View Full Version : Officer Safety

01-26-2011, 07:25 PM
First of all I would like to send my deepest sympathies to all of the families of all of the brothers in blue who have lost their lives in the line of duty over the past 48 hours.

We obviously have an issue in law enforcement that is taking a huge toll on COPS everywhere...the budget. It's a discrace that this all started with the the nation taking an econimic dump but Charlie Christ was no help. We all saw the writting on the wall when he proposed the bill that was going to cut taxes, now training is being cut and quite frankly new officers aren't very sharp for the most part. (That goes for some senior officers too). I have seen to many "newbies" make errors that are going to get them hurt or someone else. We have always had an issue with aggresive training particularly at the OPD, but as budgets are being cut even more the quality if any training is going to go by the wayside. It's more important to know about blood borne pathogens than how to properly defend yourself in the worst situation possible. Until a resolution can be reached it's up to us to make sure that we go home. Take the time to look at some free training, or training that you can get the department to pay for. We have been extremely fortuante that the OPD hasn't lost a life to a bad guy in decades, but it's sad to say that the day could be tomorrow. Don't be that statistic. There maybe several reasons for this, maybe the same reason we still carry 9mm handguns, or don't exert ourselves during other training exercises. Remember that we control our destiny not the bad guys, use your heads going into situations that you know your going to need another unit or two.
Please be safe and remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for your community.