View Full Version : "The Taste for the Chase" vs "Predators"

01-19-2011, 06:04 AM
According to Mr Crespo instead of Chief Exposito using the phrase “Predators,” what he really meant was if he had been more articulate was;

"What makes good cops, good investigative reporters good research scientists, and others who work in mentally challenging fields is a taste for the chase. If you’re not aggressive, stimulated by challenges, capable of making sense out of chaos, and persistent, chances are, you won’t make a good detective, or member of a elite police unit. It’s the taste for the chase that’s makes one cop work extra hours, go that extra mile, while a colleague is just happy to clock in his hours and go home.

Citizens should want officers that have that taste for the chase - and this is my personal choice of description - as members of the elite members of their police force. The streets can be mean and dangerous, and chasing bad guys isn’t for the weak of heart or mind. The intrinsic qualities needed to be good at catching bad guys means you have to chase them, and on occasion, that means you have to hunt for them."

To view the complete truth turn to The Crespo Gram Report and make your own determination. Don't let Alvarez,Siegle,Blom,Colina and the rest of the cronies to influence your decisions.

Thats what happens when you run around fools.

01-19-2011, 06:35 AM
The taste of the chase? are we working in a salsa night club or a city founded violent crime and drug trafficking?

01-19-2011, 06:38 AM
I like it.

01-19-2011, 07:14 AM
Maybe they are just hungry?


01-19-2011, 11:42 AM
Why is it that we only hear from ex felons telling the police what to do?

You got Starling , Crespo and the not so innocent Commissioner Dunn. I guess they all have something in common like their booking photos.

01-19-2011, 11:03 PM
The Chief was not talking about "a taste for the chase" when he made the predator line. He was talking about the turning the Special Operations Section into the Tactical Operations Section. He wanted to have a group of people hunting criminals like . . . predators.

You can't spin the chief's failed philosophy, he wanted to use officers as street sweepers, instead of investigators who build serious cases. TOS is a joke, their cases go nowhere except the morgue and for shooting review.

01-20-2011, 02:15 AM
Siegle orders TOS to stop patrolling in liberty city and overtown to avoid further shootings of black males in the community. Officers are encourage to hunt no more. NO MORE HUNTING, NO MORE HUNTING! The gaming season is postponed for now.

01-20-2011, 11:39 AM
Why don't you try patrolling the area and building cases, instead of hunting. Our job is to protect the public by deterring crime with presence and stop crime with cases that send criminals to jail. You want to be an executioner? Call Gov. Scott. Our job is not to hunt and kill it is to protect and serve.

I think these shootings will be found to be justified, but the TOS strategy created situations that are totally unnecessary. Resign Expo, you are sinking in the quick sand of your own failure.