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10-13-2010, 02:24 PM

“It’s time for Alex Sink to come clean and tell Florida voters just how many convicted felons she authorized to work in the insurance industry,” said Scott spokesman Brian Burgess. “Lying to reporters is just further evidence that Alex Sink is trying to cover up this scandal. She needs to release all records relating to the convicted felons so that Floridians know the extent to which she has put their sensitive personal and financial information at risk.”

On at least six occasions, Alex Sink’s office issued written letters of consent to individuals arrested for and/or convicted of felonies, including theft, check fraud, forgery, and assault on a law enforcement officer.

The Scott campaign has called on Sink’s office to release all of the documents and written correspondence between convicted felons and Sink’s staff, explain why her office issued the consent letters to individuals convicted of serious crimes, and demanded that Alex Sink tell the public how many convicted felons she has issued written consent letters enabling them to engage in the insurance business in Florida.

10-15-2010, 12:08 PM
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Thursday, October 14, 2010
Alex Sink Continues to Lie to Florida Voters about Rick Scott with her new ad, "Fraud Files"
These are legitimate questions that are being asked in the email below. Is any reporter going to ask for details on any part of the ad and where the information came from Sink is using?

First question that needs answered is whether Sink is being fed by AG Bill McCollum with some of this which was proved untruthful during the primary and now the same thing is happening this time with Sink. The Sink ad immediately made me think of McCollum. Why would a conservative like McCollum even consider endorsing Sink or voting for her when she is so liberal?

Does it have to do with Sink, McCollum, and Crist and their leadership of the SBA where they made the bad investments with State dollars. On top of that they used a a middleman paid $1M to get them in the door of the pension funds which was unnecessary? How much did those three really cost the State of Florida? Just what is buried in all of that SBA paperwork they refuse to make public? Is that why McCollum wants Sink to win? Nothing else makes any sense.

Where is the media? Sink attacks Scott with lies and the media is sounding like crickets. We will be watching the Florida Sunday papers to see if something breaks on this.

Why Is Alex Sink's "Faux Files" Receiving a Pass?

My name is Robin Stublen. I am the founder of the Punta Gorda Tea Party. I have been involved in the Tea Party on a state and national level. I have a few concerns that I have expressed below. I respectfully ask that you address these concerns. Thank you.

There have been two ads by candidate Alex Sink and her campaign that have me greatly concerned. The latest is the so called "Fraud Files" which for lack of a better word, lies to the citizens of Florida. The major lie, although there are many, occurs around the 38 second mark and ends around the 44 second mark. It is supported by a State Prosecutor and the Martin County Sheriff.

My question is why has the media ignored this particular lie? Below are a few items to refresh your memory.

Item #1 Columbia/HCA

Do you know what they do not tell you? They do not tell you that there were over 14,000 documents seized, 18 months of a confidential informant wearing a wire and thousands of hours of forensic accountants going over everything and not one single time did Rick Scott's name come up. He was never questioned and to this day he has never been questioned. Yet Alex Sink treats as fact he was questioned 75 times!

What they fail to tell you is that John Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Harvard, Yale and others were all fined millions! That the University of Penn was fined $30 million and the largest fine was paid by the University of Wisconsin Medical School of $35 million and there were many more hospitals. Yet the reason they go after Rick is because it has everything to do with politics and nothing to do with Medicare.

These investigations on all these hospitals began right after Hillary Care was defeated. Rick had been an outspoken opponent of HillaryCare in 1994, just like he fought ObamaCare in 2009. It became so bad that Bill McCollum stood on the House floor and stated it was a witch hunt and introduced a bill to stop the all the overzealous investigations.

As for the so-called criminal case against Columbia/HCA, Janet Reno went after four mid-level executives the 11th circuit court of appeals said with 1700 different rules and regulations and tens of thousands of pages and the interpretations of them no one could be expected to get understand Medicare regulations. The criminal cases were all thrown out on appeal. The Federal Government eventually just dropped the case. Once again, at no time did Rick Scott's name come up.

Item #2 75 times

This would be a joke if it were not so serious. Three years after Rick left, a company sued Columbia/HCA for what appears to be a contract violation and Columbia/HCA did a counter suit. Rick was not even working for the company at this time, so he had nothing to do with him personally. The whole case was a fishing expedition designed to try to win money in a legal settlement.

The Democrat attorney asked Rick his complete name which he answered. He then asked him if he was employed. At that time Rick Scott's attorney interrupted and stated that his client would not answer any further questions due to other lawsuits against Columbia/HCA. Since Rick Scott no longer worked there he could not possibly give them up to date information. Therefore, on the advice of his attorney, he answered none of them. The Democrat attorney even tried to "trick" Rick Scott at one point by asking him if he said, "respectfully". Rick Scott had to answer that question the same as all of the others by using the 5th. You cannot pick and chose, you have to answer them all the same.

Item #3 Solantic

In my opinion; this is a case of follow the money. Rick Scott is not an officer of Solantic, LLC he is an investor and sits on the board. This was a civil suit and was settled and sealed. No doubt with the investor, Rick Scott paying out of his own pocket. The settlement and depositions were sealed like they are in almost every civil case that results in a settlement. It had nothing to do with Rick Scott.

10-27-2010, 03:11 PM
How do you like her now Sheriff...........
Okay Mr. IG bCliff, time to do your job………….. Consider this a FORMAL request for your office to conduct an immediate investigation into Alex Sink. “Conduct Un Becoming a public employee.” You are familiar with that one aren’t you. It is the same catch-all you use to fire all the hardworking people Alex demand be fired for making honest errors in judgment. Howerver, 7 seconds looking at a text, and having audio tape as evidence that she was told upfront the message was from her staff, makes her a LIAR and a CHEAT. She has been caught lying to Chris Mathews as well as the world with her iCheat. Caught red handed, or red mouthed as the case may be. Liar Liar pants on fire…………….. Do your job Bob, or we will make sure you are the next to go.

10-27-2010, 06:35 PM
I love her, she should be undersheriff :D

10-28-2010, 02:54 PM
Watch this

11-03-2010, 12:50 AM
Well Sheriff, how does this bode for YOUR re election. I do not think people believe you have very good judgement. How do you like her now.......... spank spank on you!!!! shame on you as well....... Hope you have extra money in your budget cuzz you ain't gettin any from the new GOV.

11-03-2010, 04:09 PM
LOL LOL LOL LOL :devil: :D :devil: :D