View Full Version : Governor Rick and FRS

02-07-2011, 10:40 PM
I watched Governor Rick's speech and looked at his proposal at letsgettowork.state.fl.us. The only thing I heard Gov Rick mention about our pension was the 5% contribution to FRS via all government workers. He didn't mention the DROP or anything else related to our pension. I guess those issues will have to get brought up again by House Reps. If it's the 5% and nothing else that he want's, I guess I can live with that for 1 more year. :?

02-08-2011, 02:02 AM

02-08-2011, 11:41 AM
A honest politician for a change! What a breath of fresh air! One who is actually doing what he promised to the people who elected him. If you liberals have a problem with this then take it up the next election. Obviously this man has the support of the majority of voters from Florida! Go Rick Scott! Keep up the good work!

02-08-2011, 01:15 PM
A honest politician for a change! What a breath of fresh air! One who is actually doing what he promised to the people who elected him. If you liberals have a problem with this then take it up the next election. Obviously this man has the support of the majority of voters from Florida! Go Rick Scott! Keep up the good work!

Obviously you're a jack azz and if your Governor is so honest then why did he feel the need to cut every single department budget and increase his own department's budget by 27%. Why is he lying about putting people back to work and in the same breath cut 8700 jobs. Why does he need 343+ million dollars added to his own budget. If he wants everyone to cut back he needs to lead by example. He went from business man to politician overnight? Your Governor has not done anything new just the same old political double talk. He sure learned fast.

02-09-2011, 04:25 AM
A honest politician for a change! What a breath of fresh air! One who is actually doing what he promised to the people who elected him. If you liberals have a problem with this then take it up the next election. Obviously this man has the support of the majority of voters from Florida! Go Rick Scott! Keep up the good work!

I see you are putting this post all over Leoaffairs.com. Stop trying to stir the pot. This is not a Liberal/Conservative issue. You are obviously not a cop and do not have much to contribute, so adios.

02-09-2011, 04:27 AM
A honest politician for a change! What a breath of fresh air! One who is actually doing what he promised to the people who elected him. If you liberals have a problem with this then take it up the next election. Obviously this man has the support of the majority of voters from Florida! Go Rick Scott! Keep up the good work!

Obviously you're a jack azz and if your Governor is so honest then why did he feel the need to cut every single department budget and increase his own department's budget by 27%. Why is he lying about putting people back to work and in the same breath cut 8700 jobs. Why does he need 343+ million dollars added to his own budget. If he wants everyone to cut back he needs to lead by example. He went from business man to politician overnight? Your Governor has not done anything new just the same old political double talk. He sure learned fast.

Good post

02-11-2011, 07:26 PM
The problem with the 5 percent contribution is its not being used to strengthen the retirement system as originally stated. Scott is making frs employees pay for his budget cuts.

http://www.gainesville.com/article/2011 ... /110209465 (http://www.gainesville.com/article/20110208/WIRE/110209465)

"The new Republican governor, though, said per student spending could go up to $6,600 — still a $300, or 4.3 percent, cut — by requiring teachers and other school employees to contribute 5 percent of their salaries to their retirement plan, saving school districts more than $519 million, and a one-time infusion of federal cash."

02-12-2011, 04:08 AM
Scott's stated goal is to save the State money. But the Sheriff contributes to FRS on my behalf. How does the Govenor's plan save the State money?

02-12-2011, 10:56 AM
Scott's stated goal is to save the State money. But the Sheriff contributes to FRS on my behalf. How does the Govenor's plan save the State money?

In America, all we do is talk. We could all learn a lesson from the citizens of Cairo, Egypt. They took back their government from a ruthless, corrupt dictator! I don't think we could ever get that organized and go to Tallahassee to demand Rick Scott's resignation!! I know all of you guys are too scared to do that, what about banding together to give him a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE!! Because he really has no clue on how to run a state not to mention balance a budget. The Governor thinks balancing the budget off of our backs is OK!! Well it's not. What Rick Scott is trying to do affects so many people. Black, White, Hispanic, male and female and all of our spouses and children. If affects Police Officers, Corrections officers School teachers and anyone who is in the FRS. Rick Scott is trying to make himself a dictator of Florida by taking money out of our pockets. He's trying to cut corporate tax and make the big business owners richer while making the hard working people poorer by taking money from us and stopping us from going into the DROP. He wants to keep us working until we die so we can never afford to retire. And when we do finally retire, it won't be enough to live off of without public assistance which he plans to cut also. So basically, his vision is to make us very poor while he remains one of the richest men in Florida. "what person spends 70 million dollars to get a job paying $130,000 a year. We don't know what the reason is yet, but, it has something to do with making him richer. Whenever his scheme does get exposed, he'll probably be cell mates with Bernie Madolph!! Rick Scott got away with robbing The Federal Government with his Medicare scheme. What's makes him think he couldn't do the same with the STATE of FLORIDA. It's just a matter of time. The man's a ruthless, narcissistic, lying THIEF.

02-12-2011, 12:42 PM
Scott's stated goal is to save the State money. But the Sheriff contributes to FRS on my behalf. How does the Govenor's plan save the State money?

If Scott's proposals are appoved by the legislature, sheriff's departments stand to save 12.5% of salary per each high risk class employee. Don't think the local politicians are not aware of this and welcome it despite their timid protests against such proposals. The local politicians will blame the cuts on Scott when employees complain but in reality these cuts mean less budget headaches for them. They are all in bed together so don't buy into their theatrics for LEO consumption.

02-12-2011, 12:55 PM
So basically, his vision is to make us very poor while he remains one of the richest men in Florida. "what person spends 70 million dollars to get a job paying $130,000 a year. We don't know what the reason is yet, but, it has something to do with making him richer.

This is one of the most entertaining conspiracy theory posts ever on LEOAFFAIRS!

Let me get this straight - you believe that Scott spent $70 million of his own money on a political campaign for governor in order to make LEOs and other public employees poorer and himself richer?! Does that sound even remotely logical and credible that Scott would hate public employees that much that he would spend $70 million of his own money to punish them? That's quite a stretch, don't you think?!

FYI, Scott already has plenty of money and is not collecting his governor's salary. He works for $1 a year. He doesn't need more money to make him richer. His goal is public service for the same reasons FHP officers stay in a job that underpays similar jobs in sheriff's departments. Too bad the other politicians in Tallahassee who are also quite wealthy will not work for $1 a year as an austerity example to cut the $4 billion deficit and show their devotion to public service.

02-12-2011, 08:18 PM
So basically, his vision is to make us very poor while he remains one of the richest men in Florida. "what person spends 70 million dollars to get a job paying $130,000 a year. We don't know what the reason is yet, but, it has something to do with making him richer.

This is one of the most entertaining conspiracy theory posts ever on LEOAFFAIRS!

Let me get this straight - you believe that Scott spent $70 million of his own money on a political campaign for governor in order to make LEOs and other public employees poorer and himself richer?! Does that sound even remotely logical and credible that Scott would hate public employees that much that he would spend $70 million of his own money to punish them? That's quite a stretch, don't you think?!

FYI, Scott already has plenty of money and is not collecting his governor's salary. He works for $1 a year. He doesn't need more money to make him richer. His goal is public service for the same reasons FHP officers stay in a job that underpays similar jobs in sheriff's departments. Too bad the other politicians in Tallahassee who are also quite wealthy will not work for $1 a year as an austerity example to cut the $4 billion deficit and show their devotion to public service.

Thanks Rickey, just don't get caught with a little boy, which will be tough for you!

02-12-2011, 08:39 PM
Scott's stated goal is to save the State money. But the Sheriff contributes to FRS on my behalf. How does the Govenor's plan save the State money?

If Scott's proposals are appoved by the legislature, sheriff's departments stand to save 12.5% of salary per each high risk class employee. Don't think the local politicians are not aware of this and welcome it despite their timid protests against such proposals. The local politicians will blame the cuts on Scott when employees complain but in reality these cuts mean less budget headaches for them. They are all in bed together so don't buy into their theatrics for LEO consumption.

And this cures the ticking time bomb of a retirement system how??? Sounds like snake oil to me!

02-12-2011, 08:45 PM
So basically, his vision is to make us very poor while he remains one of the richest men in Florida. "what person spends 70 million dollars to get a job paying $130,000 a year. We don't know what the reason is yet, but, it has something to do with making him richer.

This is one of the most entertaining conspiracy theory posts ever on LEOAFFAIRS!

Let me get this straight - you believe that Scott spent $70 million of his own money on a political campaign for governor in order to make LEOs and other public employees poorer and himself richer?! Does that sound even remotely logical and credible that Scott would hate public employees that much that he would spend $70 million of his own money to punish them? That's quite a stretch, don't you think?!

FYI, Scott already has plenty of money and is not collecting his governor's salary. He works for $1 a year. He doesn't need more money to make him richer. His goal is public service for the same reasons FHP officers stay in a job that underpays similar jobs in sheriff's departments. Too bad the other politicians in Tallahassee who are also quite wealthy will not work for $1 a year as an austerity example to cut the $4 billion deficit and show their devotion to public service.

Yes I do believe Rick Scott spent 70 million of his own dollars to make himself richer. Rick Scott can never have enough money. The money he has, wasn't earned honestly. He still hasn't answered to what happened to the billions his Columbia Hospitals stole from the Federal Government.
Are you that dumb? Obviously you are not employed and expecting an FRS Pension after 30 years of service!!

Rick Scott is a CROOK!! Why else would he repel a data base that is able to identify pill mills? You know why? Because he probably owns the companies that manufacture those pills and he probably owns or has some type of interest in those State or Nation or World wide Pain Management Clinics. Getting control of those pills and the pill mills will put the squeeze on his monetary interest. Scratch the surface and you'll see that it's true!! People like Rick Scott just don't get into politics this late in life because they feel it's the right thing to do? There is something very big monetarily to gain. It's going to come out eventually. Hopefully sooner than later. Hopefully before he financially ruins Florida. He has the resources to be very corrupt and get away with it. After what happened with Medicare, I don't find him very trust worthy!! Sorry! With all of his money and resources he should take lessons from Oprah Winfrey! He needs to spend his time and money on charitable causes and philanthropy! Rick Scott needs to spend his money making a difference in the lives of the less fortunate, getting clean drinking water and building schools in impoverished countries. Not blowing 70 million dollars to be the Governor of Florida. That's how I know Rick Scott is a Crook and could care less about Florida or the people working here. He's cutting jobs, programs, services and then at the same time, increasing his own office budget by 27% and 343 million dollars which will give him a grand total of about 1billion dollars for "The Executive Office of the Governor" budget. Rich people just don't do this unless of course they are corrupt. Sorry, but the proof points to him being a big, sly, crook who will get caught. But this time he won't be so lucky with the outcome!! He'll be doing FED time for a very, very long time!!

02-13-2011, 12:10 PM
Complaining on here might make you feel better, but the reality is if you don't do your part and send the Governor a letter or email than you only have yourself to blame should these changes go through.


02-13-2011, 05:24 PM
By Susannah Bryan, Sun Sentinel

5:12 p.m. EST, February 12, 2011

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While other South Florida cities have cut services, raised fees, and frozen or slashed positions, Sunrise is building a $32.5 million public safety complex and gearing up to hire nine firefighters and six police officers.

The city's five-story public safety complex just east of City Hall is expected to open as soon as March, paid for with previously budgeted money.

The new hires will cost $1.2 million in the first year and are expected to help cut down on overtime costs, Police Chief John Brooks said.
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Each officer will earn $85,600 in salary and benefits. Each firefighter will earn $75,100, including benefits. Sunrise found money for the new hires in its budget by delaying other projects, city spokeswoman Christine Pfeffer said.

"When other cities are cutting, laying off and reducing, we are hiring," Mayor Mike Ryan said during his "state of the city" speech Tuesday night.

But some worry the spending may strain the budget.

"It's just so politicians can shine their own apple," 14-year resident John Stephens said of the public safety complex. "Was the old building inadequate? Would it be better to revamp an existing building at less cost than to start all over with a new building? I would have liked more money put into a park."

Ryan dismisses such concerns, saying the city's budget and emergency reserves are not in jeopardy in any way.

Sunrise officials say they chose to demolish the former police headquarters after it was damaged during Hurricane Wilma in October 2005.

A former medical complex built in the mid-1980s, the building was torn down in May 2007. Construction of the new complex began in August 2009 on the site of the former police headquarters.

On Tuesday, commissioners approved a plan to spend $620,770 on furniture for the complex, which includes a new fire station, Emergency Operations Center, gun range and 12 temporary jail cells.

The Sunrise Police Department's more than 300 employees are currently housed in eight buildings throughout the city.

"It makes it extremely difficult to manage 308 people when they are spread out all over," Brooks said. "Everybody has great anticipation. It's a beautiful building and we'll all be in the same place. My number one priority is getting in this building."

An open house is planned for May or June.

02-13-2011, 05:37 PM
Complaining on here might make you feel better, but the reality is if you don't do your part and send the Governor a letter or email than you only have yourself to blame should these changes go through.


Well said. The other issue is those that post negative things about the governor are living in a vacuum. The pension systems in America have been made to be the cause of all our problems. Hugh payouts in both the private and public sector are portrayed in the media as what has brought down, GM, Chrysler, cities,counties and states. When a state or city is going bankrupt, the easiest thing to do is throw public pensions under the bus. That being said, the public is beginning to embrace Scott. Read some of the comments posted in the media about public pensions. Yes, those that comment are not well informed and they don't care about you or me. But when we have such high unemployment, so many people on unemployment benefits, food stamps, fighting foreclosures ( and there are many real good people that lost jobs and can't find another or can't find one that pays enough) it is difficult for them to gain any sympathy for us. Most, if not every police agency not in FRS contributes to the pension. Many do not receive a cola. Plantation pays 9% to the pension and they have a 1% cola, I know because my friend works there. What we need is a game plan. We need to use all our efforts to work for a compromise. We need to come together as one and hammer away. You know why GM and Chrysler went bankrupt? Simple, all contracts become null and void and they get to renegotiate with the unions. Cities and counties can now declare bankruptcy and the same will apply. In fact states are trying to do the same, be allowed to declare bankruptcy, which means the Feds would have to bail them out. No, we can not use the same rhetoric we have always used about how hard our job is, how we are always in danger, how we must leave our families for you. The fact of the matter is we get paid darn well. Check out other non cop jobs, I just read a full time CJ professor with a Masters is starting at 35,000!!! Folks with college and advanced degrees are getting 28-40 a year to start. So we must be careful, these are though times for everyone, we must gain the public support or we will get nothing.......

02-13-2011, 10:04 PM
Complaining on here might make you feel better, but the reality is if you don't do your part and send the Governor a letter or email than you only have yourself to blame should these changes go through.


Well said. The other issue is those that post negative things about the governor are living in a vacuum. The pension systems in America have been made to be the cause of all our problems. Hugh payouts in both the private and public sector are portrayed in the media as what has brought down, GM, Chrysler, cities,counties and states. When a state or city is going bankrupt, the easiest thing to do is throw public pensions under the bus. That being said, the public is beginning to embrace Scott. Read some of the comments posted in the media about public pensions. Yes, those that comment are not well informed and they don't care about you or me. But when we have such high unemployment, so many people on unemployment benefits, food stamps, fighting foreclosures ( and there are many real good people that lost jobs and can't find another or can't find one that pays enough) it is difficult for them to gain any sympathy for us. Most, if not every police agency not in FRS contributes to the pension. Many do not receive a cola. Plantation pays 9% to the pension and they have a 1% cola, I know because my friend works there. What we need is a game plan. We need to use all our efforts to work for a compromise. We need to come together as one and hammer away. You know why GM and Chrysler went bankrupt? Simple, all contracts become null and void and they get to renegotiate with the unions. Cities and counties can now declare bankruptcy and the same will apply. In fact states are trying to do the same, be allowed to declare bankruptcy, which means the Feds would have to bail them out. No, we can not use the same rhetoric we have always used about how hard our job is, how we are always in danger, how we must leave our families for you. The fact of the matter is we get paid darn well. Check out other non cop jobs, I just read a full time CJ professor with a Masters is starting at 35,000!!! Folks with college and advanced degrees are getting 28-40 a year to start. So we must be careful, these are though times for everyone, we must gain the public support or we will get nothing.......

Obviously you are living in a bubble!! The only person embracing Rick Scott is your dumb azz!! There are a lot of Republican Law Enforcement Officers whose wives are school teaches and they are miserable and kicking themselves because they supported Rick Scott. When he finishes with your pension, you too will be on food stamps and fighting foreclosure. The FRS is not broken so why is he trying to fix it? During the ENRON fiasco every major investment entity crumbled except FRS. FRS is one of the strongest pensions in the country. FRS does not want or need our 5%. That 5% is going to be used for Rick's offsets!! His budget is nothing more than a numbers game. Unless you understand the bait and switch that goes on in a budget you won't be able to see the big picture. How can you embrace this scum bag who is cutting every program and service that benefit the people of Florida. The only people benefiting from the Governors budget is the Governor himself. His office is getting 91 new employees and a 343 million dollar raise. Meanwhile 8700 jobs across the State are being cut. I don't know how else to explain this to you! If anyone is supporting this they don't have a clue!!! Governor Rick's platform was repealing "OBAMACARE" that's how he won this election and got the support of the people. Since being elected he has not once mention his plans to repeal "OBAMACARE" Again that was political double talk and a person saying anything to get elected. He has no intentions on repealing "OBAMACARE"!! YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE YOUR GOVERNOR HAS INTEREST IN THE PRIVATE INSURANCE INDUSTRY!!! REPEALING "OBAMACARE" WILL PUT A SMALL SQUEEZE ON HIS POCKET!! Not to worry though, this budget will never pass the way he submitted it. Law makers have already said his figures are misrepresented and unrealistic. And if this budget does pass, we will have a 1 term Governor and many House Reps and Senators will not be re-elected. The people of Florida are hurting and unhappy!!

02-14-2011, 03:11 AM
Complaining on here might make you feel better, but the reality is if you don't do your part and send the Governor a letter or email than you only have yourself to blame should these changes go through.


Well said. The other issue is those that post negative things about the governor are living in a vacuum. The pension systems in America have been made to be the cause of all our problems. Hugh payouts in both the private and public sector are portrayed in the media as what has brought down, GM, Chrysler, cities,counties and states. When a state or city is going bankrupt, the easiest thing to do is throw public pensions under the bus. That being said, the public is beginning to embrace Scott. Read some of the comments posted in the media about public pensions. Yes, those that comment are not well informed and they don't care about you or me. But when we have such high unemployment, so many people on unemployment benefits, food stamps, fighting foreclosures ( and there are many real good people that lost jobs and can't find another or can't find one that pays enough) it is difficult for them to gain any sympathy for us. Most, if not every police agency not in FRS contributes to the pension. Many do not receive a cola. Plantation pays 9% to the pension and they have a 1% cola, I know because my friend works there. What we need is a game plan. We need to use all our efforts to work for a compromise. We need to come together as one and hammer away. You know why GM and Chrysler went bankrupt? Simple, all contracts become null and void and they get to renegotiate with the unions. Cities and counties can now declare bankruptcy and the same will apply. In fact states are trying to do the same, be allowed to declare bankruptcy, which means the Feds would have to bail them out. No, we can not use the same rhetoric we have always used about how hard our job is, how we are always in danger, how we must leave our families for you. The fact of the matter is we get paid darn well. Check out other non cop jobs, I just read a full time CJ professor with a Masters is starting at 35,000!!! Folks with college and advanced degrees are getting 28-40 a year to start. So we must be careful, these are though times for everyone, we must gain the public support or we will get nothing.......

Obviously you are living in a bubble!! The only person embracing Rick Scott is your dumb azz!! There are a lot of Republican Law Enforcement Officers whose wives are school teaches and they are miserable and kicking themselves because they supported Rick Scott. When he finishes with your pension, you too will be on food stamps and fighting foreclosure. The FRS is not broken so why is he trying to fix it? During the ENRON fiasco every major investment entity crumbled except FRS. FRS is one of the strongest pensions in the country. FRS does not want or need our 5%. That 5% is going to be used for Rick's offsets!! His budget is nothing more than a numbers game. Unless you understand the bait and switch that goes on in a budget you won't be able to see the big picture. How can you embrace this scum bag who is cutting every program and service that benefit the people of Florida. The only people benefiting from the Governors budget is the Governor himself. His office is getting 91 new employees and a 343 million dollar raise. Meanwhile 8700 jobs across the State are being cut. I don't know how else to explain this to you! If anyone is supporting this they don't have a clue!!! Governor Rick's platform was repealing "OBAMACARE" that's how he won this election and got the support of the people. Since being elected he has not once mention his plans to repeal "OBAMACARE" Again that was political double talk and a person saying anything to get elected. He has no intentions on repealing "OBAMACARE"!! YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE YOUR GOVERNOR HAS INTEREST IN THE PRIVATE INSURANCE INDUSTRY!!! REPEALING "OBAMACARE" WILL PUT A SMALL SQUEEZE ON HIS POCKET!! Not to worry though, this budget will never pass the way he submitted it. Law makers have already said his figures are misrepresented and unrealistic. And if this budget does pass, we will have a 1 term Governor and many House Reps and Senators will not be re-elected. The people of Florida are hurting and unhappy!!
Talk about getting a clue, everything you said was stated by the poster above you. Understand this, dumb azz, the public hates the public pension, you twit, they also hate teachers who they blame for turning out retards with a HS diploma, so when Scott trims the pension, he is cheered by the public. Hey, you keep on coming on this site and pontificating if it makes you feel better,but I will bet you a years salary at the very least we will be paying 5% into the pension, I just want to keep the multiplier,cola and 25 and out.

02-14-2011, 06:24 AM
So basically, his vision is to make us very poor while he remains one of the richest men in Florida. "what person spends 70 million dollars to get a job paying $130,000 a year. We don't know what the reason is yet, but, it has something to do with making him richer.

This is one of the most entertaining conspiracy theory posts ever on LEOAFFAIRS!

Let me get this straight - you believe that Scott spent $70 million of his own money on a political campaign for governor in order to make LEOs and other public employees poorer and himself richer?! Does that sound even remotely logical and credible that Scott would hate public employees that much that he would spend $70 million of his own money to punish them? That's quite a stretch, don't you think?!

FYI, Scott already has plenty of money and is not collecting his governor's salary. He works for $1 a year. He doesn't need more money to make him richer. His goal is public service for the same reasons FHP officers stay in a job that underpays similar jobs in sheriff's departments. Too bad the other politicians in Tallahassee who are also quite wealthy will not work for $1 a year as an austerity example to cut the $4 billion deficit and show their devotion to public service.

Yes I do believe Rick Scott spent 70 million of his own dollars to make himself richer. Rick Scott can never have enough money. The money he has, wasn't earned honestly. He still hasn't answered to what happened to the billions his Columbia Hospitals stole from the Federal Government.
Are you that dumb? Obviously you are not employed and expecting an FRS Pension after 30 years of service!!

Rick Scott is a CROOK!! Why else would he repel a data base that is able to identify pill mills? You know why? Because he probably owns the companies that manufacture those pills and he probably owns or has some type of interest in those State or Nation or World wide Pain Management Clinics. Getting control of those pills and the pill mills will put the squeeze on his monetary interest. Scratch the surface and you'll see that it's true!! People like Rick Scott just don't get into politics this late in life because they feel it's the right thing to do? There is something very big monetarily to gain. It's going to come out eventually. Hopefully sooner than later. Hopefully before he financially ruins Florida. He has the resources to be very corrupt and get away with it. After what happened with Medicare, I don't find him very trust worthy!! Sorry! With all of his money and resources he should take lessons from Oprah Winfrey! He needs to spend his time and money on charitable causes and philanthropy! Rick Scott needs to spend his money making a difference in the lives of the less fortunate, getting clean drinking water and building schools in impoverished countries. Not blowing 70 million dollars to be the Governor of Florida. That's how I know Rick Scott is a Crook and could care less about Florida or the people working here. He's cutting jobs, programs, services and then at the same time, increasing his own office budget by 27% and 343 million dollars which will give him a grand total of about 1billion dollars for "The Executive Office of the Governor" budget. Rich people just don't do this unless of course they are corrupt. Sorry, but the proof points to him being a big, sly, crook who will get caught. But this time he won't be so lucky with the outcome!! He'll be doing FED time for a very, very long time!!

02-14-2011, 12:47 PM
Complaining on here might make you feel better, but the reality is if you don't do your part and send the Governor a letter or email than you only have yourself to blame should these changes go through.


Well said. The other issue is those that post negative things about the governor are living in a vacuum. The pension systems in America have been made to be the cause of all our problems. Hugh payouts in both the private and public sector are portrayed in the media as what has brought down, GM, Chrysler, cities,counties and states. When a state or city is going bankrupt, the easiest thing to do is throw public pensions under the bus. That being said, the public is beginning to embrace Scott. Read some of the comments posted in the media about public pensions. Yes, those that comment are not well informed and they don't care about you or me. But when we have such high unemployment, so many people on unemployment benefits, food stamps, fighting foreclosures ( and there are many real good people that lost jobs and can't find another or can't find one that pays enough) it is difficult for them to gain any sympathy for us. Most, if not every police agency not in FRS contributes to the pension. Many do not receive a cola. Plantation pays 9% to the pension and they have a 1% cola, I know because my friend works there. What we need is a game plan. We need to use all our efforts to work for a compromise. We need to come together as one and hammer away. You know why GM and Chrysler went bankrupt? Simple, all contracts become null and void and they get to renegotiate with the unions. Cities and counties can now declare bankruptcy and the same will apply. In fact states are trying to do the same, be allowed to declare bankruptcy, which means the Feds would have to bail them out. No, we can not use the same rhetoric we have always used about how hard our job is, how we are always in danger, how we must leave our families for you. The fact of the matter is we get paid darn well. Check out other non cop jobs, I just read a full time CJ professor with a Masters is starting at 35,000!!! Folks with college and advanced degrees are getting 28-40 a year to start. So we must be careful, these are though times for everyone, we must gain the public support or we will get nothing.......

Obviously you are living in a bubble!! The only person embracing Rick Scott is your dumb azz!! There are a lot of Republican Law Enforcement Officers whose wives are school teaches and they are miserable and kicking themselves because they supported Rick Scott. When he finishes with your pension, you too will be on food stamps and fighting foreclosure. The FRS is not broken so why is he trying to fix it? During the ENRON fiasco every major investment entity crumbled except FRS. FRS is one of the strongest pensions in the country. FRS does not want or need our 5%. That 5% is going to be used for Rick's offsets!! His budget is nothing more than a numbers game. Unless you understand the bait and switch that goes on in a budget you won't be able to see the big picture. How can you embrace this scum bag who is cutting every program and service that benefit the people of Florida. The only people benefiting from the Governors budget is the Governor himself. His office is getting 91 new employees and a 343 million dollar raise. Meanwhile 8700 jobs across the State are being cut. I don't know how else to explain this to you! If anyone is supporting this they don't have a clue!!! Governor Rick's platform was repealing "OBAMACARE" that's how he won this election and got the support of the people. Since being elected he has not once mention his plans to repeal "OBAMACARE" Again that was political double talk and a person saying anything to get elected. He has no intentions on repealing "OBAMACARE"!! YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE YOUR GOVERNOR HAS INTEREST IN THE PRIVATE INSURANCE INDUSTRY!!! REPEALING "OBAMACARE" WILL PUT A SMALL SQUEEZE ON HIS POCKET!! Not to worry though, this budget will never pass the way he submitted it. Law makers have already said his figures are misrepresented and unrealistic. And if this budget does pass, we will have a 1 term Governor and many House Reps and Senators will not be re-elected. The people of Florida are hurting and unhappy!!
Talk about getting a clue, everything you said was stated by the poster above you. Understand this, dumb azz, the public hates the public pension, you twit, they also hate teachers who they blame for turning out retards with a HS diploma, so when Scott trims the pension, he is cheered by the public. Hey, you keep on coming on this site and pontificating if it makes you feel better,but I will bet you a years salary at the very least we will be paying 5% into the pension, I just want to keep the multiplier,cola and 25 and out.

You are right Your teacher should be punished for letting your dumb azz graduate. But punish all teachers? And if this budget does pass, you won't be keeping a multiplier or cola. You can't pick and choose what happens it's either all or nothing. Our pension is not the only article on the line, there are millions of dollars for programs and services also being cut as well as 8700 jobs. So while the "Public" is sweating our pension, the "Public" needs to see what they are losing as well.

02-14-2011, 03:20 PM
Complaining on here might make you feel better, but the reality is if you don't do your part and send the Governor a letter or email than you only have yourself to blame should these changes go through.


Well said. The other issue is those that post negative things about the governor are living in a vacuum. The pension systems in America have been made to be the cause of all our problems. Hugh payouts in both the private and public sector are portrayed in the media as what has brought down, GM, Chrysler, cities,counties and states. When a state or city is going bankrupt, the easiest thing to do is throw public pensions under the bus. That being said, the public is beginning to embrace Scott. Read some of the comments posted in the media about public pensions. Yes, those that comment are not well informed and they don't care about you or me. But when we have such high unemployment, so many people on unemployment benefits, food stamps, fighting foreclosures ( and there are many real good people that lost jobs and can't find another or can't find one that pays enough) it is difficult for them to gain any sympathy for us. Most, if not every police agency not in FRS contributes to the pension. Many do not receive a cola. Plantation pays 9% to the pension and they have a 1% cola, I know because my friend works there. What we need is a game plan. We need to use all our efforts to work for a compromise. We need to come together as one and hammer away. You know why GM and Chrysler went bankrupt? Simple, all contracts become null and void and they get to renegotiate with the unions. Cities and counties can now declare bankruptcy and the same will apply. In fact states are trying to do the same, be allowed to declare bankruptcy, which means the Feds would have to bail them out. No, we can not use the same rhetoric we have always used about how hard our job is, how we are always in danger, how we must leave our families for you. The fact of the matter is we get paid darn well. Check out other non cop jobs, I just read a full time CJ professor with a Masters is starting at 35,000!!! Folks with college and advanced degrees are getting 28-40 a year to start. So we must be careful, these are though times for everyone, we must gain the public support or we will get nothing.......

Obviously you are living in a bubble!! The only person embracing Rick Scott is your dumb azz!! There are a lot of Republican Law Enforcement Officers whose wives are school teaches and they are miserable and kicking themselves because they supported Rick Scott. When he finishes with your pension, you too will be on food stamps and fighting foreclosure. The FRS is not broken so why is he trying to fix it? During the ENRON fiasco every major investment entity crumbled except FRS. FRS is one of the strongest pensions in the country. FRS does not want or need our 5%. That 5% is going to be used for Rick's offsets!! His budget is nothing more than a numbers game. Unless you understand the bait and switch that goes on in a budget you won't be able to see the big picture. How can you embrace this scum bag who is cutting every program and service that benefit the people of Florida. The only people benefiting from the Governors budget is the Governor himself. His office is getting 91 new employees and a 343 million dollar raise. Meanwhile 8700 jobs across the State are being cut. I don't know how else to explain this to you! If anyone is supporting this they don't have a clue!!! Governor Rick's platform was repealing "OBAMACARE" that's how he won this election and got the support of the people. Since being elected he has not once mention his plans to repeal "OBAMACARE" Again that was political double talk and a person saying anything to get elected. He has no intentions on repealing "OBAMACARE"!! YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE YOUR GOVERNOR HAS INTEREST IN THE PRIVATE INSURANCE INDUSTRY!!! REPEALING "OBAMACARE" WILL PUT A SMALL SQUEEZE ON HIS POCKET!! Not to worry though, this budget will never pass the way he submitted it. Law makers have already said his figures are misrepresented and unrealistic. And if this budget does pass, we will have a 1 term Governor and many House Reps and Senators will not be re-elected. The people of Florida are hurting and unhappy!!
Talk about getting a clue, everything you said was stated by the poster above you. Understand this, dumb azz, the public hates the public pension, you twit, they also hate teachers who they blame for turning out retards with a HS diploma, so when Scott trims the pension, he is cheered by the public. Hey, you keep on coming on this site and pontificating if it makes you feel better,but I will bet you a years salary at the very least we will be paying 5% into the pension, I just want to keep the multiplier,cola and 25 and out.

You are right Your teacher should be punished for letting your dumb azz graduate. But punish all teachers? And if this budget does pass, you won't be keeping a multiplier or cola. You can't pick and choose what happens it's either all or nothing. Our pension is not the only article on the line, there are millions of dollars for programs and services also being cut as well as 8700 jobs. So while the "Public" is sweating our pension, the "Public" needs to see what they are losing as well.
Never said I hate teachers, I said the public does, listen, don't kill the messenger, stop living in a vacuum. People who do not work in the public sector do not care about the public sector. Most people, think ( they may be right or wrong) teachers work only 9 months a year, only during the week, have every holiday off and get paid extremely well ( don't forget the media publishes salaries of only the higher ups) same with us, the guy or gal who lost their job can care less about us and want us to have a 401K like them. Now we can come on here and vent and slam each other or we can join forces and try to minimize the damage and oh, yes, we will not have the same pension today and we will tomorrow. I am willing to pay 5% but I am not wiling to make other concessions which I think are wrong, wrong for me and wrong for everyone in the FRS.
The average Joe or Joan does not partake in all programs, we in SoFla have been paying through the nose for home and car insurance, high FP&L bills, most guys that have jobs go to work, come home, pop a beer and watch TV, they don't care if a library closes or a park closes or if the after-school program closes, they want more $$$$ in the paycheck, plain and simple. Almost like young guys on the job, they put benefits on the back burner because they don't need health care or other hings right now, they need as much $$$ because that is where the need for them is right now. I think we are dead wrong preaching to the choir, we need to educate and compromise so we can keep the most important thing . PS, I am very passionate about this and guess what, it does not effect me, I retired with everything. However I have many friends that I want to see get the same thing as they deserve it as well, so call me a dumb azz, at least I care and it does not effect me at all and I am still willing to pitch in and help my brothers and sisters.

02-15-2011, 12:18 AM
Just remember this is all about not being fair correct. It's not fair that public employees get generous pensions and benefits correct? Ok, I don't want to be held anymore at a higher standard. I want to be treated just like the garbage man, lawn maintenance guy or the roofer. Just like them if they decide to go to a titty bar during their lunch, so do I. I want to screw women during my lunch break like they can. I want to have a cold beer, if I want it's only fair. Heck, I'm just like everybody else so why hold me to a higher standard it's only fair. So next time you cut me off in my marked unit don't be surprised if I give you the finger and tell you to go Fu$k yourself because its only fair that I'm just like everyone else.

02-15-2011, 02:13 AM
Just remember this is all about not being fair correct. It's not fair that public employees get generous pensions and benefits correct? Ok, I don't want to be held anymore at a higher standard. I want to be treated just like the garbage man, lawn maintenance guy or the roofer. Just like them if they decide to go to a titty bar during their lunch, so do I. I want to screw women during my lunch break like they can. I want to have a cold beer, if I want it's only fair. Heck, I'm just like everybody else so why hold me to a higher standard it's only fair. So next time you cut me off in my marked unit don't be surprised if I give you the finger and tell you to go Fu$k yourself because its only fair that I'm just like everyone else.

Now you know you can't do that, you are held to a higher standard!! You are sworn to protect and serve the same people who want to cut your pension!! Go figure!!!

02-15-2011, 05:32 PM
Just remember this is all about not being fair correct. It's not fair that public employees get generous pensions and benefits correct? Ok, I don't want to be held anymore at a higher standard. I want to be treated just like the garbage man, lawn maintenance guy or the roofer. Just like them if they decide to go to a titty bar during their lunch, so do I. I want to screw women during my lunch break like they can. I want to have a cold beer, if I want it's only fair. Heck, I'm just like everybody else so why hold me to a higher standard it's only fair. So next time you cut me off in my marked unit don't be surprised if I give you the finger and tell you to go Fu$k yourself because its only fair that I'm just like everyone else.
Yes, I want you to be held to those same standards..no more .5, no more tinning your way into or out of things, PS, as far as screwing women on your lunch break, I bet you couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a handful of pardons, and if you did, you could probably do it on a 10, wouldn't need the whole 40!!!!!! Now, that's funny, and please do tell, what happened the last time someone gave you the finger and told you to go fu$k yourself????? The only reason you didn't beat the crap out of them is it was most likely your mom!

02-17-2011, 09:24 PM
Nobody is talking about cutting pensions. You guys continue with your "freeloader" mentality. Scott is asking you to contribute to your own pension. The same pension that you will get to enjoy once you retire after 20 or 25 years. Everyone else in the private sector has to contribute to their pensions and health care plans. Why are state workers different from the rest of the tax payers? Imagine the nerve for anyone to ask you to pay a portion of your own retirement.

We don't have the money period! You can argue that baseball players get paid millions and you only make $50,000 a year. If you would understand free market systems, people are willing to pay $75 dollars to go see Pujols hit a homerun. They are not willing to pay .50 cents to see you write a traffic citation. Also, you are unionized. The moment you become part of the union you lose your individual rights to bargain for higher pay. You will get paid the same as the most productive deputy or the slug.

Borders just went belly-up. Those workers lost their jobs, their pensions, and health benefits. How are those workers any different from you guys?

The enemy is not the citizenry. People are struggling to keep their jobs, their homes, and feed their families. The target for you guys is the union. Figure out what they are doing with your union dues every year. They can care less about the individuals. It is all about maintaning their power.

02-18-2011, 01:38 AM
I don't have a problem with contributing towards my pension. I don't have a problem with putting a cap on the amount you can earn in a pension. For example, you should not have a 100,000 plus pension a year. I do have a problem with people cutting my potential benefits like DROP when it really doesn't cost tax payers anything. The general public doesn't have a clue how it works, but they don't like it because it isn't fair. 25 years of dedicated service is enough. The general public doesn't have a clue what police work is about and it's dangers. They only perceive police work based on what they see on tv. Amazing! Again, I don't have a problem with pension reform. I do have a problem with certain politicians going way over board with legislation without putting any thoughts into it. Cops are not greedy, but we are not about to get screwed either.

02-18-2011, 01:42 AM
Joe, you got it all wrong. We are not freeloaders. Our pension benefits are what they are because we bargained for them. For decades pay raises were few and far between so we bargained for and got benefits. The problem with the govenor's plan is I don't see where it saves the state money. My benefits to date are already paid for. How does reducing the multiplier from 3% to 2% save money? And here's the biggie. My pension benefits cost the state nothing. They are paid for by the Sheriff via Broward County Property taxes. Making the plan contributory does not save the state any money. It would save the county taxpayers money but that is a different discussion and not the Governor's purpose.

02-18-2011, 03:14 PM
I don't have a problem with contributing towards my pension. I don't have a problem with putting a cap on the amount you can earn in a pension. For example, you should not have a 100,000 plus pension a year. I do have a problem with people cutting my potential benefits like DROP when it really doesn't cost tax payers anything. The general public doesn't have a clue how it works, but they don't like it because it isn't fair. 25 years of dedicated service is enough. The general public doesn't have a clue what police work is about and it's dangers. They only perceive police work based on what they see on tv. Amazing! Again, I don't have a problem with pension reform. I do have a problem with certain politicians going way over board with legislation without putting any thoughts into it. Cops are not greedy, but we are not about to get screwed either.

So, you are another dumbass that voted to have your own retirement destroyed???

02-18-2011, 08:20 PM
I don't have a problem with contributing towards my pension. I don't have a problem with putting a cap on the amount you can earn in a pension. For example, you should not have a 100,000 plus pension a year. I do have a problem with people cutting my potential benefits like DROP when it really doesn't cost tax payers anything. The general public doesn't have a clue how it works, but they don't like it because it isn't fair. 25 years of dedicated service is enough. The general public doesn't have a clue what police work is about and it's dangers. They only perceive police work based on what they see on tv. Amazing! Again, I don't have a problem with pension reform. I do have a problem with certain politicians going way over board with legislation without putting any thoughts into it. Cops are not greedy, but we are not about to get screwed either.

So, you are another dumbass that voted to have your own retirement destroyed???


02-18-2011, 08:33 PM
Joe, you got it all wrong. We are not freeloaders. Our pension benefits are what they are because we bargained for them. For decades pay raises were few and far between so we bargained for and got benefits. The problem with the govenor's plan is I don't see where it saves the state money. My benefits to date are already paid for. How does reducing the multiplier from 3% to 2% save money? And here's the biggie. My pension benefits cost the state nothing. They are paid for by the Sheriff via Broward County Property taxes. Making the plan contributory does not save the state any money. It would save the county taxpayers money but that is a different discussion and not the Governor's purpose.

Its going to save the state money. State support to the county is being cut to force the county to use the savings to fund the budget shortage.

02-18-2011, 11:00 PM
I have an excellent idea based on your belief and assumption. Let it affect all the new hires. 401k, work until your police car needs a wheel chair lift, etc... Give it ten years. You say, if we leave and quit there will be thousands of people in line for those new benefits they are offering. Well, put up or shut up. Let's do it. I want to see for myself how smart you really are and how wrong I am. If your right, I would the first to say I'm an idiot and there should be more changes. If your wrong, move the he'll out of Florida with your tea party village idiots. What do you say! Let's get to work!

02-18-2011, 11:34 PM
I have an excellent idea based on your belief and assumption. Let it affect all the new hires. 401k, work until your police car needs a wheel chair lift, etc... Give it ten years. You say, if we leave and quit there will be thousands of people in line for those new benefits they are offering. Well, put up or shut up. Let's do it. I want to see for myself how smart you really are and how wrong I am. If your right, I would the first to say I'm an idiot and there should be more changes. If your wrong, move the he'll out of Florida with your tea party village idiots. What do you say! Let's get to work!

I'm not saying I agree with this. I'm just saying how he is going to do it. I'm totally against stupid changes to our retirement. Scott is going to save money by forcing counties and school boards to invest savings on retirements into their budgets because he is cutting state support of their budgets. This is all shown in his proposed budget. There will be no relief to the county or the school board. Any savings will be spent to replace scotts cuts.

I think its kind of funny that he is against drop. The state made 14 percent on the money in the drop accounts last year but only will have to pay out 6 percent. The state made a profit off of the people in drop.

02-19-2011, 12:38 PM
The state made 14 percent on the money in the drop accounts last year but only will have to pay out 6 percent. The state made a profit off of the people in drop.

The FRS earned an annual average return of a bit over 4% during 2000-2010 but paid out 6.5% to the people in DROP. That kind of "profit" will only serve to increase the deficit. The DROP interest should be indexed to the CPI or the current bond market index yield.

02-19-2011, 04:02 PM
Florida Retirement System Rebounds in FY 2009-2010
Tallahassee, FL – The Florida State Board of Administration (SBA) posted a 14.03 percent return for the Florida Retirement System (FRS) Pension Fund for fiscal year 2009-2010. The FRS Pension Fund, the largest mandate for the SBA, had a market value of $109.34 billion on June 30, 2010, representing an increase of $9.77 billion over June 30, 2009 figures after net payments of $4.5 billion to retirees.
“Exceeding the benchmark return by 251 basis points, this past year’s return marks the greatest return over benchmark for the FRS Pension Plan in the last 25 years,” said Ash Williams, Executive Director and Chief Investment Officer. “The fiscal year results show a promising rebound from the near-term volatility of 2008, and pushed the FRS 20, 25 and 30 year returns to 8.18%, 8.98% and 9.56% respectively.”

02-19-2011, 04:46 PM
“The SBA has a history of cumulatively producing required returns since the fund’s inception. Over the past 22 years, more than 66% of Pension Plan benefit payments have been funded by investment gains, not from taxpayers,” said Ash Williams, Executive Director & CIO. “Since June 30, 2010 the Pension Fund value has grown an additional $9 billion to over $118 billion after approximately $1.5 billion being paid to retirees.”

Don't you hate it when facts get in the way.

02-19-2011, 05:55 PM
Why is nobody discussing Rick Scott's ambitions to privatize the Florida prison system? He does have a close friend who is a lobbyist with a company called GEO who he hangs out with! This company GEO runs privately owned prisons around the world for MONEY/PROFIT ! That being said why else would a crook spend 70 plus million to run for Governor ? I believe this crook has us all worked up on a passionate issue ( our Pensions) meanwhile he is really setting himself up to cash in on some of his privatizing endeavors . This whole Rick Scott thing is all everybody in public service is talking about. I must admit I find it extremely suspicious ?

02-19-2011, 07:24 PM
Why is nobody discussing Rick Scott's ambitions to privatize the Florida prison system? He does have a close friend who is a lobbyist with a company called GEO who he hangs out with! This company GEO runs privately owned prisons around the world for MONEY/PROFIT ! That being said why else would a crook spend 70 plus million to run for Governor ? I believe this crook has us all worked up on a passionate issue ( our Pensions) meanwhile he is really setting himself up to cash in on some of his privatizing endeavors . This whole Rick Scott thing is all everybody in public service is talking about. I must admit I find it extremely suspicious ?

Lack of a quality state retirement system would make it easier for a private prison to compete for quality officers. The pay has been close but they could not compete with the benefits.

02-19-2011, 09:38 PM
The reason he is attacking the pension is because the STATE OF FLORIDA has to pay into the FRS not just counties and SB's. I think the plan to change the pension is ridiculous. BSO could opt out of the FRS and start their own pension fund and they could provide the same benefits as the FRS. There may or may not be employee contributions based on a new plan but BSO has options.

02-20-2011, 02:08 AM
simple he's a business man who spent a lot of money to make even more money , his plan is to privatise the govement. :devil: :evil:

02-21-2011, 12:00 AM
First day wanna tak my tak holme kar den day wanna tak my gold teefth, my tattoos, my salry in keese. now day wanna my penshun. Son of a bum muthers.

02-21-2011, 12:22 AM
First day wanna tak my tak holme kar den day wanna tak my gold teefth, my tattoos, my salry in keese. now day wanna my penshun. Son of a bum muthers.

das rite coz dey bee wantin to ruhen all dos wondeeful benifeets dat wes entiteled toos