View Full Version : OPPSSS Wrong Address

02-04-2011, 12:10 AM
Wow, wrong address on a 24............. Way to go dispatch!!!!!!!!!!!

02-04-2011, 02:56 AM
This is an asinine post. Heck, no one would be spared if our dispatchers were to publicly call us on our daily stupidly. If you can’t say something nice, keep your hands off the home row.

02-06-2011, 05:43 AM
Wow, wrong address on a 24............. Way to go dispatch!!!!!!!!!!!

Coming from a rook who needs to sit in the comm center for a day and take calls. I bet he'd retract that statement. :cop:

02-06-2011, 09:20 PM
Even if he can't spell oops, it should be pointed out that an error was made. In that regard, I think we should all start posting every mistake that's made. Perhaps we could start when an officer sends an a.m. asking for directions because clearly that implies they don't know the city, or perhaps when we are asked to look up a crime code, as clearly that shows a lack of knowledge about the job; And let's talk about entries...spelling, wrong dates, not writing all the information, etc. Then we could start complaining every time we send a call, with clear,concise comments, and one of you keys up and asks a question that had you read the comments you would already know. That's always fun. And then, just for giggles, we could complain about all the requests we get to run information when you should/could be doing that in your cars, or calling and canceling cabs multiple times, or gosh, any number of inane requests and favors we are asked to do.
Or, and here's a crazy thought I know, we could all just agree that we all strive to the best job possible. Further we could agree that it's inevitable, as we are all human, that mistakes will be made, and that we should look out for each other, learn from our mistakes, and (again with the crazy) consider that we all work for the greater cause. We're supposed to be a team after all, aren't we?
Frustrated dispatcher :)

02-07-2011, 12:55 PM
The person who started this post is a idiot , I bet your mom is real proud of you ,you dipstick. Our dispatchers care about the Officers and bring respect to this dept , Wow don't we all wish we were perfect like you, and never made a mistake .GRRRR

02-07-2011, 01:47 PM
Dear Dispatch,

Please do not let the ignorant comment of some one or two year prima donna punk rookie affect your feelings towards the rest of us. The majority of the rest of us who are experienced, are team players and are true fixtures at this agency have the utmost respect and loyalty towards you guys. You always strive to get us our lunch breaks, take care of us when it is our Fridays, and are always cordial when we are in the comm center.

You see even us officers have to deal with one another when the "dirty few" are always complaining about each other, talking bad about admin, starting false rumors, etc. However, we all take comfort knowing that they end up getting weeded out and usually end up getting forced to quit after they do something stupid. The other comical thing is that the ones who are always acting like they know everything and are the supercops, we can go back in history and find at least one horrendous and completely disgusting mistake that they have made if we just open their personnel jacket.

So keep on doing a great job!

02-08-2011, 07:40 PM
We, assuming we are all deputies, work these roads every day. In general we work the same roads for at least six months at a time, most of opting to stay in the same squad longer than that. Dispatchers are rotated from channel to channel. They do not drive these roads as often as we do and really cant assume what is what. They get half assed information from citizens who are frantic, ignorant of locations, or not providing proper information all day long. I admit, some could listen better and some should not be dispatching still, but if you listed our mistakes next to theirs, they would look like angels. How many deputies have calld out the wring location on a traffic stop. How many get into something and dont remember exactly where they are? Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.

02-08-2011, 07:41 PM
Could you please change your city's name, I hate maing that error and your rants sound like ours. Let the onslaught of stupid deputy jokes commence.

02-08-2011, 11:06 PM
I Heart Dispatch

02-09-2011, 07:47 PM
sI've been around more than a couple of days and I think 95% of the dispatchers do an outstanding job. Its not an easy job and neither is ours. We have some officers who would be better suited doing something else. With that being said, we have a couple of dispatchers who always give you bad info, forget about you when you waiting on channel 2, laughing on the radio, sending you to the wrong location, etc. The difference between a bad officer and dispatcher is we only have to deal with a bad officer once or twice a shift, if we get sent to a call with them, but we are forced to deal with the madness of a bad dispatcher for an entire shift. The good dispatchers know who the bad ones are because we hear the complaints. Hopefully no one gets hurt before the comm center supervisor finally does something to fix the problems with the couple dispatchers who would be better suited doing something else. Everyone be safe!

02-10-2011, 01:44 AM
So 95%, what did that accomplish? If there is a problem with any dispatcher, or dispatchers, wouldn't the appropriate and most effective action to have been going to your Spvsr. rather than posting vague inferences here? It seems that this course only serves to exacerbate the problems begun by Oppss (the one who can't spell oops).
It's interesting that you never find the dispatchers running here to post about something one of the officers has done, but the officers, even if only a couple "bad apples" do it here. Why so anxious to air dirty laundry that only makes those of us dispatchers who really care about the job we do, and how well we do it insecure and questioning ourselves?
I've done this job for several years. I take it very seriously, and strive to do my job well, but I make mistakes. I have never made one because I was too busy laughing, listening to tv/music, reading, etc. I have made them for the same reasons that you do. As far as Ch 2, yes, sometimes some of us forget...because we have to answer multiple officers and multiple phone lines, and sometimes we can't remember who we asked to stand by while landline (and we can't always see who it is on the screen). And unfortunately, the info we give you is what we get from the callers and/or other agencies. You can rest assured that we have the same complaints and often go the extra mile trying to obtain the correct address, phone, names, etc. We reverse check phone numbers, run names for prev contacts, do latitude and longitude searches, and whatever else we can think of thinking of course that we were doing a good job and being helpful..silly old only 95% of us being worthy.
Dispatcher, still frustrated
p.s.- there is no difference between a bad officer and a bad dispatcher for us..we have to deal that person our entire shift as we are stuck in the comm center.And as far as one dispatcher complaining about another...how sad. I know we have a couple who think they practically run the place, but then again, they aren't the ones catching their mistakes.

02-25-2011, 02:35 AM
Ok.. I'll be the bad guy and point a finger. The dispatcher with a name similar to Lisa ... why is it that she can't key up without "10-9 I had background " as she laughs while speaking. EVERY TIME! if you can't converse and giggle with your peers while monitoring radio please choose the one you're paid to do. This dispatcher is very nice and pleasant but c'mon .. I don't ever want to hear "10-9 background " again. We all do make mistakes and that's ok but consistent problems need a good fixing. Be safe friends and Dispatch .. thanks for looking after us and keeping this train chugging.

Hi there..this is "rhymes with Lisa"aka Theresa. I don't 10-9 I had background and laugh every time, but thanks for saying so. And thanks for saying something to me, as I'm sure it's much braver to say it here anonymously. I really appreciate that.
I work from 2300 to 0700..come by and see me anytime..tell me what your concerns are and I will strive to improve, as my concern is your safety..that's why, when the tv is blaring, and people are laughing, and I can't hear something, I try and make sure I get the info so that I can keep track of everyone and be as on top of things as possible. Guess that's a bad thing, huh? I guess it's better to to just 10-4 and hope I have it right so that no one knows I missed something. And rest assured, when I come in tomorrow night, I'll ask everyone what I can do to do a better job ..thanks so much...rhymes with ick :)

02-25-2011, 04:08 PM
Let me say, you are doing a fine job! I find it hard to believe someone has a beef with you when we have a sweet, but horribly worse "10-9?" dispatcher (If that dispatcher even answers you in the first place!!) Don't let one s**t head bother ya! The rest of us love ya! :D

02-26-2011, 06:46 AM
Maybe you should pull some tapes and hear for yourself... and I'm not going to get nasty with you and address the "ick".. I agree with all that you are very nice and a good person but please ... listen to your recordings and maybe you'll see that I'm not just being a "ick"


02-26-2011, 02:10 PM
No problem..and maybe likewise, tapes of officers could be pulled as well. Singling out one person clearly shows a personal issue. Clearly if there is a problem, then the proper forum is to go to a supervisor as I will certainly do. What you did was petty and mean spirited period, and sadly typical of most of the cowardly, anonymous posts that are on here.

02-26-2011, 02:47 PM
Maybe you should pull some tapes and hear for yourself... and I'm not going to get nasty with you and address the "ick".. I agree with all that you are very nice and a good person but please ... listen to your recordings and maybe you'll see that I'm not just being a "ick"


First, let me assure you that I don't need your reassurances as to what type of person I am. I am a good person. I am also the kind of person who would address a problem or concern with the officer, or said officer's supervisor if need be. I am not the kind of person who runs to a public forum to anonymously post something like you did. It was not the mark of a kind or good person. It was icky.
Second, I apologize for any issues that you may have with my radio skills. I have had 11years of dispatching though, and will gladly stand my skills against anyone else in that comm center. Again, if there is a problem perhaps you should address it with Clyde, or your supervisor.
Additionally, we all, officers and dispatchers alike have issues and make mistakes on occasion. It is often quite loud in the comm center, especially around shift change, when the television is blaring, and there are several incoming and outgoing employees milling about and talking. I don't have bionic hearing, and unlike some, I don't try and rely on playback as it is spotty at best.
As a dispatcher I try and help the officer, as I am quite certain that i have done for you on what very likely amounts to many, many occasions. Many occasions.
Lastly, as I said before, you are always welcome in the comm center. We could discuss this matter face to face (try it sometime) and try and resolve whatever issues there are on both sides. As you have probably seen in all of the posts in this thread, there are concerns not only from the perspective of the officers, but of dispatch as well.And, it would certainly accomplish more than an anonymous (however amusing moniker you chose) post which makes a broad and exaggerated blanket statement designed to insult and embarrass one dispatcher only. But as you said, I'm sure you hated being the bad guy and finger pointing...sure you did. Uh huh.

02-27-2011, 05:39 PM
shut up, stupid

03-02-2011, 06:45 PM
you seem pretty sure of yourself And I have a suggestion to assist you in sounding better on the radio (since it is clearly a problem of your surroundings)...

TURN OFF THE TV!!!!! If your environment is affecting your job performance, change it. I am confident that Clyde does not have a policy entitling anyone in the comm center to TV privileges especially at the expense of another dispatcher's ability to monitor the officers (or in better words DOING YOUR JOB)

03-02-2011, 08:39 PM
She didn't say she was the best..and wowser..why such an ass? Sounds like someone has some kind of personal issues or is friends with someone who does.

03-02-2011, 10:13 PM
Seriously boy, it's starting to sound like a personal problem

03-03-2011, 12:24 AM
Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others,and in their pleasure takes joy as though it were his own~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

03-03-2011, 03:46 AM
It is as simple as this, there are some dispatchers that enjoy what they do. And others who thrive on the thrill to know everyone's business, or WHO they are doing that week. It is pitiful that it comes down to this. Why is it that the ones who work the hardest, A$$ clowns end up destroying on here! Honestly, you are hating on one of the BEST we have. So who ever you are, wake up and smell your Fray's Coffee!!!

03-04-2011, 05:10 AM
I feel that both officers and dispatchers at PPPD are garbage .. all of them.

Mostly dispatchers though

03-05-2011, 12:08 AM

03-22-2011, 01:02 PM
Maybe you should pull some tapes and hear for yourself... and I'm not going to get nasty with you and address the "ick".. I agree with all that you are very nice and a good person but please ... listen to your recordings and maybe you'll see that I'm not just being a "ick"


Pull the tapes????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????? It's been done in the past and amazingly there is no background noise.................... go figure

03-22-2011, 07:40 PM
So you imply they edit the background noise out but they don't have the ability to edit background noise. What's your next conspiracy theory? Go get some Fray's and chill.

03-28-2011, 05:06 PM
It's easy to tell who the MOD is friends with. I see some people can be insulted here but the minute the friend of the MOD is mentioned (and we all knew who they were talking about) that got yanked. Don't worry though MOD, true love never lasts in this case, and she'll be back :)

04-03-2011, 03:09 PM
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,,, FRAYS ! !

04-06-2011, 12:29 AM
Or if who you are doing is a friend of the MOD! haha...You act like we don't know!