View Full Version : TOM & JERRY IN UNIFORMS!

11-19-2010, 05:41 AM
It was William Hanna and Joseph Barbera who between the years 1940’s and 1957 created what we know as “Tom and Jerry”.

I remember back during my College years, I took a class on “Human Anthropology”. The Lecture that day was on “Human Relationships”. “Tom and Jerry” was the staple ingredient of the discussion. The Tom and Jerry Complex portrays individuals that lives and enjoys a constant bickering.

Tom and Jerry live in a constant fight that has no end. AT the same time, the ongoing animosity is comical, is childish but also is violent and destructive. During the sequence, the characters attempts to outsmart each other’s cleverness and wittiness. At some points they even smile to each other, but the sympathy isn’t real. At least not for long.

The irony in here is that as much as they try to destroy each other, they never succeed. Perhaps they don’t intent to, in reality Tom needs Jerry as much as Jerry needs Tom in order to justified their existence.

Is neither clear why Tom wants to destroy Jerry, or vice versa. That’s why some episodes starts with the ongoing fights for no apparent reasons. Is like it doesn’t mater who’s right or wrong anymore! What matters is the ongoing slaughter!

During the episodes Jerry wants to eat the Masters food, and yet Tom stops him. But, Tom who by no means is an angel, attempts to eat the Goldfish or the Canary and Jerry opposes him. At the end, none of them care for their master’s interest (the food & the other pets)!

Some people are like that. They spend their existence going after their fellow neighbor, they enjoy it and are very good at it. But they don’t realize that in this love-hate relationships they are destroying the environment and is not fun after a while.

The question is: who’s going to put a stop to that? Who’s going to settle the “Toms” and “Jerrys”?


Thomas Hobbes.

11-20-2010, 11:01 AM
since you hired HAIRYBOX TROLL it will all get better!