View Full Version : Chief VS Paranoid Elder Cresp Vs Herald FOP VS spot under t

01-07-2011, 07:08 AM
Hottest ticket in town and its free who will win??? get you popcorn!! get your peanuts!!

from take back miami blog:

Miami's lack of memory has allowed Mayor Regalado to pull the wool over the lapdog media and distance himself from controversial Chief Miguel Exposito.

The latest victim of this hoodwink is Hank Tester over at CBS 4, writing that: "It also galls Mayor Tomas Regalado, who fears unrest in the streets. Yet the mayor seems to understand the dilemma when he says, "We got to figure out what to say."

But it was only a little over a year ago, when Mayor Regalado first took office, that he made ridding Miami of Chief John Timoney his number one priority.

Back then, Armando Aguilar, president of the Police union gave the reasons for seeking Timoney's ouster:

“There’s been nothing but turmoil since he started at this police department,” Aguilar told the press last weekend. “It’s been hell on our troops. He’s basically destroyed morale.”

Read today's Crespo Gram Report.

Can anyone honestly say morale has improved under Exposito?

Regalado followed with "“My move is to keep saying to the city manager that I’m very uncomfortable with the chief,” Regalado told the press. “I will say that every day. People get messages.”

Does anyone really think that Regalado can't get his lackey Tony Crapp to do what he wants?

So why could Regalado get rid of Timoney and not Exposito?

The answer is partly in today's Herald that reveals that former manager Migoya are accusing Regalado of stalling a raid on gambling machines.

And who is the officer making the accusation? Chairman Sarnoff pal Al Alvarez.

The plot thickens, and Regalado is caught in the middle.

His utter incompetence and "keen knack" have led him to this.

Time to be held accountable, and time for him to exercise some leadership.

Otherwise, prison is looming in the distance.

01-07-2011, 07:21 AM
and the snake sarnoff hiding in the dark.........

01-07-2011, 12:41 PM
and the snake sarnoff hiding in the dark.........

thats true.... where is Sarnoff?? We havent heard anything about or from him in a while!

01-07-2011, 01:03 PM
Any mental midget knows that El Sarnoso is giving Fat Boy Alvarez his marching orders because just like Kim Jong Mentally Ill, El Sarnoso wants to rule the world (at least within the City).

He's probably promising Fat Boy Alvarez that he will make him chief, and provide him with all the Little Debbie Cakes he can eat.

The bottom line is that this whole situation is festering. I'm not an Exposito follower, but I would rather keep him. At least we know the animal we are dealing with. Who knows who would be appointed chief?

01-09-2011, 04:22 PM
yea i support the mayor also, who cares that our pension and pay has been ripped apart or that he wants more cuts. who cares that he does not support our officers who have been involved in qru shootings. the mayor, louie and that whole group i support them all. thank you sir may i have another.

01-09-2011, 10:48 PM
stole with his city gas card
obstructed an officer from doing his duty during elian
hangs out with convicted felons
destroyed our pension
cut our pay several times and wants more
does not back officers



01-10-2011, 02:28 AM
the union is backing the mayor. the mayor who stole from us and is corrupt. the mayor who does not back us and wants to take more money from us.