there every day going after the worst of the worst and putting their lives on the line for a city who doesn't give a shizzat about them. But you sit there behind a computer screen and wage you little war against the chief by using what happened to these officers as a way to what...further your own career. you don't give a shizzat about the other officers in our department that have to deal with the garbadge your spewing.

You are wrong! The lack of leadership has cause this officer to use deadly force and take a life. The final responsibility falls under Exposito for the lack of supervision and common sense? You'll think twice when the officer faces manslaughter charges and expositos comes out saying, "I didn't tell him to do that!" Oh No! Mr "I want my Officer to be like Predators".
Chief you talk so much about Regalado getting arrested I hope the Feds arrest you for Civil rights Violation.

02-11-2011, 04:37 PM
you guys are real F'ing garbadge.. using the officers shootings to wage your pesonal attacks on the chief is just plain sad.

Cops in general and more-so with the specialized units are out there every day going after the worst of the worst and putting their lives on the line for a city who doesn't give a shizzat about them. But you sit there behind a computer screen and wage you little war against the chief by using what happened to these officers as a way to what...further your own career. you don't give a shizzat about the other officers in our department that have to deal with the garbadge your spewing.

You are wrong! The lack of leadership has cause this officer to use deadly force and take a life. The final responsibility falls under Exposito for the lack of supervision and common sense? You'll think twice when the officer faces manslaughter charges and expositos comes out saying, "I didn't tell him to do that!" Oh No! Mr "I want my Officer to be like Predators".
Chief you talk so much about Regalado getting arrested I hope the Feds arrest you for Civil rights Violation.

there's no way you are a cop...or at least a street cop

what makes you think that this Chief has any more lack of leadership than any other Chief. yes, there has been a change with Expo and the real criminals have been sought after. The last chief was only worried about how we "appeared" in the public. more worried about stats and scewing the numbers to give the appearance that the citizens were safe.....all the while murderers and robbers ran wild.

No matter who is chief when it comes down to me or them...it's going to be them

02-11-2011, 06:13 PM
It's very easy to Monday morning quarterback an officers actions when you were not in his shoes. Maybe if you stopped hiding behind a desk or sleeping on duty you'd know better. It took patrol units over 5 minutes to get to the scene even after a 315 was requested. I guess they were sleeping with you.
NOTE: when u ask for a 3 and dont tell the dispatcher the reference and she has to repeatedly ask you what the reference is, for the safety of all, there will be a delay in her dispatching the 3. Also, officers should be heading in that direction anyways.

02-11-2011, 08:32 PM
Sorry Vega the MPD under the last chief actually arrested more felona and indicted more violent offenders than expositos TOS. It is his lack of leadership to recognize the problem exists in TOS. His buddy Sieglie created this monster and now it is out of control.

I guess they never read the Rampart study. Well now their lack of police training and knowledge of police issues has come back to haunt all us.