View Full Version : Watch your OWN back...cuz your "LCSO" family won't!!

11-06-2010, 03:01 AM
To all that are in the DIRECT line of fire (that's the deputies on the road)!!

Let it be known that the man that signs your paycheck, will not cover you if you EVER get injured while on duty!

Basically you risking your life EVERYDAY only means that your life isn't even worth your paycheck!! You are only a number NOT a name. The whole "family" brainwashing you hear is a complete joke!! Once you become a liability-you are cut off!! If you want to believe you are part of the so called family, it will be the most dysfunctional family you EVER belong to.

They will NOT support you in trying to get back to what your life was like before your injury. They don't care.

So my fellow deputies - I am only saying this to put it in the back of your minds. The upper staff will only care the night of your injury in front of the media and your family, after that be prepared for a LONG ROAD alone. Make sure you have a great support system OUTSIDE of the agency, they are the ones who will carry you through, be there for you in every way!!

I pray for you all everyday and pray that God protects you an takes you home at the end of your shift every day, and I pray that you get to continue to live your dream everyday! My dream is over, but God let me have my life and I am so blessed by that!!

Tin Man
11-06-2010, 07:09 AM
That wasn't me; but... Ditto!!!

I would love to spend a whole day expanding on what the OP posted, but I can't.

I would like to add, however, there are many TRUE BROTHERS on the job that try to help when a fellow deputy is down; but, they are few.

The fact is the Administration will drop you like a "Hot Potato". Most of the fellow deputies will feel bad as you fall, but fear to help you will put the same target on their back as yours. A few fellow deputies step out of the crowd and help.

Been there, done that, got the "t-shirt", but had to sell it to help pay for groceries...

I'll stop with one last thing to say...


11-06-2010, 02:22 PM
I would love for you to give an example. Because if it is the one I'm thinking of, what you are referring to is nothing more than rumor and he has to pay nothing! Find the Facts, then post.

11-06-2010, 11:17 PM
I would love for you to give an example. Because if it is the one I'm thinking of, what you are referring to is nothing more than rumor and he has to pay nothing! Find the Facts, then post.

Oh Mr.Rumors...how little you know. See the FACTS can only come from the individual who's life was almost taken...who went from living their dream to living a complete nightmare! And that the SO CALLED LCSO FAMILY, let's you relive it everyday only worse by walking away! So before you call it RUMORS...get your FACTS straight!!

As for Tin Man...you are so correct in stating that there are a few FELLOW brothers and sisters that will go above and beyond. Some try, but are pulled into an UNJUST IA, or they don't get the position they are going for. I have turned many of my fellow deputies away due to the FACT that I knew there own careers would be on the line if the upper command staff found out they were helping or assisting me!

As much as I don't believe in unions to an extent...I do believe that when an officer is injured in the line of duty...they will be your mouth, ears, legs, whatever u need during the time you can't use your own!!

All I can say is that LCSO should look at what CCPD for Garcia, as much as us COUNTY guys hate the CITY guys, they have NOT let him suffer ONE BIT throughout his life changing accident!!

When the sheriff holds your parents/families hands and speaks things to them (the promises he makes are a complete and utter joke)...but as soon as he finds out the deputy will live...he is no where to be seen or heard from...nor is his staff. The next time I heard something from his mouth, wasn't directly from him but through the lovely overpaid lawyer and oh yeah the pompous "financial director"...oh the things they said...if you all only knew!!

11-07-2010, 12:58 AM
To the individual who messaged me...I would reply to you, but you don't receive private messages.

11-07-2010, 02:04 PM
This post is very concerning, more so though because I have not heard anything of a fellow Deputy almost losing their life or being seriously injured recently. I would like to think that if something of this magnitude has happened that we would all be notified if for nothing more than to offer prayer and support.

11-08-2010, 12:28 AM
Mike Scott won't publicize things that will come back on him. Like all the promotions he made a few weeks ago. Like this issue. Like a lot of things.

You will only hear of things that cast him in a positive light or he can spin to make himself look good.

Just did a tad and you'll find all the dark and dirty little secrets the admin tries to bury.

11-08-2010, 12:07 PM
If you want to know what will happen in LCSO if you’re injured… here’s some of their hired big guns outside the administration they use. Of course our administration will have polite smiles and say they will help you and promise you and your family will be taken care of.

Here’s your first stop. Very nice sounding people as they do anything and break any rule to sweep you under the carpet quietly: NARS

If they can’t get you to go quietly, you get the big one.

These are “Third Party Administrators”. No doubt they cost our agency a lot. They are made up of panels of doctors and lawyers with no concern other than to save money and make an injured Deputy “go away as cheaply as possible. Rules? I don’t think they have any, I know they don’t go by any. They make their own.

If you ever find yourself hurt, a fellow deputy hurt, or are a family member of a hurt deputy… know the law or learn it quickly.

There are several smiling faces in our Human Resources that make a ton of promises, look past the smiles… they are setting you up and are gathering information for the “Third Party Administrators” to use against you. If you push it, you’ll be confronted by a manager or our lawyer.

My recommendation to those who have yet to experience this “Machine” is to immediately get advice from an attorney (a “consult” will do). You must be positive they have no ties to our agency or you have just made a tremendous mistake.

Don’t forget the “Third Party Administrators” do not represent you or Workman’s Compensation. You can contact Workman’s Compensation directly for some advice, but they can not do much against the “Machine” except tell you when you need to hire an attorney. (Funny Huh)

11-08-2010, 02:49 PM
If you want to know what will happen in LCSO if you’re injured… here’s some of their hired big guns outside the administration they use. Of course our administration will have polite smiles and say they will help you and promise you and your family will be taken care of.

Here’s your first stop. Very nice sounding people as they do anything and break any rule to sweep you under the carpet quietly: NARS

If they can’t get you to go quietly, you get the big one.

These are “Third Party Administrators”. No doubt they cost our agency a lot. They are made up of panels of doctors and lawyers with no concern other than to save money and make an injured Deputy “go away as cheaply as possible. Rules? I don’t think they have any, I know they don’t go by any. They make their own.

If you ever find yourself hurt, a fellow deputy hurt, or are a family member of a hurt deputy… know the law or learn it quickly.

There are several smiling faces in our Human Resources that make a ton of promises, look past the smiles… they are setting you up and are gathering information for the “Third Party Administrators” to use against you. If you push it, you’ll be confronted by a manager or our lawyer.

My recommendation to those who have yet to experience this “Machine” is to immediately get advice from an attorney (a “consult” will do). You must be positive they have no ties to our agency or you have just made a tremendous mistake.

Don’t forget the “Third Party Administrators” do not represent you or Workman’s Compensation. You can contact Workman’s Compensation directly for some advice, but they can not do much against the “Machine” except tell you when you need to hire an attorney. (Funny Huh)

Sounds like more of a reason to have a union so we can have that extra protection to fight the 'machine' when things like this happen. They can call them out on it and file suits on our behalf with no out of pocket to us. The 'machine' needs to be held accountable just like our upper staffers. This place never ceases to amaze me how it wants us to give and give yet staffers take take take and kick us to the curb....

11-08-2010, 03:14 PM
If you want to know what will happen in LCSO if you’re injured… here’s some of their hired big guns outside the administration they use. Of course our administration will have polite smiles and say they will help you and promise you and your family will be taken care of.

Here’s your first stop. Very nice sounding people as they do anything and break any rule to sweep you under the carpet quietly: NARS

If they can’t get you to go quietly, you get the big one.

These are “Third Party Administrators”. No doubt they cost our agency a lot. They are made up of panels of doctors and lawyers with no concern other than to save money and make an injured Deputy “go away as cheaply as possible. Rules? I don’t think they have any, I know they don’t go by any. They make their own.

If you ever find yourself hurt, a fellow deputy hurt, or are a family member of a hurt deputy… know the law or learn it quickly.

There are several smiling faces in our Human Resources that make a ton of promises, look past the smiles… they are setting you up and are gathering information for the “Third Party Administrators” to use against you. If you push it, you’ll be confronted by a manager or our lawyer.

My recommendation to those who have yet to experience this “Machine” is to immediately get advice from an attorney (a “consult” will do). You must be positive they have no ties to our agency or you have just made a tremendous mistake.

Don’t forget the “Third Party Administrators” do not represent you or Workman’s Compensation. You can contact Workman’s Compensation directly for some advice, but they can not do much against the “Machine” except tell you when you need to hire an attorney. (Funny Huh)

NARS is a complete an utter joke!! And as for our LOVELY green book...our Human Resource department broke policy left and right!! It's funny when you are bed ridden for months on end...the things you read and learn!! Did you know that NARS failed to fix a mistake and I almost died because I had to get 3 doctors opinions 10 days a part from each other in order for NARS to accept that I had a life threatening issue that needed emergency surgery!! All due to a complication from the hospital stay related to my injury!!! But that wasn't enough for them!! Also they send out a representitive that "walks thru" everything with you...she even tried to pull one over on me when she tried to enter my exam room with me to talk to MY doctor to make sure I wasnt lieing about anything...can you say WTF...HIPPA VIOLATION!!!!

Also if a procedure is working (i.e., pain management or a chiro...they stop letting you go due to cost.) Or how about the sheriff office stopping your physical therapy before you are walking WITHOUT assistance (from a cane, walker, etc.), really makes you feel like they want you to FULLY recover and get back to your career...NOT!!! Then when you take things into your own hands...by doing your own rehab, they hire a PI to follow you...(just to let you know, they might want to get better ones, after all we are cops and do surveillance...I caught on in 5 minutes and almost yanked him out of his car since he was watching my kid at the bus stop!!!)

Don't fear the LCSO attorney or the human resource clan or even the financial director...I stood my ground with all of them...what were they gonna do FIRE a deputy injured in the line of duty STILL on work comp...talk about bad press for them if they did!! And a MAJOR LAWSUIT!!

They expected me to lay low...they thought they had the upper hand playing their game...little did they know...I had the best hand in the house...The ROYAL Flush...and thats exactly the hand I showed when I "FLUSHED" the SO out of my life once and for all!!

The day I walked, was the day I left hell and walked into heaven and regain MY life back...it was liberating!!

P.S> the individual messaging me privately...I still can't respond! Sorry!

11-08-2010, 05:03 PM
The law regarding workers compensation is vast and filled with regulations, what a person can do, must do and length of time allowed to recover. However, the agency doesn't have to follow these same laws, meaning, if an agency wants to continue salary of a person on workers comp they can. LCSO has a habit of stating that "it is out of our hands" thus leaving the member to fin on their own. I've witnessed many members who honestly want to come back, at least in some sort of capacity, they didn't want a handout, they wanted to contribute and have a career. Many of these former members will never see a career in law enforcement, why, because they have been tainted by the injury and no agency wants to handle problems that might re-occur.

On a final note, I have noticed that when a member is on workers comp the agency seems to believe or feel that the member is "really milking the injury". Guilty first, innocent later, which results in a great deal of misery for the member and their family.

11-08-2010, 05:19 PM
IT ALL DEPENDS UPON WHO YOU ARE AND WHO YOU KNOW, when it comes to worker comp.

Civilian member has a filing cabinet fall on them, receives back and neck injury, is out for months and when they come back they can only work part-time, yet they received a full pay check. They receive rehab while on duty and this continues for well over a year. The person is a friend of the sheriff.

Deputy chases a suspect at night through a field and one leg steps into a deep hole causing back, leg and hip injury. The Deputy has operations and will never ever walk without a cane, result, the agency feels the person is trying to get a free ride and offer the member a settlement. Problem, the member doesn't want to settle, they can work in a limited capacity, desk work, front desk, anything where they don't have to stand on their feet for an hour or so longer. Nope, good-bye.

Deputy receives an injury while pushing a car off the road, good-bye after just a couple of months.

LCSO views it this way, you were hired for a certain job, if you can't do it, good-bye.

11-08-2010, 05:35 PM
The law regarding workers compensation is vast and filled with regulations, what a person can do, must do and length of time allowed to recover. However, the agency doesn't have to follow these same laws, meaning, if an agency wants to continue salary of a person on workers comp they can. LCSO has a habit of stating that "it is out of our hands" thus leaving the member to fin on their own. I've witnessed many members who honestly want to come back, at least in some sort of capacity, they didn't want a handout, they wanted to contribute and have a career. Many of these former members will never see a career in law enforcement, why, because they have been tainted by the injury and no agency wants to handle problems that might re-occur.

On a final note, I have noticed that when a member is on workers comp the agency seems to believe or feel that the member is "really milking the injury". Guilty first, innocent later, which results in a great deal of misery for the member and their family.

Here's another you can add to the list -

If you run out of time and ask for donated time...BE PREPARED TO GET DENIED, if you receive ANY amoutn of funds from Work Comp, you will be denied. I was receiving $12.87 a pay period and was denied because of that (this was after using 6 months of all my accured time first to keep a steady paycheck)! I lived for a couplke of months on 30% of paycheck because I couldn't receive donated time. i was told "It is not their problem, they have to go by policy and they can't change policy just for me." (HA...you had to see me laugh in their face when I returned back with a statement of how I must not be in the inner circle, because there are plenty of times policy has changed to "FIT" the circumstances of one who is in it!!) Also, all I NEEDED (not wanted) was my paycheck, to pay my bills. I wasn't asking for a handout or to go above and beyond my pay. I also made a comment about the LCSO "family" that day, on how you can sit there and say you WON'T help a fellow deputy out due to policy, but will go and fundraise for another officer in another agency that same day!!! Nothing like a good ol' slap in the face for me as a HUGE wake up call!

11-08-2010, 06:36 PM
Policy, just who makes policy, MIKE. Under Sheriff McDougall a Deputy crashed the LCSO helicopter into the roof of a building, he almost died and was out for game. McDougall made sure this man never went without a pay check. Here's another one, the wife of a Deputy was ill and I mean very very ill, our insurance then, wouldn't cover treatment for the illness, McDougall and Brightman stepped in and made sure it was covered. The wife recovered because of the treatment. A Deputy gets a serious illness and has to go up north for treatment, our insurance said they wouldn't cover it, once again M and B stepped in and made sure he was treated and received a full pay check during his recovery time which was months.

11-08-2010, 09:42 PM
Policy, just who makes policy, MIKE. Under Sheriff McDougall a Deputy crashed the LCSO helicopter into the roof of a building, he almost died and was out for game. McDougall made sure this man never went without a pay check. Here's another one, the wife of a Deputy was ill and I mean very very ill, our insurance then, wouldn't cover treatment for the illness, McDougall and Brightman stepped in and made sure it was covered. The wife recovered because of the treatment. A Deputy gets a serious illness and has to go up north for treatment, our insurance said they wouldn't cover it, once again M and B stepped in and made sure he was treated and received a full pay check during his recovery time which was months.

I'm glad to hear/read that the LCSO once had HUMAN people at the helm. Ones with heart, character, moral, integrity, family values...I am sure I can continue the list, but you catch my drift! Thank you past Sheriff M and B to giving life and hope to your LCSO family when you were at the helm...maybe MS and his lovely "family" (the only ones he believes deserves the top notch treatment) could learn a few...but then again you can only be taught text book crap...not common sense, which ALL of them LACK!!!

11-09-2010, 12:00 AM
Talk about a shot from the past, man-o-man did we have it good under Wanicka and McDougall, some of us just didn't know how good we had it. Wanicka was the Sheriff who established health insurance coverage for retirees, thank you Frank. Both of these men had deep feelings for their members, they experienced the street and various command positions, they had the experience and knowledge to be Sheriffs. I know of several incidents were members were injured both on and off-duty, these Sheriffs made sure that the member at least had a position they could handle and get a pay check. Sure some members milked the system, but they were found out and dealt with, for the most part, these members weren't fireballs anyway.

Sure seems to me that members are now just numbers, unless your one of the chosen few, who I might add are the ones who received pay raises and promotions.

11-09-2010, 06:27 AM
I would love for you to give an example. Because if it is the one I'm thinking of, what you are referring to is nothing more than rumor and he has to pay nothing! Find the Facts, then post.

Hey, I think we had an Administrator start to pop their head up in here. Dang, missed that one...

Sure, you can't give an example, but please tell us about the inside. How are injured Deputies seen in the eyes of the Administration and how many thousands of dollars are spent to hire useless doctors and the best lawyers to destroy the deputy’s future?
Next, who gives (and receives) the order to dig for a reason to fire the Deputy if he lives and comes back in a diminished capacity?

Under a VERY different administration, we had a Deputy suffer a major head injury. Our department helped him and his family for years until he was able to return. He turned into one of the best Deputies in the agency. He was given a chance and the help he needed.

Everyone goes to the funeral of a fallen Deputy with a tear in their eye and heads held low in respect for their sacrifice; but, what if the Deputy lives. Then he/she is treated like dirt and destroyed while no one is looking or the majority forgets. The financial destruction and lack of any rehabilitation or hope quickly can make the Deputy regret their own survival.

There have been many; they just "go away" and occasionally someone will ask, "what ever happened to ..." The question is forgotten along with the Deputy who was left behind.

11-09-2010, 09:29 AM
The present administration will respond with the statement that they can't carry someone for ever, that they have to watch out for the tax dollar, that they have to stop somewhere. These are their excuses, never mind the fact the deputy's life is in ruin.

A few years back, and this started under Shoap, a deputy was injured while heading to work, very serious. Shoap carried them for a while, then all of a sudden the agency told them that they needed to come back to work in their original position as a deputy or be terminated. The deputy settled the case, they didn't want to, but had to. The person they had contact with throughout this whole ordeal was Homan. Later, much later, Shoap discovered that the person wanted to come back in any capacity, they would even give up their certification to do anything. Homan never told the Sheriff this, he wanted a check by his name that he was tough on workers comp members.

This deputy had well over 12 years in with LCSO and was in my opinion a top notch deputy. They had to leave the area and soon the State looking for work, was never able to get back into law enforcement, as stated by a previous writer, they were damaged goods.

11-09-2010, 01:50 PM
I would love for you to give an example. Because if it is the one I'm thinking of, what you are referring to is nothing more than rumor and he has to pay nothing! Find the Facts, then post.

Hey, I think we had an Administrator start to pop their head up in here. Dang, missed that one...

Sure, you can't give an example, but please tell us about the inside. How are injured Deputies seen in the eyes of the Administration and how many thousands of dollars are spent to hire useless doctors and the best lawyers to destroy the deputy’s future?
Next, who gives (and receives) the order to dig for a reason to fire the Deputy if he lives and comes back in a diminished capacity?

Under a VERY different administration, we had a Deputy suffer a major head injury. Our department helped him and his family for years until he was able to return. He turned into one of the best Deputies in the agency. He was given a chance and the help he needed.

Everyone goes to the funeral of a fallen Deputy with a tear in their eye and heads held low in respect for their sacrifice; but, what if the Deputy lives. Then he/she is treated like dirt and destroyed while no one is looking or the majority forgets. The financial destruction and lack of any rehabilitation or hope quickly can make the Deputy regret their own survival.

There have been many; they just "go away" and occasionally someone will ask, "what ever happened to ..." The question is forgotten along with the Deputy who was left behind.

I was gone and forgottten (by most). They don't want to see or hear about the nightmares the deputy faces AFTER the injury. Some say it is because they can vision themselves there, that it COULD'VE BEEN THEM...well...I hate to say this so bluntly...when the HELL did you deputies LOSE your set of balls!! Really...GROW UP!! Your fellow brother/sister just almost died, their entire life just changed and you don't go see them, email them, call them or ask how they are because you're scared of YOUR THOUGHTS!! Try not only having nightmares when you fall asleep (which makes you NEVER want to sleep), but your own agency making your everyday awake a nightmare too!!

My own child made a statement that hurt me to the core throughout all she was witnessing. You see my childs father died right before our own Shostak passed. She was friends with his daughter. They both dealty with their daddy's deaths together,. But here is the difference, now my my child almost loses her mother too, to be left orphaned, she remembers all the SO did for her friend and famiky...here is what go t me, out of the mouths of babes "Mom, why do they care so much for someone who died, then for you. You made it and are fighting to get better and they dont care." All I could say to her was, it is ok, we have someone way better than the SO...we have God! The SO didn't let me live, God did...and I am fighting to get better to still be the most important thing in the world, which is YOUR MOM!

See this is the one thing that the SO could NEVER take from me. My life. THey can take my career, a career can be replaced, new dreams and goals can be made and reached (I have proven this time and time again)! But the one thing that can't is your life and what you do with it. The impact you make on the world...is it one of Integrity and Truthfulness or is it the opposite...I choose to Honesty and Integrity! Which so many at the SO lack.

P.S. FYI - Did you know that the attorneys at the work comp make medical decisions WITHOUT ever consulting a doctor!! They decide your course of treatment. (How nice is that!) Wow...didn't know they got a medical degree when they graduated from law school!

11-09-2010, 04:18 PM
truth... yes it is true that there needs to be some revamp and issues dealt with in HR. There also needs to be some representation on our behalf with issues with workers comp we can get with a contract and union representation. But, this u_should_know poster has given a bit of information about herself now. The injury in which she describes sounds as if she was in a car crash that could have been prevented if she did not violate policy if I am thinking of the same person. Policy clearly states you MUST wear your seatbelts while operating a motor vehicle. If you are one in the same person who sustained a serious injury due to partial ejection in Lehigh near Homestead Rd, you were NOT wearing your seatbelt. So, your workers compensation is automatically reduced as stated in policy. If you are not the same person, prove me wrong with the details of your injury and location.

11-09-2010, 09:24 PM
truth... yes it is true that there needs to be some revamp and issues dealt with in HR. There also needs to be some representation on our behalf with issues with workers comp we can get with a contract and union representation. But, this u_should_know poster has given a bit of information about herself now. The injury in which she describes sounds as if she was in a car crash that could have been prevented if she did not violate policy if I am thinking of the same person. Policy clearly states you MUST wear your seatbelts while operating a motor vehicle. If you are one in the same person who sustained a serious injury due to partial ejection in Lehigh near Homestead Rd, you were NOT wearing your seatbelt. So, your workers compensation is automatically reduced as stated in policy. If you are not the same person, prove me wrong with the details of your injury and location.

See I am YET the only one to not fear admitting who I am (cuz the rest of you hid behind a login name). And yep...I sure am her! And I don't back down from it.

No one...and I mean no one, but me and the deputy with me knew the totality of the events of that night preceeding to the accident. All everyone heard was what the media put out (which was incorrect) and what the staff WANTED you to know. It wasn;t even until 5 months later did they even decide to do an IA. If you know me, then you also know that i wear my seatbelt religiously. That night certain circumstances changed that. But I will have no problem letting you throw the first stone, if you have worn your seatbelt every single time you have entered your car or never violated policy (and don't think just because you haven't got caught doens't mean you haven't violated it)! Know your facts first!! So many people judged me...but being my FIRST active shooting hot call...you are TRAINED and BRAINWASHED NOT TO HAVE YOUR GUN COVERED by your seatbelt (being tactical)...unfortunetly that didn't even come into my mind. I told the honest truth in the IA (how many have you done that!) and I took my consequences!! Including the lower amount in pay from Work Comp. But as you MUST HAVE missed...this isn't SOLELY on pay...READ THIS ALL AGAIN...it's about the "family" unit they say the SO has...THERE IS NO SUCH THING...seatbelt or not!!

Oh and I am sure you WERE ONE OF THE ONES BASHING ME! Yet people seem to forget I have a daughter...a single parent who while bed ridden had to figure out a way to care for her, cook for her, clean and do laundry for her, tend to my home (lawn), do her homeowrk with her, take her back and forth to school...just because an accident/injury occured...me being her ONLY provider...that JOB didn't stop. I figured out how to do it...pain and all...in a wheelchair or walker...without one finger of help from the LCSO "family"!

All this post was about was to let the front line deputies know what to expect (which is NOTHING) from their supposed LCSO familky! Not to listen to more of the brainwashing and fake smiles from the Admin!

11-09-2010, 09:29 PM
This wil be my last post regarding this.

And for the record...the ONLY one from the Admin that cared and actually reached out was one that was bashed on here. Homan! As I said, there are some really great people in the agency...but just like out in the real world...in order to have the good...you have to have the bad too.

I pray everyday for the safety of the brothers and sisters in LE. That each and everyone of you goes home every night to your real families, they are they ones who will get through this thing we call life! God Bless!

11-10-2010, 12:00 PM
Sue, I'm sorry that happened to you, everyone wants to believe that they will be taken care of. Were you offered an admin job or anything?

11-10-2010, 12:27 PM
This wil be my last post regarding this.

And for the record...the ONLY one from the Admin that cared and actually reached out was one that was bashed on here. Homan! As I said, there are some really great people in the agency...but just like out in the real world...in order to have the good...you have to have the bad too.

I pray everyday for the safety of the brothers and sisters in LE. That each and everyone of you goes home every night to your real families, they are they ones who will get through this thing we call life! God Bless!

Bashing Homan, just stating the truth. Homan was head of H & R at the time, a lieutenant, he never worked the streets, or held a command position over road deputies, he received all of his rank while sitting behind a desk.

11-10-2010, 12:27 PM
Do you have an attorney? You need one. One whose specialty is workman's comp. & someone who knows the agency's history and what they did for others whose injuries were exacerbated by an alleged policy violation, i.e. no seatbelt. Remember, the policies are subjective. It depends on who you are, what gets enforced. I'd fight it...all the way to the bank.

11-10-2010, 01:33 PM
OK, we all got to see how the Administration “Rips Apart” an injured Deputy. They are a bunch of chair jockeys that know best how to second guess and arm chair quarterback. It’s your job and you do it well.

The point we all were making is that there should be more recognition and more done for injured Deputies. The fact that they just disappear is unacceptable. It sounds like the OP would have been happy just to get a little help from her LCSO “Dysfunctional” family even though the Administration was going to break her.

I don’t care where her seat belt was. The Administration is quick to send out emails about births, deaths, and anti union emails… why not a Deputy needs help email? They are in contact with the injured Deputy and they know when, or if, they are getting paid enough to live on.

I’m getting a better understanding of how this works. We have all been told for years that we and our family will be taken care of if something bad happens. Therefore, we think that if something happens to someone else, they are being taken care of. So we just go on about our job, not knowing the truth about the injured Deputy. The truth is, they are being eaten alive by the Administration, never to be heard from again.

I really don’t think that the Deputies intentionally leave their injured behind. We are trained to survive and to protect each other at any risk. The problem is that there is a school of sharks swimming beneath us while we faithfully and fearlessly do our job. They are the HR Administration and Attorney. It seems that if one of us gets injured, the sharks smell the blood and do what they do best, make us “go away”. BTW, nice to see you in the forums DH…

A few years ago there was something started by a few deputies to provide help to other Deputies in need. I donated to it. I don’t know what happened to that but I remember who started it. He’s a Sgt in East District. It was a good idea.

I have a thought, how about taking care of some of the Deputies with a few dollars instead of giving it all back to the BOCC.

The previous poster is right, until we get a union… GET AN ATTORNEY!

11-10-2010, 03:14 PM
This years Christmas party, that is, if there is one, I'm tired of hot dogs, aren't you? Anyway, it should be interesting to see just how many do show up, or better yet, those who do show up and see the sheriff and his top staff and see the wonderment on their faces as to just who is really serious when the words "Merry Christmas" is spoken to them.

Merry, common, with all of the turmoil surrounding the sheriff and his staff, we all have to wonder just where this agency is heading. Among the top issues are; pay raises for a select few, promotions of members performing the same job, unfair IA's, not supporting injured members, and plan just not caring for the frontline members.

11-11-2010, 12:17 AM
The Sheriff calls the shots, LIVE WITH IT!!!!!!!

11-11-2010, 03:13 AM
Sue, I had no idea what you had to go through. I apologize for not helping out. Had I known all the things you said, I along with others would not have a problem helping you out, even if it is just mowing grass. If a cop needs help, I am not going to look the other way, but I truly had no idea this was happening.For some reason I assumed that you were taken care of by the administration. Sorry.

11-11-2010, 09:53 AM
The Sheriff calls the shots, LIVE WITH IT!!!!!!!

When I first read the above statement, my reaction was a staffer wrote it, then, I began to think about it, and the writer is totally correct. The position of Sheriff is all powerful, just like the wizard in oz, and we sure aren't living in the crystal palace, more like in the witches domain.

The sheriff continues to give us e-mails on how bad unions are for us all, yet he used their support for his run for sheriff in 2004. He has PIO staff to keep the public informed as to how well he is doing as sheriff, no wonder he promoted the glorified civilian deputy to lieutenant, bought is loyalty. Then I remembered about an agency who went through what we are going through right now with union questions. This agency had a sheriff who like ours was inexperienced and was nothing more than a traveling speaker throughout the community and state. A union came in and changed the whole battleground. One thing they did was established an agency wide monthly newsletter. This newsletter (which was on-line and in print) kept the members informed on many fronts, new members, marriages, births and how those injured were coming along. It brought the agency closer together.

I know this idea of an agency newsletter isn't new to LCSO, as I understand a previous Lee County Sheriff had one in place, Frank Wanicka. His wife even established a group of deputy spouses for the purpose of keeping in touch, talking things out, problems, births, etc. After reading about what Wanicka did for this agency, sure wish we had him now.

11-12-2010, 10:53 AM
The excuse being made by the administration concerning members who are out is that they can't discuss any illness or injury without the members consent. Okay, then get it, ask for it, I'm sure a member who is having a hard time would appreciate a kind word, helpful assistance for the them and their family. This is bull, just an excuse to leave a fallen member behind, do you think the administration want you to know what they are really doing to get rid of a member, I THINK NOT.

11-12-2010, 04:18 PM
The Administration is pretty tricky though. They smile and talk nice to you. They give you hope that they are going to be there for you… all the while they are slipping a noose around your neck.

You don’t know until they kick the chair out from under you that it was all a lie. Suddenly you are left alone and treated as an outsider discouraged from contact with your co-workers. They have it down to a science, unknown to anyone but the affected… until now.

You suddenly find yourself in a position you never imagined. Hiring an attorney to assist you against the Agency you love. Then you have no choice other than to drop contact with your brothers/sisters because the HEAT IS ON. You can’t discuss what is happening anymore and you don’t want to put anyone in the position of being drug into an IA so they can pry out information.

The Administration does say they can not discuss anything about injured Deputies, but how then can CCPD not only discuss their injured Officers… they release information to the public and have fund raisers to help the Officer. It does not make common sense, and trust me, they don’t offer you the opportunity to release the information.

I saw the earlier comment about the Sheriff makes the rules… It made me laugh. Something many don’t conceive is, the Sheriff is a TEMPORARY POSITION.

11-12-2010, 07:21 PM
Yes, you had better watch your own back because management won't. You will become an outcast. A liability. Administration will use back door/back room tactics and legal fenageling to get rid of you or make the best sitaution "for the good of the department". These tactics will not be publicized and will only be talked about in certain circles unbeknownst to the average person out there doing the job.

11-12-2010, 08:41 PM
The administration uses workers compensation to meet their own agenda. We've all been told from day one, "don't be caught behind the wheel of your unit, you are defenseless, get out from behind the wheel as soon as possible". So what happens, you unsnap your seatbelt before you stop to exit your vehicle quickly. Something happens before you get out, you have a crash and bingo, your in hell with workers comp and the agency. How many times have you unsnapped your seatbelt in order to allow unrestricted movement to retrieve your shotgun when you do stop. I for one have attempted many times to get of my unit in a hurry, not realizing I'm still buckled, you'd be surprise what a jilt that can be.

Another point the agency uses is that you were hired to be a deputy and all other avenues of classification are closed to you, a deputy or nothing. Yet, you still could function in many other capacities other than that of road deputy. The phrase used by administration is that if they accommodate you, then, where do they stop. They really don't have to stop, especially since they've never really started this to begin with.

Seasoned Sergeant
12-10-2010, 06:32 PM
I hope you are referring only to admin /civilians. My guys come first on my squad. I think they know it.. I hope it is the same in the entire county, at least at the sgt level.

12-10-2010, 10:02 PM
I hope you are referring only to admin /civilians. My guys come first on my squad. I think they know it.. I hope it is the same in the entire county, at least at the sgt level.

Maybe it would be a good idea to read the whole thread…

As a “Seasoned Sergeant; how often, and for how long, do you check on the welfare of your Deputies after they have been off the job from and injury or illness? A week, a month, possibly a year? What do you think about or do when you see they have left the agency suddenly and no one knows why?

Mine stuck with me for a while, but the poop got to deep and I couldn’t even find him to give him my final letter.

Your post sounds like your heart is in the right place. You apparently have not been involved in a situation when Admin takes over and gets rid of a deputy “by any means” to cut costs. I’ll warn you; if you ever do in this agency, you’ll get a call and loose a stripe if you don’t stay out of their way.

Seasoned Sergeant
12-10-2010, 11:12 PM
I hope you are referring only to admin /civilians. My guys come first on my squad. I think they know it.. I hope it is the same in the entire county, at least at the sgt level.

Maybe it would be a good idea to read the whole thread…

As a “Seasoned Sergeant; how often, and for how long, do you check on the welfare of your Deputies after they have been off the job from and injury or illness? A week, a month, possibly a year? What do you think about or do when you see they have left the agency suddenly and no one knows why?

Mine stuck with me for a while, but the poop got to deep and I couldn’t even find him to give him my final letter.

Your post sounds like your heart is in the right place. You apparently have not been
involved in a situation when Admin takes over and gets rid of a deputy “by any means” to cut costs. I’ll warn you; if you ever do in this agency, you’ll get a call and loose a stripe if you don’t stay out of their way.

I read the post, it's the post title that concerned me. I assure you my heart is in the right place. I'm well aware of the thread and who you are and what happened. I only hope that you do not think it is the entire family at lcso that is against you. I have
been inside to many ER's all all different times on and off duty.. That's one of the things that drew me to law enforcement, the brotherhood..I use the term "family" as my fellow brothers in green, not civilians..nothing against them, it's just different.

01-15-2011, 04:30 AM
[quote="Seasoned Sergeant":28v8l30m]

I'm well aware of the thread and who you are and what happened. I only hope that you do not think it is the entire family at lcso that is against you. [/quote:28v8l30m]

I think that’s kinda creepy….

(I'm well aware of the thread and who you are and what happened.)

Let me tell you, if you know who I was; you don’t know who I am.

If you’re so insightful, send me a PM to my “registered” account.

BTW, you didn’t answer the question.

01-20-2011, 04:23 PM
The words "family" and "LCSO" cannot be used in the same sentence. "He" is the farmer you are the sheep. Step out of line and you will be slaughtered.

01-23-2011, 06:43 AM
[quote="Seasoned Sergeant":zwv96xn0]

I'm well aware of the thread and who you are and what happened. I only hope that you do not think it is the entire family at lcso that is against you.

I think that’s kinda creepy….

(I'm well aware of the thread and who you are and what happened.)

Let me tell you, if you know who I was; you don’t know who I am.

If you’re so insightful, send me a PM to my “registered” account.

BTW, you didn’t answer the question.[/quote:zwv96xn0]

What happened "Seasoned Sergeant"?

I've been anxiously awaiting your post. We have had everyone from abandoned injured Deputies to Administration executioners posting here. You made a statement of honor and were asked questions, but you don' reply with anything but "spooky stuff".

I'm still waiting for my reply to my questions and hoping you send me a PM.

Do you need a clue?

02-15-2011, 07:20 AM
[quote="Seasoned Sergeant":2om2hzws]

I'm well aware of the thread and who you are and what happened. I only hope that you do not think it is the entire family at lcso that is against you.

I think that’s kinda creepy….

(I'm well aware of the thread and who you are and what happened.)

Let me tell you, if you know who I was; you don’t know who I am.

If you’re so insightful, send me a PM to my “registered” account.

BTW, you didn’t answer the question.

What happened "Seasoned Sergeant"?

I've been anxiously awaiting your post. We have had everyone from abandoned injured Deputies to Administration executioners posting here. You made a statement of honor and were asked questions, but you don' reply with anything but "spooky stuff".

I'm still waiting for my reply to my questions and hoping you send me a PM.

Do you need a clue?[/quote:2om2hzws]

Still waiting...

02-16-2011, 01:00 PM
Get over it already you freak!

02-17-2011, 01:08 PM
Get over it already you freak!

Definition: (Freak)
Usage refers to the physically deformed, or having extraordinary diseases and conditions, such as sideshow performers. This has fallen into disuse, except as a pejorative, and (among the performers of such shows) as jargon. A "freak" in this sense can be formally defined as someone not falling within typical standard deviations. For example, people of small stature would not be classified as freaks unless they are within the third standard deviation for the general population, while the same principle would apply to exceptionally tall people[citation needed]. "Freaks" of this kind can be classified into two groups: natural freaks and made freaks. A natural freak would usually refer to a genetic abnormality, while a made freak is a once normal person who experienced or initiated an alteration at some point in life (such as receiving surgical implants).

Thanks. One day you may join us.

I hope you get the same consideration...