View Full Version : 1% Dinner Cancelled by Lt. Kerr

01-21-2011, 08:05 PM
Why did Lt. Kerr and Nazur cancel the $4,000 1% dinner that only they are invited to? Who approved this? Where were you going to have it? Do you get a free rolex? KERR ARE YOU THE CAMPAIGN MANAGER FOR ZIRK? ISN'T THAT TRUE?

01-21-2011, 08:08 PM
Why did Lt. Kerr and Nazur cancel the $4,000 1% dinner that only they are invited to? Who approved this? Where were you going to have it? Do you get a free rolex? KERR ARE YOU THE CAMPAIGN MANAGER FOR ZIRK? ISN'T THAT TRUE?

You criticize them for having the dinner and then you criticize them for cancelling the dinner. You can't have it both ways Jeff. Pick one. It just goes to show everyone you have no focus other than a personal vendetta. Grow up.

01-21-2011, 09:27 PM
I just wanted a slice of pizza

01-21-2011, 10:24 PM
You guys are a bunch of whining cry babies starting with Jeff "I'll run for anything" Giordano. You idiots don't even know what the 1% fund is. EDUCATE YOURSELVES

The 1% fund has paid millions of dollars to retirees, and it is financially stable.

It is FREE money when you retire. All you have to do is come to work and when you retire you go over to the 1% office and you get a nice chunk of change. You criticize Kerr and Nazur about the Rolex when you all know it was the previous board.

Jeff Giordano is an idiot first grade and doesn't have a clue about investment strategies and money markets. Just because you drive up and down Brickell doesn't mean you're a banker!

We all know Jeff is going to lose the election for the Credit Union and then run against whoever is up for re-election on the 1% board. He will start posting all his false information about the Marlins stadium and bring sandwiches to roll call and spout off about things he doesn't know anything about.

01-22-2011, 01:55 AM

01-22-2011, 02:35 AM
When is the dinner for the select few? answer kerr

01-22-2011, 11:23 AM
They got caught and cancled it with telling anyone just like they set the meeting and didn't tell anyone. Bad cops no more donuts for you all.

01-22-2011, 12:31 PM
All I know is my 1% gained a lot this year.

My city paycheck got ripped along with my benefits and retirement choices. The FOP really came through for it's members this past year.

I don't think anyone should be hosting a dinner, but if anyone has a reason to celebrate a successful year, I guess it's the 1% board.

The 1% cancelled theirs, why hasn't the FOP?

What does the FOP have to celebrate?
Tiered salary cuts?
5 year pension averaging?
70 pts & min age 50?
Having to ask other lodges to donate funds?

I wonder how those lodges would feel if they found out we had money to spend on a party, after begging them for money.

01-22-2011, 02:39 PM
Wow! I love our new and improved FOP board. Always trying to spin a story to deflect attention from themselves.

Enjoy your party jackasses while the rest of us work our off duties to make up for our pay cuts.

Let me ask you, did you guys cut your stipend to mirror our pay cuts?

01-22-2011, 04:46 PM
Mayors Ball will be in two weeks at Intercontinental Hotel. Union was planning demonstration 1 mile away from site to waste its members time again. Ortez advises mayor to donate some of the proceeds to P.A.l that we they will refuse to demonstrate/ We need to be there guys!!!

01-22-2011, 04:48 PM
Giordano uncovers this waste of money. Kerr had no choice but to cancell the sectret Dinner, Giordano complaines to state

01-22-2011, 04:54 PM
Giordano did it for us again guys. He challenged this Dinner with the state and they put an immediate stop to it.

01-22-2011, 05:24 PM
Giordano did it for us again guys. He challenged this Dinner with the state and they put an immediate stop to it.
prove what you say here Jeff? you come here and post a bunch of crap which has been proven time and time again to be lies, and you keep running for boards and losing which you have no idea what they are all about. jeff you have made yourself to be one gigantic clown.....

01-22-2011, 05:35 PM
Giordano uncovers this waste of money. Kerr had no choice but to cancell the sectret Dinner, Giordano complaines to state

This isn't Jeff writing this crap. It is Javi, lugo, and Destephan trying to deflect attention away from the FOP. Grow up kids. Why not cancel the FOP party losers.