View Full Version : Al Crespo recieved Anonymous call

01-30-2011, 03:09 AM
On Monday morning, I received an anonymous call asking me if I would be willing to deliver some documents to city hall from people who were afraid to do so.

I replied that depending on what they were, I’d be interested. I was directed to a location and told that a number of brown envelopes would be in a carboard box, and after reading the information in one of the envelopes, if I agreed, I was to deliver the envelopes to the Mayor, City Manager, the members of the City Commission, and any news media people attending Monday’s City Commission meeting.

I read, and I delivered.

You can read a copy of the documents in the envelope by clicking HERE.

Here is what you will find.

Two letters detailing allegations of misbehavior by the Chief of Police, Major Al Alvarez, the head of Internal Affairs, Senior Executive Assistant to the Chief, Vega, and others in the City of Miami Police Department.

The most damning allegations involve the actions of Major Alvarez and Commander Malencon, who accompanied Alvarez when it was alleged that he removed a file from his permenant folder that detailed a reprimand he received for allowing his partner to sleep in a police car during a robbery stakeout of a Burger King in 1996, during which time the Burger King actually got robbed.

In the 2nd letter, allegations were made against Senior Executive Assistant to the Chief, Vega for removing his daughter from outside a downtown nightclub after she created a scene and assualted a Lt. Burhmaster.

The letter alleges that Vega sought guidance from the Chief, and that he and his wife took their daughter home, and that no report of this incident, or documentation of the injuries received by the Lt. at the hands of Vega’s daughter were ever filed and/or documented, even though these actions were felonies.

Now, you know you’ve got real problems when cops in a major American city turn to an ex-con to be the one to deliver these documents to the politicians because the cops are afraid to stand up for themselves.

If ever there was a need for the FBI and the United States Department of Justice to step in and clean up a mess, then this is the time, and this is the mess.

As for anyone else wishing to have me turn over documents, I’m available, but I think it’s time that more folks decided that the right thing to do is to stand up against this crazy shit, and the way you do that is show some gumption and do it yourself.

But if you can’t, my phone number is: 305.759.4788 and my email is al@alcrespo.net...and you got my word that I won’t tell anybody - including the FBI - who’s giving me the documents to release, even if it means I go to jail.

Please click in to The Crespo Gram report to see Memos! :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: