View Full Version : Districts & these wakey shift times

11-01-2010, 12:32 PM
I wanted to get some un influenced opinions as to how some of the other shifts and road guys feel about this late morning second shift at 9 am (4.5 Hrs after the intial morning shift) as well as to this district thing. I gave it some time but as far as I can see so far it was an extremely ill concieved ideal. We have on average 5 officers 10-8 for the entire city from very early morning until around 9:20 am. Even worse, we only have three districts now insted of 10 zones and we can't (as a department) be bothered to at least assign one officer to each district no matter what the ongoing / off going shift is. This is just shameful and I am wondering where simple logic and common sense ran off to. How hard is it to allocate shift man power appropriately so as to at least have 1 officer assigned to each distric at all times. I have to say all things considered things started out great with a new chief but I am deffinately seeing a trend and slide, back to the Gage way of conducting business. Only difference is the henchmen have a different name this time. To the admin, step out of your bubble for a minute and take a hard look to see where improvements can be made and possibly, just possibly admit your ideal, although not completely wrong, is still not exactly where it needs to be.

11-03-2010, 01:48 PM
To We Need Help,

You are an idiot. I can only hope to find out what kind of jackass posts the amount of manpower of any agency at any given time, even though your numbers are not quite correct.

Way to impact Officer safety! I can only hope that you grow up and stop your nonsense.

PS: My initials are listed below, I can only hope that you have the nuts to come see me so that we can figure out why you have so little common sense.


11-04-2010, 11:49 AM

Can I come to your office and see you also. I have a bone to pick with you on how you are running this division. Frankly, I am fed up and I think you should be replaced with someone who is relevant.

11-04-2010, 12:00 PM
Running a division? Sounds nice, but I have a long way to go before getting anywhere near that.

Yes you can visit the office anytime you want, the door is always open.


12-14-2010, 12:12 AM

Man power and shift personal is not a state secret. Anyone with a decent scanner and a week of listening or even less technologically savey methods could be used to determine the man power on any given shift in less than 3 days. As to officer safety, I will concede to your point, that the chance for hurting officer safety is possible in my post. I will point out that as I started out with there are many easy and efficient ways for the potential bad guy to determine this information. So with that said, which is causing more potential harm to officer safety, my post or the administrations insistance on shift hours and subsequent allocation of man power as a result. Consider that then let me know who is doing more damage to officer safety. My post is short term and low risk whereas the administrations is neglegent and ongoing every day they persist with this shift arrangement.

12-14-2010, 07:58 PM
We Need Help,

I highly disagree with your reasoning. I will stand behind my initial post. Your ability to rationalize such actions makes me wonder how you are able to handle being a Law Enforcement Officer with any integrity. Just because the "bad guy" can find out information, doesn't mean that we should hand it to them on a silver platter.

In all I believe that there is merit to this "District" implementation. Not sure if I agree with everything about it, but it is my job to make it work to the best of my ability. I will stand behind this Administration and its decisions. It is not only my job to do so, I also agree with what they are trying to accomplish.

The fact that you list incorrect numbers that any BBPD employee should know makes me question whether you are actually employed by this agency.

This is an excellent agency to work for. Posting this nonsense on an open forum is not the way to make any changes. Attend the "quality" meetings and make suggestions. If you don't like the way things are DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, if you are not willing to be a part of change then you have no right to complain about it.


12-14-2010, 11:16 PM
Sorry HC but I disagree with you, I guess I could have put the exact numbers but that would have really re enforced your intiial posts reasoning and statement. As for trying to make a change, HC you have been here more than long enough to know how only the "Chosen" few have a real say in anything around there and how those that disagree or discent fall into hard times. Not complaining on that note just the nature of departmental politics. I'm curious as to your reasoning though, how does my post signal a problem with my integrity. I conceded your point but continued on to explain the little likely hood of it's over all impact. So because my reasoning is wrong in your opinion, my integrity flawed, think that reasoning is a little flawed. As to the excellence of the members of the department, on a whole those that we all work with on a day to day basis I would agree that the majority are excelllent people that lift this department, with a few deffinate and destinct individuals that I would label as have distinct integrity problems. When it comes to integrity though, I would be more concerned about the lack of real integrity absent in the administration. And no, I would not consider this particular subject an integrity matter on any particular level. I would love to post all the particular incidents and subsequent actions by admin that I am referring to but think it would not be right to bring down the over all image of the afore mentioned mostly excellent department members. We have taken enough hits as a department over the past 3 years just thankfull not all of them hit the paper or have become common knowledge to the community we serve. Over all I'm more concerned about the administration behind my back than the criminal on the street and that is my honest personal assessment. You may not agree HC and thats your right but that doesn't make me wrong.