View Full Version : Crespo attacks the chief with a weak story

01-19-2011, 05:06 AM
Al Crespo just attacked the chief with a rather weak story. That was your WOW story Crespo?? with all the corrution going on in city hall you attack a chief with a three decade record of doing the right thing, of standing up to bad police shootings??
You forgot to mention in the same Thursday meeting where the chief caught "holy" Dunn in a lie when Dunn said "I never said the shootings were justified." Chief then plays the news footage showing he did say that and Dunn sat there in his lie with no explanation. You also forget to mention that under the chiefs aggressive stance on combating crime double the amount of guns have been taken off the streets.
No ones civil rights were violated in the video you pubescent reporter, police target areas based on crime rates, location and subjects behavior and history. You cant say what the officers reason was for approaching the subject and yes we dont stop people in Nordstrom like we do at 13 ave and 63 street where "shots fired" are daily calls, yes daily.
and you are worried about the entertainment sound track used in the video? well for over twenty years we have been hearing kill those pigs in music. It was a pitch video to attract a network, pick any of the thousand police shows using actual departments and there will be some sort of script eeediot thats why you need "Producers" and directors its a SHOW.

Stick to the politician stories robbing taxpayers blind

01-19-2011, 05:18 AM
This is a story Crespo not that garbage you wrote

From take back miami blog:

With the ***** slapping going on between Chief Expo and Mayor Regalado, we almost forgot to tell you, Tony Crapp hit the motherload!

More money than Obama's Chief of Staff William Daley.

More money than U.S. Senator Marco Rubio.

More money than General David Petraeus.

Mayor Tomasito always says Miami is a "poor city" and that we are in a "financial crisis."

But the City always has money to pay its bureaucrats!

$185,000 base salary.

$800 monthly car allowance.

$200 cell phone allowance.

Plus health insurance, vacation and sick day goodies, and other benefits.

But the Herald take the spin...

"Commissioners set Crapp's annual salary, excluding benefits, at $185,000. That is about 16 percent less than the $220,000 a year that the city paid Migoya's predecessor, Pete Hernandez."

And to think, Tony only has about 16 percent less experience than Pete!

These are benefits that are only dreamed of in the private sector.

But Mayor Regalado talks the fiscal responsibility talk:

"It's a lean compensation package."

Yeah Mayor, tell that to all the unemployed and underemployed people in the city, as$hole!

01-19-2011, 05:21 AM
Double the amounts of Guns confiscated? :cop: Thats interesting :shock: Something to look a maybe or maybe another lie you gave the commissioners. :oops: Maybe we should play back Expositos statement and find out the real truth. Chief your starting to look like a person desperately gasping for air trying to save your job.

01-19-2011, 05:29 AM
AL Crespo please go to the pork'n bean projects ( 13 Ave and 63 ST) and state your police concerns we will be in Starbucks looking for robbers, murderes and drug dealers.

01-19-2011, 05:31 AM
Why don't you just go to the Crespo Gram Report and judge it for your self. I did, it was a great well written story. Chief your a liar!!!
I think Mr.Exposito should have taken the deal to retired.

01-19-2011, 06:04 AM
Well written ? he states the officer PROBABLY drove around targeting some one to stop for the video and the "poor blacks" should be upset at the department... Crespo the hard working people of these communities or "poor blacks" as you call them fear the crminals not the police. They are angry that drug dealers torrorize their neigborhoods. You PROBABLY had someones hand up your rear when you wrote this.

01-19-2011, 08:53 AM
If there was ever a classic example of insubordination, then the Chief’s comments in taking the side of the producers of a TV reality show against a Miami City Commissioner is as good as it gets.
The Chief was wrong on so many counts that’s its a wonder that he even knows what planet he lives on.
However, before I get to any of those issues I want to address the continuing drama about the Mayor’s son Tommy, being an Executive Producer of the show.
Either a lot of people don’t watch Miami’s CBS, Channel 4, or there’s a willingness to not let truth get in the way of a good story.
Last Friday, Channel 4 ran a story that included the mention of the Executive Producer credit for Tommy Regalado, but it also showed 2 emails, both dated May 11, 2010, one from Tommy to the Chief, and the other from the Chief to Tommy that dispels that claim.

01-19-2011, 08:59 AM
Overall though, for a big city Police Chief, Exposito is amazingly ignorant on a whole number of issues.

First, there is no copyright violation. The showing of this video over the City’s TV channel during a City Commission meeting clearly falls under the Fair Use provisions of the US Copyright Law that allows useage of otherwise copyrighted material.

Moreover, given that the police officers that appeared in the video were being paid with tax dollars - that the cars, buildings, and many other items used and/or featured were also paid for by tax dollars - not only gives the Commissioner the right to show the video during a City Commission meeting, but the City should have by now demanded that HD copies be provided by the producers to the Mayor, City Manager, City Commissioners, and the City Attorney’s office for possible use in any future lawsuits.

Secondly, as usual when the Chief attempts to describe his personal knowledge of events, he displays an appalling ignorance of factual information, such as his claim that the video shown constituted “raw footage.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The Promo video was a polished and tightly edited presentation video intended for use to show to TV networks in order to sell the show.

Thirdly, his claim that there was a “script,” raises possible liability questions for the City of Miami, in as much as several of the scenes and incidents in the video point to possible violations of laws and provisions of the U.S. Constitution, including, but not limited to violations of the Probable Cause provisions of the 4th Amendment, as well as the possibility that at least some of what took place was actually staged, which is worse, because then you’re looking at what would be considered “willful violations,” instead of violations occurring during the heat and confusion of actual police work.

Additionally, the fact that the Chief stating there was a “script” raises again the question of just how much were the Chief and his senior staff involved in the making of this promo, and how much information did they have as to the actual activities that took place on the streets.

01-19-2011, 12:05 PM
Al Crespo just attacked the chief with a rather weak story. That was your WOW story Crespo?? with all the corruption going on in city hall you attack a chief with a three decade record of doing the right thing, of standing up to bad police shootings??
You forgot to mention in the same Thursday meeting where the chief caught "holy" Dunn in a lie when Dunn said "I never said the shootings were justified." Chief then plays the news footage showing he did say that and Dunn sat there in his lie with no explanation. You also forget to mention that under the chiefs aggressive stance on combating crime double the amount of guns have been taken off the streets.
No ones civil rights were violated in the video you pubescent reporter, police target areas based on crime rates, location and subjects behavior and history. You cant say what the officers reason was for approaching the subject and yes we dont stop people in Nordstrom like we do at 13 ave and 63 street where "shots fired" are daily calls, yes daily.
and you are worried about the entertainment sound track used in the video? well for over twenty years we have been hearing kill those pigs in music. It was a pitch video to attract a network, pick any of the thousand police shows using actual departments and there will be some sort of script ediot thats why you need "Producers" and directors its a SHOW.

Stick to the politician stories robbing taxpayers blind

01-19-2011, 03:46 PM
everyone will have there own opinion but in the big picture there are bigger problems in city hall

01-19-2011, 05:35 PM
I think this headline is far more appropriate:

"Once again, Crespo spams Leo Affairs Forum trying to drive more traffic to his website"

Where are the mods??

01-19-2011, 05:42 PM
We are getting police advice from a convict ......Wow

01-19-2011, 09:11 PM
Had anyone ever heard of this convict before the demotions in the change of power? And you never stop being a convicted felon. There isn't an expiration date on being one, so there is no such thing as an X con. But had anyone on LEO ever hear of this "recovering" armed bank robber before the demotions? I did not.

01-20-2011, 04:25 AM
Crespo is a clown.