View Full Version : City hires anti-corruption specialist

02-10-2011, 07:49 PM
Sarasota has hired an anti-corruption specialist to oversee two new police oversight boards created in the wake of police brutality.

Peter Graham, a retired intelligence and corruption consultant, will administer the Police Advisory Panel and Complaint Committees.

Graham's resume' includes more than 50 years of military and intelligence work as well as experience with police oversight organizations.


02-10-2011, 10:17 PM
This is terrific. We have a hiring freeze on police officers, but the City can hire a consultant? Does anyone know how much he is being paid? Guys, there are flyers around to pass out to residents and businesses (not on duty) to show them who needs to be elected for the commission. Bartolotta needs to be ousted and it takes 3. Get out there and get the word out.

02-11-2011, 01:43 AM
This is terrific. We have a hiring freeze on police officers, but the City can hire a consultant? Does anyone know how much he is being paid?

The city will pay $5,000 a month to Peter Graham.

02-11-2011, 01:59 AM
Very good point. Graham will get $5000 a month. Meanwhile cop layoffs are already being discussed at length. It is a sad, sad day at SPD. All of this nonsense, the citizens panel, this civilian advisor, all of SPD's affairs being scrutinized by non-law enforcement persons, stems from a mistaken assumption. SPD is not, nor has it ever been, the demonic, Gestapo-like police force that little turd Bartolotta and the City Commission have made it out to be. Anti-corruption specialist????? Are you kidding me???????? This is the most abhorrant slap-in-the-face I have ever seen done to a law enforcement agency. I am surprised there are any officers left. How are they supposed to function with a city government who not only does not support them and seems to be waiting to pounce on the slightest infraction, but seems to actually want to downsize them to 1960's staffing levels???