View Full Version : Paul Phillips has ties to Felon Camilo Padreda

01-31-2011, 11:51 PM
It is interesting who Paul Phillips really is. I found at least two articles In Miami New Times where Paul Phillips admits to being friends with convicted felon Camilo Padreda.

This is the same Camilo Padreda who was arrested and convicted on a million dollar fraud of US HUD and another $500,000 swindle involving a savings and loan.In the million dollar HUD fraud, Padreda agreed to testify against former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez.

Padreda is proud to include Phillips as a "very good friend".

Boy, the Mayor continues to bring shady people into the city.

Read the Miami New Times articles, ""A Friend Indeed", or "Just Friends" to get the straight scoop.

01-31-2011, 11:56 PM
It is interesting who Paul Phillips really is. I found at least two articles In Miami New Times where Paul Phillips admits to being friends with convicted felon Camilo Padreda.

This is the same Camilo Padreda who was arrested and convicted on a million dollar fraud of US HUD and another $500,000 swindle involving a savings and loan.In the million dollar HUD fraud, Padreda agreed to testify against former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez.

Padreda is proud to include Phillips as a "very good friend".

Boy, the Mayor continues to bring shady people into the city.

Read the Miami New Times articles, ""A Friend Indeed", or "Just Friends" to get the straight scoop.
Is this the same HUD scam that several mpd brass were involved in years ago and nothing happened to them or is this another one? HUD is being abused at every damm angle huh!

02-01-2011, 12:06 AM
It is interesting who Paul Phillips really is. I found at least two articles In Miami New Times where Paul Phillips admits to being friends with convicted felon Camilo Padreda.

This is the same Camilo Padreda who was arrested and convicted on a million dollar fraud of US HUD and another $500,000 swindle involving a savings and loan.In the million dollar HUD fraud, Padreda agreed to testify against former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez.

Padreda is proud to include Phillips as a "very good friend".

Boy, the Mayor continues to bring shady people into the city.

Read the Miami New Times articles, ""A Friend Indeed", or "Just Friends" to get the straight scoop.

Here we go again Exposito and his crony friends are not giving time for Phillip to adjust at his new post......I guess Phillip will have to act faster than Crapp to get rid of this idiot...

02-01-2011, 12:07 AM
Folks dont worry about the ten percent in the department that live their lives in politics. Come to work as you do everyday, be professional and stay out of the clicks. . This chaos caused by city hall will continue for years to come dont get caught up in the mess.

02-01-2011, 12:30 AM
I spoke to a retired FBI agent that worked for Phillips and he told me Camilo Padreda was the one who gave Phillips the party at Diego's in Coral gables when Phillips retired.

I can't believe this stuff. This mayor has to go!!!!

02-01-2011, 12:39 AM
This Camilo guy is the same dude that Lt D' Agostino had to valet parking his vehicle when ordered by then Chief Raul Martinez. This Guy is the great corruptor of Dade County.

02-01-2011, 12:43 AM
Mr. Phillips walk away from this place before your reputation takes a major hit.

02-01-2011, 01:40 AM
I see the spin doctors of the X Post Ito regime are working overtime. The originator of this post must be the same spin master that "overheard" Fernandez' negative story about the police department while walking his dog on brickell key. Associations with felons a disqualifier? How about weekly lunches with felon Angel Gonzalez and pseudo- felon Victor Seijas? Alvarez and X Ito gathered on a weekly basis with those two pillars of society. Your house is not plexiglass Chief, there is plenty of institutional knowledge left here.
The Felonious Order of Police is responsible for the negativity that has befallen all of us brothers and sisters. They crawled into bed with the flea- bitten mongrel named Tomas Regalado. The appointment of the king of political hackery and his hidious band of grave robbers followed. The worst part of the whole melodrama are the pay and earned benefits that were stolen from us. They are all too busy doing shots of Frontline and Jack Daniels to worry about the rank and file.

RG OUT!!!!!!!! :evil:

02-01-2011, 03:13 AM
Mr. Phillips walk away from this place before your reputation takes a major hit.

not after i take my free money suckas!!!!

02-01-2011, 03:42 AM
I spoke to a retired FBI agent that worked for Phillips and he told me Camilo Padreda was the one who gave Phillips the party at Diego's in Coral gables when Phillips retired.

I can't believe this stuff. This mayor has to go!!!!

Why did the Mayor hire this guy? He got rid of Carlos Magoya who worked for free. I guess the problem was that he would not get rid of the chief. Now that he has "Tony the Crony" Crap at $187 K, he is again disappointed that he too seems to be having difficulty coming up with a way to get rid of the chief. So he gets this guy Phillip at $75 K to try to get rid of the chief. I thought the city was broke. Sounds like the one we should be getting rid of is the Mayor.

02-01-2011, 03:44 AM
If Paul Phillips is an honest, outside the circle third party the only thing he will find wrong is lazy demotees who want their cushy jobs back and a corrupt city hall who wants a chief they can control PERIOD.

02-01-2011, 04:37 AM
I spoke to a retired FBI agent that worked for Phillips and he told me Camilo Padreda was the one who gave Phillips the party at Diego's in Coral gables when Phillips retired.

I can't believe this stuff. This mayor has to go!!!!

I understand that Camilo Padreda spent a few bucks on Paul Phillips retirement party. I know that Paul truly appreciates it. After all , what are friends for?

02-01-2011, 05:24 AM
if true, im sure he will fit right into Regalados administration they love donotions of any kind

02-01-2011, 05:59 AM
It sounds like something out of a third-rate B-movie: Héctor Pesquera, in the role of "incorruptible" FBI chief for South Florida pays a friendly visit to the Miami police chief, accompanied by Camilo Padreda, number one roué of Miami real estate speculation, friend of the mafia — particularly if they are Republicans or drug-traffickers — the man that Raúl Martínez, the mayor of Hialeah, publicly described as "a scumbag".

Describing the meeting was a reporter from the Miami New Times (the most credible publication emanating from the city), whose research is making the local oligarchy tremble with fear. In an article entitled "Meet Camilo Padreda, dynamic businessman, faithful Republican, patron of law enforcement, convicted felon", journalist Tristam Korten tells how Padreda has just lost his closest contact in the local police force after the enforced resignation of his great friend Chief Raúl Martínez (no relation) and goes on to describe, in a detailed portrait of this individual, the beautiful friendship that the bandit businessman shares with the federal police chief.

But one should not be surprised about such a tender friendship: Paul Philip, Pesquera’s predecessor, was also a "very good friend", points out Padreda who, (no doubt) is a friend to everyone. Also appearing on his list of "good friends" are the local head of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and "Raúl", former Police Department chief…..Hey! Welcome to Miami!

Of course, nobody’s perfect: Padreda also has enemies. Raúl Martínez, the mayor of Hialeah, for example, who suffered quite a bit when, 10 years ago during another corruption case, Padreda admitted to having carried out schemes of bribery and corruption and confirmed having paid him a generous "commission".

"Camilo is nothing but a scumbag", stated the politician. "I do not understand how anybody who is part of law enforcement has anything to do with him."

02-01-2011, 06:11 AM
http://www.miaminewtimes.com/2002-11-21 ... -goddaddy/ (http://www.miaminewtimes.com/2002-11-21/news/raul-martinez-s-goddaddy/)

I found this story from 2002 where regalado is pictured next to Ex- Chief Martinez. In the story Camilo Padreda has enough political pull to save his friends Chief Martinez's job. Coincidence that there is a connection of friendship between Padreda, Phillips and maybe Regalado?????

hmmmm the plot not only thickens but is down right dirty

Alcrespo, TBM can you confirm this theory???

02-01-2011, 03:20 PM
LOL... people are so gulible.... if you don't know what really went down- don't trust the press for the truth!
