View Full Version : Court

01-06-2011, 04:37 AM
Ain’t that some Bull Sh*t
For those of you who don’t know court is the latest hot button issue.
You have to go or get written up. Okay fine.
So what that you have a problem, F You!
But also you will now have to start to pay cash to park at the courthouse if you are in an unmarked or POV.
But wait it gets better. Let’s say you go on your day off and switch out to a unit and blah, blah, blah but you park the unit in an unmarked spot well be careful then the Gestapo will report you, and you would get written up.
Thanks Overton, oh wait, you had nothing to do this with this either, it came from above….. Right? What do you do again? Oh yeah nothing. Since we are in a pretend financial crisis why don’t we just put a cardboard picture of you at your desk with your gag ball in your mouth and save your salary for things and people that matter?
Let’s cut back the waste, I agree, and let’s start with you.

01-06-2011, 10:18 PM
It gets better folks !!!!!!!

the city continues to give LETF money to the county to help discover some new bullS#!t way to save money on court overtime. last time I checked, that money was for law enforcement purposes as in police equipment? Priorities are all screwed up in this place.

01-11-2011, 02:27 PM
I have heard that there is a sergeant Zenen Diaz who is a huge azz kisser, and a snake in the grass. He calls his officers after 30 minutes when they are at court to find out when are they going to come back to their zone.

01-11-2011, 02:42 PM
If you are going to court you are alloud to use a unit weather you are no or off duty you just need to show your self en-rout there and then go 06 when you are done! trust me i hate this **** but we need to find a way around it not just sit around and cry about it

01-12-2011, 02:49 AM
If you are going to court you are alloud to use a unit weather you are no or off duty you just need to show your self en-rout there and then go 06 when you are done! trust me i hate this **** but we need to find a way around it not just sit around and cry about it

But wait it gets better. Let’s say you go on your day off and switch out to a unit and blah, blah, blah but you park the unit in an unmarked spot well be careful then the Gestapo will report you, and you would get written up.