View Full Version : Awards

01-27-2011, 02:52 AM
Last night just proved that once again, anyone can receive an award. One Officer got an Officer of the Quarter award for writing 7 tickets in one year and doing 30 10-50's. Her other half also got the same award for doing nothing but running up to #2 and telling him everything that is said downstairs. The other Officer truly deserved it. Letters of citation and meritorious service awards ? WTF. I am sad to say that I wasted my evening off be there. There are several other Officers that should have gotten awards that didnt. Just proves once again that things havent change and its still a popularity contest.

01-28-2011, 06:43 PM
I could not agree with you more. That place is such a joke anymore. So much has been changed since the new chief came in and for what? the moral is no better now than it was before she took office. It used to be when the awards banguet was held that everyone wanted to be there and it was a big thing. What happened to the old awards, did she not like them, Chiefs award, top gun, officer of the year, things like that. Now she is changing what the Police Ball was started for, the businesses of Columbia County that needed extra support financialy. For what to help raise money for a training simulator, $100,000? Why cant she keep it the same and do something different to raise the funds for that. Dont get me wrong the simulator is a great tool for the department and for other local agencys to use.
When is the city manager and council going to wake up and see whats shes doing to the dept?

02-02-2011, 01:44 PM
She is over her head, no doubt. But nobody can do anything with her now because they're afraid to get sued for discrimination.

02-03-2011, 01:37 AM
I can not believe that she wants to spend 100,000 dollars on a firearms simulator. I think its a great tool, but neither of our agencies should or would need it. I think the college should buy it for basic recruit training and to train surrounding agencies, but not LCPD by no means. Lets think of a few better ways to spend 100,000. Training for Officers, even though I know she will not allow you guys to attend any fee based training meaning that u can only attend cd courses on your time. Radars and laser's to increase traffic enforcement which would reduce the amount of traffic crashes you guys work. Digital cameras for your patrol officer's. Real duty gear instead of the UNCLE MIKES crap that you guys wear now. Basic entry tools that are spread out among the shifts like we do. Oh and more more thing......DVD's for your watch guard cameras....I am tired of giving you guys dvd's cause you dont have any. We are issued a 50 pack, whens its empty, we go see Mr Lee who gives us another 50 pack... Maybe its 25, I'm not sure. I truly feel for you guys. I worked side by side with some of you for 15 years and I can not believe how bad it is over there.