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View Full Version : Take action now...

02-03-2011, 12:03 PM
As my user name states, I am a 20 year veteran of law enforcement. I am also a lifetime Republican who never forgets to vote in an election. I am in the same boat as all of you when it comes to suffering the affects of Gov. Rick Scott's legislative agenda. He has chosen to balance the state budget on the backs of the fine men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving others. Lets face it a politician only cares about one thing and that is your vote. Since our current Governor is a Republican and has chosen his agenda, the time for talking, and sending threatening emails is over. I have made the difficult choice of changing party affiliations. Today I will cut my voters card in two, and send it to the Republican National Committee. I will also be letting them know, that for now they have lost my vote. I cannot continue to support a party that elects to back candidates that are anti-public servant. They will only gain my vote back through actions, and not vague promises. If you like my idea please join me and make a difference. Stop complaining and griping about what is going to happen. Lets ban together and make a statement, your families future depends on how we react to this situation. God bless the public servants of the great state of Florida. Make this your priority today.....................20 year vet