View Full Version : Count down Monday 2011

01-02-2011, 04:21 AM
Monday Morning is another big day in the City of Miami. It either Chief Miguel Exposito gets fired or Mayor Thomas regalado gets arrested.

01-02-2011, 01:18 PM
Hey Expo aré you ready for tomorrow to arrest the mayor? Let me now at what time to respond to city hall and help you transport. I think you really ****ed up now! Thinking well let me try and arrest my Boss if he trys to fired me . I heard that Alvarez plans to wire the chief to monitor the conversation. Can you repeat into the mic you are fired!

01-02-2011, 03:37 PM
This Chief of Police is so insolent an arrogant that he reminds me of FIDEL CASTRO>. Yes the DICTATOR OF CUBA, this guy who is using smoke screen methods to hide the fact that he and his staff are incopetent and morally corrupt. He has sorrounded himself with a bunch of GED diplomas and they are intellectally in capable to lead manage and administer this once GREAT POLICE DEPARTMENT. THIS BUNCH HAS RESORTED TO HAVE PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS FOLLOW PEOPLE AROUND IN ORDER IN THE DAILY ROUTINES.


01-02-2011, 03:47 PM
This Chief of Police is so insolent an arrogant that he reminds me of FIDEL CASTRO>. Yes the DICTATOR OF CUBA, this guy who is using smoke screen methods to hide the fact that he and his staff are incopetent and morally corrupt. He has sorrounded himself with a bunch of GED diplomas and they are intellectally in capable to lead manage and administer this once GREAT POLICE DEPARTMENT. THIS BUNCH HAS RESORTED TO HAVE PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS FOLLOW PEOPLE AROUND IN ORDER IN THE DAILY ROUTINES. THE YEAR HAS STARTED WITH A BANG, WE ARE LAUGHUNG AT THE CHIEF AND HIS FOOLS WHO HAVE NO LIFE WHO HIDE BEHIND THE UNIFORM AND BADGE, THESE WERE THE GUYS IN HIGHSCHOOL WHO WERE SPANKED INSIDE THE LOCKER ROOM AND WHO GOT THEIR LUNCH MONEY TAKEN AWAY FROM THEM IN HIGHSCHOOL.
Looks like you missed a few days or you were the very bully you speak of ...GO BACK TO SCHOOL.You're making us look bad!!!!

01-02-2011, 03:53 PM
My contacts at the State Attorneys office tell me that the arrest of the mayor will not take place for several weeks.

I also looked at the City Charter on the city's website and it says the chief can only be suspended by the City Manager and it has to be "with cause". The City Commission must Then convene within 5 days where City Manager Crapp has to put on his case.

Chief Exposito will then have an opportunity to put on his case, meaning he can then spill his beans about everything that the mayor did to interfere with illegal gambling cases and other police department business that the mayor is meddling in. Reading the Chief's two letters in the Herald website makes me believe that the mayor does not want more information to get out about his dirty deeds.

On the other hand, the Mayor is ignorant enough to create a situation where everyone will know what he's done and who he got campaign contributions from. This could be better than any reality show out there. Let me stock up on popcorn for this one.

01-02-2011, 03:59 PM
Amen brother!!!

01-02-2011, 04:03 PM
I have yet to see any proof that the chief has messed up. He has come to the department, promoted some good and some bad. Yes we have had some police shootings but tell me how the chief can control that. Shooting #1, BLACK male tried to rob a cop by pointing a gun at him. #2 BLACK male pulls shot gun from pants gets shot. #3 BLACK MALE RUNS BACK TO CAR AFTER IGNORING COMMANDS NOT TO AND GRABS A BLACK OBJECT FROM HIS CAR AND GETS SHOT. #4 Armed domestic BLACK male shoots over 15 rounds at 5 different officer and was shot.#6 BLACK male pulls a shotgun out of his pants in front of the doors to a middle school with innocent children inside and is shot. #6 BLACK male CONVICTED FELON has gun in hand and is shot. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE CHIEF HAS TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS? The shooting of all 6 BLACK males are justified and the correct response to a deadly threat. THE ONLY PROBLEM I SEE WITH THE SHOOTINGS ARE THEY ALL HAPPENED IN THE PARTS OF THE CITY RIDDLED WITH HIGH AMOUNTS OF CRIME AND PRODOMINATLY BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS. No one is looking to kill only BLACK men, it just so happens to be that these 6 BLACK men live in the neighborhoods where guns and felons attemp to run the streets. The chief has done a great job so far, moral (except for the pay issue)is up and police officers aren't scared to take back our streets. We are expected to do more with less and at least i feel like the admin has my back. Politics are the only hting standing in the way of our great department. Thank you chief and screw tomas regatardo!Oh yeah fack the FOP aswell, they are in bed with the mayor. WHERE ARE OUR PROTESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-02-2011, 04:09 PM
Aaaamen again!!!!

01-02-2011, 04:11 PM
Monday Morning is another big day in the City of Miami. It either Chief Miguel Exposito gets fired or Mayor Thomas regalado gets arrested.

On whose side is Frank Pichel, with the Mayor or Hippo?. Pichel has always being the enforcer for Expo but recently has being seen with the Mayor.


I LOVE IT. :snicker: :devil: :evil:

01-02-2011, 04:44 PM
We, who work within the police department know how much more work we are doing in comparison to Timoney and Frank's rein. Even though this lowlife of a mayor constantly criticizes us in public and was responsible for reducing our salaries and benefits, we continue to work as professionals. We must circle the wagons to defend the honorable, and not let articles that are meant to incense us affect the honorable job we do, day in and day out.

I was not an Exposito fan because I knew very little about him. The steps he has taken to expose this Mayor, very few other chiefs would have the intestinal fortitude to do for fear of losing their job.

Like him or not, he represents our department, and he has told the mayor to keep his hands out of our police department or risk going to jail.

The Chief has won over one more supporter.

01-02-2011, 05:50 PM
We, who work within the police department know how much more work we are doing in comparison to Timoney and Frank's rein. Even though this lowlife of a mayor constantly criticizes us in public and was responsible for reducing our salaries and benefits, we continue to work as professionals. We must circle the wagons to defend the honorable, and not let articles that are meant to incense us affect the honorable job we do, day in and day out.

I was not an Exposito fan because I knew very little about him. The steps he has taken to expose this Mayor, very few other chiefs would have the intestinal fortitude to do for fear of losing their job.

Like him or not, he represents our department, and he has told the mayor to keep his hands out of our police department or risk going to jail.

The Chief has won over one more supporter.

Listen expo,stop posting yourself here. You don't have a single officer whether staff or not that supports you. The rats are jumping ship at a high rate and telling everyone how inept you are, THEN AGAIN THUS ARE THE RATS. :evil:

01-02-2011, 06:24 PM
We, who work within the police department know how much more work we are doing in comparison to Timoney and Frank's rein. Even though this lowlife of a mayor constantly criticizes us in public and was responsible for reducing our salaries and benefits, we continue to work as professionals. We must circle the wagons to defend the honorable, and not let articles that are meant to incense us affect the honorable job we do, day in and day out.

I was not an Exposito fan because I knew very little about him. The steps he has taken to expose this Mayor, very few other chiefs would have the intestinal fortitude to do for fear of losing their job.

Like him or not, he represents our department, and he has told the mayor to keep his hands out of our police department or risk going to jail.

The Chief has won over one more supporter.

Listen expo,stop posting yourself here. You don't have a single officer whether staff or not that supports you. The rats are jumping ship at a high rate and telling everyone how inept you are, THEN AGAIN THUS ARE THE RATS. :evil:

01-02-2011, 06:29 PM
We, who work within the police department know how much more work we are doing in comparison to Timoney and Frank's rein. Even though this lowlife of a mayor constantly criticizes us in public and was responsible for reducing our salaries and benefits, we continue to work as professionals. We must circle the wagons to defend the honorable, and not let articles that are meant to incense us affect the honorable job we do, day in and day out.

I was not an Exposito fan because I knew very little about him. The steps he has taken to expose this Mayor, very few other chiefs would have the intestinal fortitude to do for fear of losing their job.

Like him or not, he represents our department, and he has told the mayor to keep his hands out of our police department or risk going to jail.

The Chief has won over one more supporter.

Listen expo,stop posting yourself here. You don't have a single officer whether staff or not that supports you. The rats are jumping ship at a high rate and telling everyone how inept you are, THEN AGAIN THUS ARE THE RATS. :evil:

Hey turd breath. Speak for yourself. You have no clue how many support and how many do not. But you keep on dreaming.