View Full Version : Keep your sanity

11-04-2010, 06:39 PM
Lets not get crazy here. Things are going to change. YES!!! They have to and need to. The change would have happended if Sink or Scott won. We can't fund the Billions it cost with a slow economy. The public will also need to get used to a less than responsive public system however. It takes money to have staff available to every question and complaint. Under paid and under appreciated workers are always less courteous and ambitious (see DCF and DHSMV). We will always need prisons to house the hard core prisoners that Private prisons wont and can't make a profit on those type inmates. Probation and Parole will be the same. Salvation Army will not want the lawsuits that come from Sex Offenders and Murderers. What we need to do as an Agency is to be professional and accept that with change also comes new opportunities to learn and to make changes for the better. Maybe better Supervisors, get rid of sorry officers, update equipment, use of technology, etc. There have been numerous posts on this web site complaining about a large spectrum of problems we have here at DOC. Now is a good chance to get them addressed. To do that we will need to be professional and have constructive dialogue with those in charge of the changes. Cutting 1/2 of the DOC budget will be tough but we must keep our sanity. Life will go on with or without the DOC. God bless you all and keep positive.

11-05-2010, 12:48 AM
I agree but the problem is the positions that should be cut like numerous overlapping jobs in central office or the ever present levels of management or the made up jobs to keep people employed (corrections consultant comes to mind) won't be the ones cut. Our system is over burdened with supervisors and assistants to someone but those are the very people connected to the ones making the decisions so they will not go. It's the poor smoe in the trenches that gets bounced around and out. There will be change but it will be more of the same. Nothing will change but the names and the excuses.

11-05-2010, 01:19 AM
Your absoulutely correct,there are alot of people sitting in Central Office in there leather chairs sitting making $80,000 a year making decisions about frontline officers that do all the work and they have no clue what our officers do, they need to put on a uniform and work a year in a prison or go out by yourself in a high crime area and knock on doors before they make decisions (policies) that makes our jobs even harder to perform.

11-05-2010, 11:02 AM
I want the job of the person who makes the years policy "updates" where they cross out one word and put in another...usually "and" "the" "or" "if", etc. The other job I want is the one where I forward useless e-mails with the comment "read and comply", "address with staff", etc.

CPT Aubrey
11-05-2010, 10:21 PM
Sorry Stupid.

If they cut $1 out of every $2, there will be no such thing as a contructive suggestion. Politeness will go out the window.

Take your yearly income. If you're married, include your spouses income. Now cut that in half and start to think about all the things you have get rid of just to eat, place a roof over your head and enough energy to keep you from freezing in the winter or dying of dehydration in the summer. If you have kids, consider adoption.

What will be interesting are the people he's going to bring in to accomplish his stated decimation.

I bet one or more have little black mustaches.

11-05-2010, 10:37 PM
Lets not get crazy here. Things are going to change. YES!!! They have to and need to. The change would have happended if Sink or Scott won. We can't fund the Billions it cost with a slow economy. The public will also need to get used to a less than responsive public system however. It takes money to have staff available to every question and complaint. Under paid and under appreciated workers are always less courteous and ambitious (see DCF and DHSMV). We will always need prisons to house the hard core prisoners that Private prisons wont and can't make a profit on those type inmates. Probation and Parole will be the same. Salvation Army will not want the lawsuits that come from sex Offenders and Murderers. What we need to do as an Agency is to be professional and accept that with change also comes new opportunities to learn and to make changes for the better. Maybe better Supervisors, get rid of sorry officers, update equipment, use of technology, etc. There have been numerous posts on this web site complaining about a large spectrum of problems we have here at DOC. Now is a good chance to get them addressed. To do that we will need to be professional and have constructive dialogue with those in charge of the changes. Cutting 1/2 of the DOC budget will be tough but we must keep our sanity. Life will go on with or without the DOC. God bless you all and keep positive.

They wont even cut 10% of DOC's budget Scott was just running his mouth to get votes. They will do things to keep the inmate population from growing any larger but there will be no big early release for prisoners. They are going to rape our benefits however and cut more positions. I doubt they cut any officer positions that are filled however but they will probably have another hiring freeze and leave some clerical support positions unfilled as they leave and reduce a little middle management.

CPT Aubrey
11-05-2010, 10:45 PM
Not if they're going to cut one out of every two dollars.

And if they don't make good?

Scott is a one termer.

11-05-2010, 10:54 PM
Not if they're going to cut one out of every two dollars.

And if they don't make good?

Scott is a one termer.

CPT that depends because for some reason people just want to vote out the party of the President when things are bad and don't seem to care if their whole state govt is controlled by the other party. If the economy stays bad it might take a Rep winning President in 2012 to get Scott out in 2014.

CPT Aubrey
11-06-2010, 12:07 AM
Not if they're going to cut one out of every two dollars.

And if they don't make good?

Scott is a one termer.

CPT that depends because for some reason people just want to vote out the party of the President when things are bad and don't seem to care if their whole state govt is controlled by the other party. If the economy stays bad it might take a Rep winning President in 2012 to get Scott out in 2014.

Ah, geeze. You are right and your guess is as good as mine.

The first time a "historic" change in congress happened (that I remember) was under Reagan. It happened again under Clinton. I remember laughing at a history professor after the vote. A typical liberal, albeit he was a great professor.

I think the large percentage of voters are independent. These swings will be attributable to them.

Is it a mandate against an Obama agenda or just a bunch of pissed off Americans saying fix the damn problem?

I don't know.

11-06-2010, 04:53 AM
CPT they will have a hard time with moral when they cut benefits. It is already showing in job performance prior to the election. If Scott/ Haridopolus cuts benefits it will have a price if the economy improves; so many will leave before or on JUly 1, 2011. Some of our specialists and senior officers are leaving for the sheriff's offices. The place is just going to be a stankin armpit of bad moral and no amount of bull whippin psycho management Koolaid is gonna improve employee innovation and deligence back like it was. The first poster on this string is really not understanding reality and the down right betrayal of this comming state government. Now no one owes us anything but a fair wage which in the state of florida was already a low wage compensated by benefits and our retirement system for payment of services render on the states behalf. I am worth every cent of my wages and benefits and so is every other state worker, especially us CO's and CPO's. As far as I am concerned they are stealing from me.

11-06-2010, 01:17 PM
CPT they will have a hard time with moral when they cut benefits. It is already showing in job performance prior to the election. If Scott/ Haridopolus cuts benefits it will have a price if the economy improves; so many will leave before or on JUly 1, 2011. Some of our specialists and senior officers are leaving for the sheriff's offices. The place is just going to be a stankin armpit of bad moral and no amount of bull whippin psycho management Koolaid is gonna improve employee innovation and deligence back like it was. The first poster on this string is really not understanding reality and the down right betrayal of this comming state government. Now no one owes us anything but a fair wage which in the state of florida was already a low wage compensated by benefits and our retirement system for payment of services render on the states behalf. I am worth every cent of my wages and benefits and so is every other state worker, especially us CO's and CPO's. As far as I am concerned they are stealing from me.

Not the CPT but I agree on most of that but the state doesn't care about turnover and will just have the attitude in this economy we can get people to take your place. If anyone is LEO inclined they need to check on moving to the locals but the hiring even there has tailed off a lot lately and there have even been a few layoffs in some departments. The benefits were the only thing that kept a state job worth anything. If they get anymore rediculous they would probably have to shut some prisons down in South Florida if the economy improves eventually. This is going to be very ugly most likely.

Open Carry Man
11-10-2010, 02:42 AM
I wonder if they're looking to get rid of benefits, thinking that we can all go on ObamaCare someday? I wonder how that would work. Of course, the GOP is looking to throw that out in the Courts, so who knows.

CPT Aubrey
11-10-2010, 02:50 AM
I don't know open carry.

I don't trust Republicans, I don't trust Democrats.

Both have sold us down the Mississippi. If wer'e lucky, we're following the ghost of Twain and the Declaration of Independence.

The Tea Party? Republican light rolling over Raegan's grave.

God help us all.

11-10-2010, 03:23 AM
I don't know open carry.

I don't trust Republicans, I don't trust Democrats.

Both have sold us down the Mississippi. If wer'e lucky, we're following the ghost of Twain and the Declaration of Independence.

The Tea Party? Republican light rolling over Raegan's grave.

God help us all.
Your right the Democrates are just to blame for this with idea they think they know how every one will vote. I remember 4 years ago give it just two years and they will loose the house well it took 4 but over 60 seats is enough for 2 years EACH. Who can blame the Black Vote I know many in my office who just didn't vote because they felt they were being manipulated, dischenfranchized thanks to Crist. But to Meeks character and credit he tried to stop the blood bath.. One day that man will be back just watch when the time comes.