View Full Version : Rick Scott and Al Lamberti rendezvous at hotel

02-06-2011, 05:55 PM
Broward Politics

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Rick Scott and Al Lamberti rendezvous at hotel

By Anthony Man February 4, 2011 02:58 PM
Gov. Rick Scott and Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti met for about 15 minutes Friday at the Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa where the governor was making a speech to a business group.

After Scott’s speech, I asked the governor what he discussed with the sheriff.

“What we talked about is just you know I’d come here for the funeral for the two Miami-Dade officers, and I went to the St. Pete and we lost a correctional officer up there so we talked about those funerals.

“And then just talked about you know, the state budget. What’s happening. He was just asking me because I’m coming out with the budget on Monday.

“What I try to do when I travel around the state is meet with sheriffs, local officials.”

My colleague Brittany Wallman asked Lamberti what they discussed.

Lamberti said he left pleased. He said Scott promised on the campaign trail to meet regularly with Florida’s sheriffs, and he said Friday he intends to carry through on it, including meeting with the sheriff in every county he visits.

“He feels the government was started for the purpose of public safety,’’ he said.

The governor asked him to voice his top issues, and Lamberti talked to him about pill mills and funding for crime labs.

“He was very, very receptive,’’ Lamberti said, after the one-one-one at the Diplomat.

“I’m happy to hear that public safety is high on his list.”

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Thanks for taking up the biggest issue threatening the livelyood of all of your emplyees Sheriff Lamberti. I guess the huge pension cuts to the BSO employees and our families were insignificant in your eyes.

Posted by: Deputy Mike | February 4, 2011 3:53 PM

02-06-2011, 06:33 PM
What Sheriff Lamberti should have asked the Governor is why he intends to ruin our very solvent pension? If this gets past the first thing that will happen is I will take a 5% pay cut. Lets see in 2008 I made a very good salary in 2009 I made 9k less because of the cuts to overtime. In my entire career I have made more money each year but last 2 years I made less then the year before and again it happened. Now they want me to contribute to my pension at a rate of 5%. Prices of food, gas, electric, property taxes, kids sports leagues ect... keep going up and my pay keeps going down. It is more deadly to be a cop in America now than it has been in my 23 year career. The Governor and the Sheriff have a meeting and he asks about crime labs and pill mills but not his and my pension. Oh wait his pension is different now because he is an elected official the one area of FRS not being targeted for cuts and changes. Way to be my 10-94 Lamberti.

02-06-2011, 07:38 PM
What Sheriff Lamberti should have asked the Governor is why he intends to ruin our very solvent pension? If this gets past the first thing that will happen is I will take a 5% pay cut. Lets see in 2008 I made a very good salary in 2009 I made 9k less because of the cuts to overtime. In my entire career I have made more money each year but last 2 years I made less then the year before and again it happened. Now they want me to contribute to my pension at a rate of 5%. Prices of food, gas, electric, property taxes, kids sports leagues ect... keep going up and my pay keeps going down. It is more deadly to be a cop in America now than it has been in my 23 year career. The Governor and the Sheriff have a meeting and he asks about crime labs and pill mills but not his and my pension. Oh wait his pension is different now because he is an elected official the one area of FRS not being targeted for cuts and changes. Way to be my 10-94 Lamberti.

good post

02-06-2011, 08:38 PM
. I made a very good salary in 2009 I made 9k less because of the cuts to overtime. In my entire career I have made more money each year but last 2 years I made less then the year before and again it happened. Now they want me to contribute to my pension at a rate of 5%. ..

Poor little baby, why don't you try being one of the millions who've lost their job, or who went from working 40 hours per week down to 30 hrs. I was a cop for 30 yrs. took a bullet and now retired, no guaranteed COLA, or any COLA. Try going out in the private work force and finding a job or keeping a job. One thing I've noticed about cops, especially the one's today, nothing but a bunch of cry baby whinners, what's in it for me. Grow up and grow a set of balls. Be thankful you have a job.

02-06-2011, 08:41 PM
Calm down Bondo.......take a deep breath....

Oh, yeah, sorry your unemployment ran out and you can't get a job because of your criminal past and bad piss tests :evil: