View Full Version : McQueen out

01-27-2011, 10:37 PM
McQueen has been caught leaking information to the black reverends and activists who are calling for Expositos removal. Apparrantly he is trying to beat whistle-blower mike at his own game. But mikey has his own spies who are trying to get McQueens major position and Craig was busted. He has been given a week to retire or be demoted.

01-28-2011, 12:54 AM
The chief and his chromosome deficient chronies spend more time and energy trying to save their skin than actually running the organization. Rumors rampant that he wants to demote two more majors for conspiring against him? It appears very evident that you Mr. Exposito are the problem. Maybe you should demote the entire staff and just run the place with your handfull of incompetent clowns, that way you ensure blind loyalty. The picture is coming into focus, the paranoid schizophrenic appears to be Ex Post Ito not Luis.

RG OUT!!!!! :evil:

01-28-2011, 01:09 AM
Why would any Chief keep a disloyal staffer.

01-28-2011, 03:53 AM
The chief and his chromosome deficient chronies spend more time and energy trying to save their skin than actually running the organization. Rumors rampant that he wants to demote two more majors for conspiring against him? It appears very evident that you Mr. Exposito are the problem. Maybe you should demote the entire staff and just run the place with your handfull of incompetent clowns, that way you ensure blind loyalty. The picture is coming into focus, the paranoid schizophrenic appears to be Ex Post Ito not Luis.

RG OUT!!!!! :evil:

Yes I agree, the Chief is too paranoid and he feels everyone is conspiring against him. The reality is the Chief is the main conspirator who for years have been vindicating, planning a masterminding a coup against anyone he feels is in the way. These are the last days of his existence....Chief Exposito is the grasping of a desperate man......

01-28-2011, 03:59 AM
Yes I agree, the Chief is too paranoid and he feels everyone is conspiring against him. The reality is the Chief is the main conspirator who for years have been vindicating, planning a masterminding a coup against anyone he feels is in the way. These are the last days of his existence....Chief Exposito is Hitler in the bunker.....as the department falls he does not care about anyone but himself, does not care how many people he hurts as long as he can maintain power....the question is Chief if you are listening....is this the legacy you want to leave behind.....a destroyer instead of a builder. ....you set to change a department for the worse instead of for the better of the organization....if you take a poll you rank as the worse Chief this department ever had.....

01-28-2011, 04:18 AM
Yes I agree, the Chief is too paranoid and he feels everyone is conspiring against him. The reality is the Chief is the main conspirator who for years have been vindicating, planning a masterminding a coup against anyone he feels is in the way. These are the last days of his existence....Chief Exposito is Hitler in the bunker.....as the department falls he does not care about anyone but himself, does not care how many people he hurts as long as he can maintain power....the question is Chief if you are listening....is this the legacy you want to leave behind.....a destroyer instead of a builder. ....you set to change a department for the worse instead of for the better of the organization....if you take a poll you rank as the worse Chief this department ever had.....

You really really think so ? Wait till Luisito becomes chief.

01-28-2011, 05:23 AM
Why would any Chief keep a disloyal staffer.

Agreed my simple minded friend, but ask youself; how many people can possibly be conspiring against him? He holds the record for domotions including three last month for conspiracy against the throne. Now he has two others in his sights. Is everyone really against him, or does he believe everyone is just like him. His chase for the stars included every dirty trick on the book. Maybe if he was a leader people would follow. Maybe if he carried himself in an ethical manner he would not be preoccupied with office gossip and lead the department.

RG IS OUT!!!!!!!! :evil:

01-28-2011, 06:24 AM
Why would any Chief keep a disloyal staffer.

Agreed my simple minded friend, but ask youself; how many people can possibly be conspiring against him? He holds the record for domotions including three last month for conspiracy against the throne. Now he has two others in his sights. Is everyone really against him, or does he believe everyone is just like him. His chase for the stars included every dirty trick on the book. Maybe if he was a leader people would follow. Maybe if he carried himself in an ethical manner he would not be preoccupied with office gossip and lead the department.

Your the leader of the simple minded my friend. All the sharks have hopes of being the next chief or assist chief or major or commander. So they will back stab their own mothers to get ahead. It is very simple really. You do not conspire to dump the chief, you do not get busted back. In the past Command staff were loyal to those who made them staff. These days, there is only loyalty to themselves and/or the Benjamins. You reap what you sow. Lay down with dogs, your going to get flees.

RG IS OUT!!!!!!!! :evil:

01-28-2011, 07:30 AM
Thank you, I accept your nomination to lead you and those like you. I am humbled and will endeavor to represent you well. It seems that you suffer from some kind of cliché turrets, please have that addressed by medical authorities. It seems that if you closely analize our statements you validated my observation, X Post Ito is guilty of ALL the transgretions that you acuse current staff of committing. Karma.

Leader of all simpletons is out! :?:

01-28-2011, 10:10 AM
Why would any Chief keep a disloyal staffer.
Are there any "real" loyal staffers? They are all disloyal and have their own agendas.

01-28-2011, 11:27 AM
Why would any Chief keep a disloyal staffer.
Are there any "real" loyal staffers? They are all disloyal and have their own agendas.

Better yet: are their any staffers who are not politcal hacks, who have gotten there based on their own merits and not via favors? I am certain there must be a few to be sure. So maybe we should nto make broad generalizations. Live by the sword, you better bet your a$$ that you will also die by the sword. CHIVAS and back stabbing phonys.

01-28-2011, 01:49 PM
Why would any Chief keep a disloyal staffer.
Are there any "real" loyal staffers? They are all disloyal and have their own agendas.

Better yet: are their any staffers who are not politcal hacks, who have gotten there based on their own merits and not via favors? I am certain there must be a few to be sure. So maybe we should nto make broad generalizations. Live by the sword, you better bet your a$$ that you will also die by the sword. CHIVAS and back stabbing phonys.

Hey LUBE, You're a shining star, no matter who you are.......shining star for you to see what your life can truly be......!!!!!!

01-28-2011, 05:12 PM
McQueen has been caught leaking information to the black reverends and activists who are calling for Expositos removal. Apparrantly he is trying to beat whistle-blower mike at his own game. But mikey has his own spies who are trying to get McQueens major position and Craig was busted. He has been given a week to retire or be demoted.
Mcqueen is a very smart, intelligent individual who possess a threat to the administration because he is potential chief material and does possess strong leadership values and. He also looks good in his uniform.

01-28-2011, 05:42 PM
McQueen has been caught leaking information to the black reverends and activists who are calling for Expositos removal. Apparrantly he is trying to beat whistle-blower mike at his own game. But mikey has his own spies who are trying to get McQueens major position and Craig was busted. He has been given a week to retire or be demoted.
Mcqueen is a very smart, intelligent individual who possess a threat to the administration because he is potential chief material and does possess strong leadership values and. He also looks good in his uniform.

Sure Craig, whatever makes you feel good. So if you lose your conceit, you will be perfect. But you keep on telling yourself this BS long enough and even you might believe it.

01-28-2011, 07:36 PM
He is trying to play the black reverends but even they see him for what he is. He may be one of the most incompetent staff members in this administration but is saved because he is black. The fool couldn't even run the honor guard. He was supposed to be demoted long ago but FF wouldn't do it because he was afraid of demoting anyone that was black.

He has a long history of back stabbing fellow staff members, just ask Adam Burden, and is trying to get Expo now.

01-28-2011, 07:51 PM
Mcqueen is a very smart, intelligent individual who possess a threat to the administration because he is potential chief material and does possess strong leadership values and. He also looks good in his uniform.

AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! Thanks. Nothing better than a good laugh to relieve stress.

01-29-2011, 04:06 PM
Craig McQueen was seen meeeting with Diana Fernandez at the Starbucks in Miami Shores. He is so dumb he didnt check out the parking lot to see who else was there. After Chavez McQueen is gone.

01-30-2011, 05:01 PM
McQueen went to churh this morning at Dunns church. They met for an hour after the service. Still trying to politic even after he has been brought out in the open.

02-02-2011, 05:49 AM
Sorry Cannon u r the backstabber u did it to Burden and FF because u thought the new adminstration was going to keep your incompent be they didn't. Also the SWAT boys told everybody how you threaten kick them out of SWAT because she told you they were bigger and better than you. Poor little 1 inch boy move on with your life it would be good for your hair growth.

02-02-2011, 05:53 AM
What's up with the president's bath robe?

02-02-2011, 06:16 AM

02-02-2011, 02:45 PM

YOU JOKING, RIGHT! Does that guy even have good enough faculties to hold a gun these days?

02-02-2011, 04:11 PM

Ken cannot be chief. He is too busy testifying against Miami Police Officer's widows when their husbands fall to their death on poorly lit bridges. One judge didn't let him testify on a homicide case as he had never worked in homicide. But keep trying KIH, and we will keep "informing" folks of the truth. HOW do you sleep at night Kenny?

02-02-2011, 04:17 PM
He was also seen speaking to la ley tv people in flagami a couple of days ago. La ley is connected to Regalado.