View Full Version : transfers demotions ect.

10-28-2010, 02:00 AM
Wow the changing of people and staff should be interesting, Comito gets a slap in the face by not getting LT spot :shock: when she started and runs the youth unit great ?

A. Garrison, your great people, congrats to you, Gonz, get a demotion to street crimes, I feel for you G. But maybe that unit will finally know how to run with an expeirenced officer running it.

Hopefully Lt. over training will keep up the work, hes getting goodman :snicker: , no kind of training what so ever, two days on the road and now going to be training the PD. WOW. :lol:

Looks like they are going to try to run Mhizzy out of this agency making him go to the road and demotion, :( WOW, all the years here and hard work and thats what you get from it NO RESPECT!!! they give a damm less my hats off to you Sir.

Still hiring outsiders and friends, great job will, your such a good man. (what a joke) :idea: [/color]

11-05-2010, 12:57 AM
:devil: Somebody please explain this to me? Who is the new lieutenant? How can someone who can’t even eat at Chili’s without taking his three boys’ with him too order for him join the Training Unit and expect us to respect him? What about Forrest Gump Jackson and I want a Speeding Ticket Morgan? Please give me an update? See you in 7……….. : :devil: :evil:

11-08-2010, 12:35 AM
???fire starter??? :shock:

oh my, how funny that is, and that was posted by someone else other than the person who was there. wow?

I will have a drink to that partner....CHEERS and a hat tilt. :snicker:

NOW THAT IS FUNNY. I was told arnita is the next LT.

Days are getting closer to may,,,,,,the sweat is starting to bead up above the forehead, thoughts and wonder are floating? humm?





11-08-2010, 12:46 AM
Stop posting to yourself Tony Vargas!!! Everyone knows your a loser, get a friggen life man!!

11-08-2010, 01:02 AM
:devil: :devil: As for T.V., no not television for all of you Brighton and Tampa supervisor’s I am sure he is doing well without any input from you ladies and gentlemen. As for Chili boy everyone “will” have their day sooner or later. No, I was not there but I hear it was great!!! How is ketchup captain doing in Tampa? Maybe, Lieutenant Lakeport will be happy now that Mizzie is not going to be around. See you in 7…….. :devil: :evil:

Mod 492
11-08-2010, 03:22 PM
Refrain from posting anything:



Sexual Content

Slams on others

Comments on others personal lives

11-26-2010, 12:12 AM
More changes great way to keep things in chaos!!! Finally, Ketchup will see the light. You rode the shirt tail of others’ to get your promotion and played the game and now the GAME PLAYED YOU!

Now THE NEW Captain anyone want to know the real truth about how Tipper and how employment was gained with SPD? Politics 101 at the Sheriff’s Office straight from “will never mind.” Get the point!

11-29-2010, 11:55 PM
we would like to know more? please tell-

11-30-2010, 01:05 AM
More changes great way to keep things in chaos!!! Finally, Ketchup will see the light. You rode the shirt tail of others’ to get your promotion and played the game and now the GAME PLAYED YOU!

Now THE NEW Captain anyone want to know the real truth about how Tipper and how employment was gained with SPD? Politics 101 at the Sheriff’s Office straight from “will never mind.” Get the point!

Who cares what kind of trash you intend to spew. All I can say is that the guy has always treated me fairly...so why don't you just give all the negativity a rest.

12-03-2010, 08:01 AM
Wow the changing of people and staff should be interesting, Comito gets a slap in the face by not getting LT spot :shock: when she started and runs the youth unit great ?

A. Garrison, your great people, congrats to you, Gonz, get a demotion to street crimes, I feel for you G. But maybe that unit will finally know how to run with an expeirenced officer running it.

Hopefully Lt. over training will keep up the work, hes getting goodman :snicker: , no kind of training what so ever, two days on the road and now going to be training the PD. WOW. :lol:

Looks like they are going to try to run Mhizzy out of this agency making him go to the road and demotion, :( WOW, all the years here and hard work and thats what you get from it NO RESPECT!!! they give a damm less my hats off to you Sir.

Still hiring outsiders and friends, great job will, your such a good man. (what a joke) :idea: [/color]

I was once told "if you cant say anything good, dont say anything at all." I cant say anything bad about the above people,,,,,i cant say anything good either. But I will say this. It is time for every cop in this dept to take 5 min and take a long look in the mirror and ask themselves this. Why did i get into this profession? This place aint no different then anywhere else. YES I see what is going on, but should that stop me from doing my job? NO. We do have people who care solely about themselves no matter what rez, Do i like it? NO. But It is time for you to start thinking of fellow officers before you think of yourselves. I know that is hard for some of you people, but maybe you should give if a shot, Maybe instead of worrying about what is happening in the dept, Why dont u worry about the drug dealer who is selling poison to the children in these communities that we patrol. Why dont you worry about that? Everyone is always trying to belittle others to get ahead instead of getting ahead on merit. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!???? Go out there and do the job that you "SWORE" that you were going to do instead of acting like a bunch of kids. At this very moment someone was told they lost their job, someone was told they have 30 days to find another place to live, someone was told their child has 6 months to live and you people have the testicular fortitude to complain about something so TRIVIAL. Stop gossiping, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Stop complaining, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. All i heard the last few days is "what is going on with the suspension of so and so." Instead of asking that, why dont you ask,,"hey what bad guy can i lock up today?" but you dont because you are so worried about what is going on in someone else's lives cuz ur life is SO pathetic you dont care about anything else. YOU MAKE ME SICK. I hear it all the time people complaining or bringing up about people driving when they are not suppose to. Well,, here is a idea, instead of complaining or bringing it up, flip on your lights, pull them over, and do what you go to do. STOP THE MONDAY MORNING QUATERBACK BS. And im going to end on this note, I know there are some officers who walk on egg shells when it comes to tribal members and will avoid them at all cost. I heard this last night and agree with it. There are two types of bigotry/ prejudice/ profiling/ racism etc etc. "those who single out individuals who belong to a certain type of race, and those who single out individuals who DONT belong to a certain type of race." So those of you who treat tribal members better/different/ give them extra attention/ whatever from everyone else, you get the hint. And Yes you also make me sick because you discredit the badge and the oath you took. You think about what your doing and u do what is right. The three type of individuals i mentioned about you voice to them your "issues" that you are having. That is if you are willing to do that. IT is time to bleed blue instead of BS

12-03-2010, 02:24 PM
Same old rhetoric everyone is tired of hearing. Get from behind the desk, do it yourself, and then I will follow you.

12-04-2010, 02:21 AM
Same old rhetoric everyone is tired of hearing. Get from behind the desk, do it yourself, and then I will follow you.
Ok so not only do i have do my job, i have to get out and do your job, And most likely you get paid as much if not more that I. So what purpose do u serve. Want to write your reports for you too. how about that, why dont you stick ur face in a toilet