View Full Version : Why are you surprised?

CPT Aubrey
11-13-2010, 10:13 PM
I don’t know why you’re all surprised:

Haritopoulos gives six figures salaries to state retirees with little to no knowledge of how the legislature functions. His Chief of Staff earns six figures, earns a state retirement and drew hundreds of thousands in DROP. He supervises how many people?

Haritopoulos himself earns two state pay checks (A University check and a legislators check- by the way, how did he get his University job? He has no earned Doctorate) and $60,000 plus a year from his “consulting business”.

I wonder what private business consults a sitting Florida Senator, much less the head of the Florida Senate? Further, I wonder what they expect in return.Where does Senator Mike sees himself in the future? Another interesting question.

The State of Florida elected Mr. Scott Governor. Not so bad. Previous governors might also be suspected felons. But:

-12 years of Republican Leadership and a 12% unemployment rate and they get a pass?

-The housing crisis may have started in Florida. Developers, bankers, and ponzi schemers all made profits, while the state bought into the various ponzi schemes, lost your retirement money and now have the audacity to point fingers on current retirees? The medicare fraudsters, the real estate fraudsters all had their beginnings in Florida.

This is too much.

Sorry these are the same people who will be voting your future and mine.

I’m a fiscal conservative. I’ve voted for Republican and Democrat. I am sympathetic to the Tea Party.

What I am not sympathetic to are those who say:

“Do as I say, not as I do and you can’t do shit about it”.

11-13-2010, 10:32 PM
So Cpt. Aubrey are you saying this STATE let alone COUNTRY may not be all that it is cracked up to be? That it citizens elect its government not by brilliance but by bull Sh!t? Many years ago I sold tee shirts which basicly had that message. I have not lost faith in my country but I sure have reservations about its citizens! I really start not having problems with Muslim justice. If the feds would have continued to go after Scott we would now have a disabled Governor. No hands! Justice would have been swift for stealing billions of Medicare money.

11-13-2010, 10:41 PM
I don’t know why you’re all surprised:

Haritopoulos gives six figures salaries to state retirees with little to no knowledge of how the legislature functions. His Chief of Staff earns six figures, earns a state retirement and drew hundreds of thousands in DROP. He supervises how many people?

Haritopoulos himself earns two state pay checks (A University check and a legislators check- by the way, how did he get his University job? He has no earned Doctorate) and $60,000 plus a year from his “consulting business”.

I wonder what private business consults a sitting Florida Senator, much less the head of the Florida Senate? Further, I wonder what they expect in return.Where does Senator Mike sees himself in the future? Another interesting question.

The State of Florida elected Mr. Scott Governor. Not so bad. Previous governors might also be suspected felons. But:

-12 years of Republican Leadership and a 12% unemployment rate and they get a pass?

-The housing crisis may have started in Florida. Developers, bankers, and ponzi schemers all made profits, while the state bought into the various ponzi schemes, lost your retirement money and now have the audacity to point fingers on current retirees? The medicare fraudsters, the real estate fraudsters all had their beginnings in Florida.

This is too much.

Sorry these are the same people who will be voting your future and mine.

I’m a fiscal conservative. I’ve voted for Republican and Democrat. I am sympathetic to the Tea Party.

What I am not sympathetic to are those who say:

“Do as I say, not as I do and you can’t do shizzat about it”.

Hey - Haridopolis saved a million dollars overall by cutting enough peons. Give him his due CPT.

CPT Aubrey
11-16-2010, 01:21 AM
LO-F-N-L to both guests.

Sharia law is often kind. They cut the hand off a thief, and have royal thieves in their government, military et al. Remember,government always gets to define the definition of a thief.

I more and more like the Chinese way of doing business. Why cut off a hand when you can put a bullet in the forehead?

The problem here? We fought a revolution against a King with the same power and it resulted in an almost perfect Document- the Constitution. It protects us from our basest desire.

And God bless the $1,000,000,000 Senator Mike saved. He spent that alone on three staffers for four years.