View Full Version : New Cop Show Needs Partners

02-05-2011, 09:39 PM
Check out the above post about the production company looking for partners to star in a new cop show. I am going to recommend Sgt L.F. and Ofc C.G. A film crew can follow them around for a few weeks and can they can see how real police work is done. I can picture it now...
The scene opens with LF shopping in uniform during her shift at Dollar Tree or Publix or CVS in Dolphin Village (take your pick), pushing her shopping cart, sipping her coffee and completely oblivious to the radio.
Then the camera can fade to CG hiding in her "office" pretending to write new written directives while dispatch advises that there are 20 calls holding.
The final scene can be the two of them feeding all of the stray cats in front of the PD with mounds of dry food and smelly cans of wet food. Then the chief can walk into the scene and say, "Now this is community relations", while bad guys run by with money and jewlry falling out of their pockets and arms.


02-08-2011, 02:55 AM
that post is funny and on the money.....Sgt. LF as the OOY,,,,, what a joke.....