View Full Version : Miami FOP Union will not support chief

01-06-2011, 01:48 PM
The city of Miami police union support Mayor Thomas Regalado, the community leaders, and the citizens of Miami to fire the chief of police Miguel Exposito.

01-06-2011, 03:08 PM
Nor will they protest the Mayor's Ball on January 29th.

01-06-2011, 04:26 PM
Since when do our dues go to protect the Mayor??? This is Bullsh**! Thanks Armando!

01-06-2011, 04:34 PM
I read in the newspaper that PULSE, an African-American group who has been anti-MPD Is going to demonstrate in front of City Hall during the next Commission Meeting, asking that Chief Exposito be fired. That same day Commissioner Dunn has an item on the agenda also asking for Chief Exposito's ouster.

Why doesn't the FOP organize a massive rally that day to support a chief who has stood up for us time and time again in the media?

Are we going to let the Chief stand by himself while these people criticize our brother officers Who have been involved in the recent shootings and continue their attack on the Chief?

Armando, it is shameful that you allow this situation to continue without a clear, visible and strong message being delivered by the rank and file. I know John Rivera and the County PBA would have been hitting the airwaves and organizing a counter-attack.

Chief Exposito is not the only one being attacked. Our brothers involved in the shootings and the department as a whole are also being attacked.

Armando show some leadership. You did when Timoney was here. What's holding you back now?

01-06-2011, 05:14 PM
Armando nor Javi are going to defend the Chief nor us bunch of ****ing losers!

01-06-2011, 05:32 PM
how much did the life size banner of regalado infront of the fop cost, plus he was given 10k campaign contribution

01-06-2011, 10:25 PM
I say we take this show on the road to City Hall that day and support our chief. Regardless of who is the chief, the members of the FOP are going to have to stand up to City Hall. City Hall has broken our union, has taken $$ out of my packets, taken benifits away from our members. When will it stop.

FOP lets take a stand. Any stand is better than no stand at all.

01-07-2011, 01:07 AM
I say we take this show on the road to City Hall that day and support our chief. Regardless of who is the chief, the members of the FOP are going to have to stand up to City Hall. City Hall has broken our union, has taken $$ out of my packets, taken benifits away from our members. When will it stop.

FOP lets take a stand. Any stand is better than no stand at all.
I'll be there for this one,... i will not take it up the ying- yang sin vaselina anymore!!!!! enough is enough !!!!!

01-07-2011, 01:15 AM
public service aide jobs

01-07-2011, 01:39 AM
I read in the newspaper that PULSE, an African-American group who has been anti-MPD Is going to demonstrate in front of City Hall during the next Commission Meeting, asking that Chief Exposito be fired. That same day Commissioner Dunn has an item on the agenda also asking for Chief Exposito's ouster.

Why doesn't the FOP organize a massive rally that day to support a chief who has stood up for us time and time again in the media?

Are we going to let the Chief stand by himself while these people criticize our brother officers Who have been involved in the recent shootings and continue their attack on the Chief?

Armando, it is shameful that you allow this situation to continue without a clear, visible and strong message being delivered by the rank and file. I know John Rivera and the County PBA would have been hitting the airwaves and organizing a counter-attack.

Chief Exposito is not the only one being attacked. Our brothers involved in the shootings and the department as a whole are also being attacked.

Armando show some leadership. You did when Timoney was here. What's holding you back now?

Armando is showing his true colors now. What a disgrace.

01-07-2011, 02:48 AM
Thank you, Armando. You are the Pimp in this Whore
House. :cop:

01-07-2011, 04:16 AM
How can we organize a rally at City Hall next week???????? I know the Union is in bed with the mayor but we have to stand up to the attacks on our officers involved in these shootings. When our police officers have been shot (Walker RIP) thses dirty politicians were no where to be found but we shoot an armed felon and they wants answers??????? WTF We have to stand and support our Chief and Officers PERIOD!

01-07-2011, 04:57 AM
Why isn't the F.O.P. defending its officers? Why do we have a union? Sgt Ortiz and Aguilar you guys are dirty. Chief i told you so. You been played by the FOP mob. Not even a positive comment on the police shootings.

01-07-2011, 02:12 PM
Lets put everyone on the same page. Set a date and time

01-07-2011, 04:13 PM
Why support the fat porker Exposito? He got his job by playing politics and sucking up to the mayor and assisting his campaign, now he and the mayor are turning on each other. Screw them both. The fine men and women of MPD deserve what they got. The FOP is in bed with the mayor and worked out this deal to screw us. The FOP supported Expo because he wasnt Timoney. Now you have a cluster at MPD. Incompetent staff, promotions based on political ties, backstabbing, and no one is at MPD to straighten things out.

01-07-2011, 04:42 PM
Lets put everyone on the same page. Set a date and time

It should be next Thursday at City Hall when Reverend Dunn will demand our chief to step down based on justified shootings

01-07-2011, 05:49 PM
Is the Fop calling for a mass demonstration to support the chief of police? Not