View Full Version : Little Piggies

10-13-2010, 12:12 AM
And these little piggies went whaaaaa, whaaaaa, whaaaaaa, all the way home. Get a life whiney asses. You are supposed to be grown men!!!!!!

Address your problems as so.

10-13-2010, 01:10 AM
And these little piggies went whaaaaa, whaaaaa, whaaaaaa, all the way home. Get a life whiney asses. You are supposed to be grown men!!!!!!

Address your problems as so.

Well, with a posting such as yours, it's no wonder the department is in trouble. Retards like you posting crap like that! Hope your house is the brick one! So, with that said, What's YOUR PROBLEM with the PD!! Hmmm??!?!?!?!?

10-13-2010, 02:01 AM
I don't have a problem, i just do see the worth of getting on a places like these and whining about things. Do you really think this will solve anything? If so, I really question your thought process. This place is anonymous, hell, one person could be making all the posts, pro and con. Not a legitimate venue for complaining. Most people with any sense view these sites for what they are, a place to vent and cry, but not really accomplish anything. If that is the poster's intent, then all is well.

If you want to effect change, you need to voice your complaints where it matters. And yes, it takes a little intestinal fortitude to do that, but isn't that what cops are supposed to be made of?

10-13-2010, 07:31 PM
Your right "HAHA"...to an extent.....but where the problem lies is what's been already brought up on here and MANY times otuside of a forum like this in the past when we have been approached by the administration and asked what can be done to make things better in the PD...and you know what??? The only thing that happened was when those poeple showed "fortitude" as you so put it, they've all been kicked in the balls by the administration and labeled as you put it "Whiney asses"...so, don't sit there and make yourself sound like your the saviour...If you were, you wouldnt be on here as well or care what's being said on here. ...so until the administration TRULY GIVES A SHIT about it's officers, this is a place where we can safely talk (and Blaine, if your reading, this will never go away so, DEAL WITH IT!)..and who knows, i'd say based on your approach, you yourself could be one of the administration posting here...and if you are...open your collective ears and start truly listening!!!

10-13-2010, 07:45 PM
On second thought....what we really need is a union like Kingsport has!! That would be the ideal place where we could talk about issues outside of anonimity!! Collectively!! Have some type of fairness!! Hell, or at the least bring back civil service!! Something or someone besides that pathetic excuse of a city manager to tighten the leash on Blaine!! But ya know what little piggie?? It'll NEVER happen!! Why?? Because the city administration from Jeff down are not fair people!! PERIOD! I'd love to hear your defense on this!!!

10-13-2010, 08:08 PM
Ok, let me rephrase this. If you think that posting on here is actually going to change things, then go right ahead. Post away, but it is going to have zero effect.

Look, I am able to be anyone I want to be, it's magic. Any decision maker at a legitimate company pays little to no attention to sites such as these. I can sit here and post back and forth to myself and make it appear anyway I wish it to be.

Yes, get a union, not a bad idea, if anyone pays attention to it. Unions as of this point in time are pretty much worthless in Tennessee. Maybe (hopefully) it will change one day, but I wouldn't hold my breathe.

I can say that i was unjustly fired, I can say I got a 2,000 bonus, I can say pretty much anything to spark a reaction. You have seen the guys on the street corner preaching haven't you? When is the last time you listened to one, even if they have a valid message? Same difference here, just a different form of shouting while anyone of consequence isn't listening.

For the most part, all your doing is embarrassing your profession, hell, next thing you know someone going to call you a fireman.

10-13-2010, 08:34 PM
Well, seems this site has your participation nonetheless...And holds your attention as you responded immediately..Why are you participating if you think this is all BS?? No one forced you to come to this site or read it's postings...So that tells me one of two things...your one of the admin supporters and due to this site, your not reaping the admiration of the administration like you probably do for ass kissing OR your one of the admin period stirring the pot...but i'll entertain this debate...:).....Wanna know why? Maybe your the one lacking in testicular fortitude as you so claim those participating in this forum are. ...yeah..we will never know who's who on here unless the person says something to pretty much put the target on his back which unfortunately someone has already done (consider him blaines ***** for the rest of his career or until blaine goes away)....but the reality is...AGAIN....If the department treated us fairly, this forum wouldnt exist!!
Read some of the other postings from other agencies in other areas, states. you view this as a ***** page...a place for people to do nothing but complain....well, ya know what? Where else can we do it...oh wait, should we go home and spill all this crap on our wives? loved ones?? Or, just keep it bottled up inside till we blow up...Is that what you do?..It comes down to two things, either your a problem solver or a problem starter (my humble opinion says your the later)....but, which one are you?? This is a debate you nor I will ever win nor agree upon so its time to end this safe to say.....But again, the bottom line is, the city needs to start treating it's employees fairly and justly.

10-14-2010, 12:03 AM
If this board is going to exist I feel that someone has to speak up and say this:

1. If you want people to listen, converse like you have some sense. If you say there is a problem, give specific examples (leaving out the names). Painting everyone with a broad brush is chickenshit and shows you don't have an argument, only an axe to grind. I could easily get on here and say, "All the patrolmen that have left sucked and I'm glad they are gone. Maybe now we can hire some people that will work." That would be neither true nor would it be acceptable to post even if it were.

2. If you've gone to the trouble of identifying the problem, let us all know what solution you came up with. Again, I could say we need to go to rotating shifts with fixed days off. That might be great for me if I had Saturday, Sunday and Monday off, but suck for the guy who gets Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Remember, the "solution" needs to be just that, a solution, not simply a different way of doing things that causes as many issues as it resolves. Just because it would be ideal for you doesn't mean it would be ideal for your buddy. Just because it would work for you and your buddy doesn't mean it will work for the rest of the shift, well you get my point...

3. Work hard, study for the promotion tests. and put yourself in a position where you can do more than just make suggestions. You'll see that making all those changes we as parolmen think would be great don't seem quite as appealing as you go up in rank. I would love to chase every bad guy that runs from us until the wheels fell off our cars. But, in light of the way the Tennessee Supreme Court has been ruling we would be taking our very freedom into our own hands. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that an officer could be charged criminally, and it is a VERY distinct possibility that he/she could be sued civilly and lose. Sometimes what we can and cannot do is not within our own control.

10-14-2010, 01:43 AM
The point I was trying to make is the fact that getting on blog sites and whining seems ludicrous to me. It really serves no purpose, these post on here are not going to change anything within the PD. All they do is lower the public's view of the PD, and you as a police officer. And remember, that affects all police officers whether they are posting negative views on here or not.

My personal views of the PD, it employees, and the city admin are just that, my opinion. Voicing one's opinion is your right, but remember the impact your choice of venue has on your message.

Problem starter, hardly, and I can assure you, this site will never serve as real problem solver. Another Point of View has the right approach in mind, good post.

My comments were not meant as a personal attack on anyone on here, but you should really consider where you choose to air your personal problems. The PD is supposed to be bigger than any individual, it's image should be preserved at all cost. Airing your personal issues in public only serve to weaken it's image to the citizen's and g'hogs alike. Keep that in mind the next time you answer a call, that the person you are talking to may have just read the latest so called 'dirt' on here and guess what you look like to them. If its the good citizen, you look like less of what an officer should, and if it a g'hog, then maybe he's sees stuff here as a weakness to be exploited.

And your right, I did post here. Only in hopes of making you (collective) think about what your actually going to accomplish here. My opinion is that it only weakens us all.

So with that, last post from me.

10-14-2010, 03:44 AM
We, the rank and file, can not go to the administration and voice anything without the administration viewing you as a complainer or malcontent. That is FACT! They say they listen but they dont HEAR US! Broughton's breakfasts??? Waste of time!! Theres a big difference in listening and hearing when someone talks. So when you can't talk to the people that ultimately have the control and the final say, you either go with the status quo and not progress or you find other avenues to make changes. one of the previous posters made the comment that this is not the place to air out the issues within the police department. OK THEN, SEEMS YOU HAVE ANSWERS...WHERE CAN WE SAFELY TALK THEN??? There you go! Answer that one! And don't say to the administration because they DONT LISTEN! And from the sounds of it, if your such a BTPD supporter and think all is well within, why are you yourself hiding behind a veil! Yes, i'm scared shitless about what would happen to me if i were ever identified. And thanks to the moderators and creators of this site, you'll NEVER KNOW! Atleast I admit it! But dont sit here and post your rhetoric about how those people posting on here are wrong. Opinion or not.

They also mention this venue will hardly make a change...well, that will be seen. Ever heard the term "Never say never"? Have you truly looked at this website? Read through some of the blogs. This site has good history of assisting the officers with making changes...POSITIVE CHANGES...This site seems to have irritated several people in administration but the one question i have to ask is why? AGAIN, if they were doing right by their officers, this wouldn't concern them. Their response once they became aware of this was to offensively approach officers in an intimidating way to "interrorgate" these people about this website and who may or may not be the contributing authors. Again, like mentioned in the previous post, If the administration did the right thing, this wouldnt be an issue. The poster, in his educated bullet style manner, made his opinion known. I don't think those posting on this site are seeking to destroy the reputation of any one person or the department in itself, nor should they. But, when the city leaders refuse to address issues that have been ongoing, and i'm not talking about one person griping about petty things, Then yes, websites like this will continue to exist and serve a valid purpose. What Broughton and Wade fear the most is that the public will "get educated". That they will hear these things and QUESTION THEM! Lord forbid someone opposed them or questioned them in the way they do things! Just because they are organizational leaders does not in any way shape or form make them ALL KNOWING and WITHOUT FAULT! Which seems to be the case with those two!

10-14-2010, 02:52 PM
If this board is going to exist I feel that someone has to speak up and say this:

1. If you want people to listen, converse like you have some sense. If you say there is a problem, give specific examples (leaving out the names). Painting everyone with a broad brush is chickenshit and shows you don't have an argument, only an axe to grind. I could easily get on here and say, "All the patrolmen that have left sucked and I'm glad they are gone. Maybe now we can hire some people that will work." That would be neither true nor would it be acceptable to post even if it were.

2. If you've gone to the trouble of identifying the problem, let us all know what solution you came up with. Again, I could say we need to go to rotating shifts with fixed days off. That might be great for me if I had Saturday, Sunday and Monday off, but suck for the guy who gets Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Remember, the "solution" needs to be just that, a solution, not simply a different way of doing things that causes as many issues as it resolves. Just because it would be ideal for you doesn't mean it would be ideal for your buddy. Just because it would work for you and your buddy doesn't mean it will work for the rest of the shift, well you get my point...

3. Work hard, study for the promotion tests. and put yourself in a position where you can do more than just make suggestions. You'll see that making all those changes we as parolmen think would be great don't seem quite as appealing as you go up in rank. I would love to chase every bad guy that runs from us until the wheels fell off our cars. But, in light of the way the Tennessee Supreme Court has been ruling we would be taking our very freedom into our own hands. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that an officer could be charged criminally, and it is a VERY distinct possibility that he/she could be sued civilly and lose. Sometimes what we can and cannot do is not within our own control.

Ok, i agree with what you have to say and it's definately the right mindset to have. But, It's not realistic thinking when you apply it to how the current climate is at the BTPD. When you have an administration that punishes it's employees for coming forth and "speaking their minds", they are deemed malcontents and disregarded with never having a chance to progress at anytime in the future. The promotional tests you speak of are nothing but fronts to cover their hides from discriminating against officers. In the end, the chief will chose whoever he wants to be in the available position. When you have a police chief that fails to adhere to the policies he is partly the creator of and uses the huge grey areas in them to his advantage, you will never have a fair working climate or environment. Policies are meant to govern ALL employees, even the Chief. Over the years, many officers have been found tohave violated certain policies and, depending if you were on the chiefs favorites list, you were either saved or thrown to the lions. with the current chief, there's no "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" mentality. As long as the small town mentality reigns, the status qou will be just that. This is where an unbiased body (I.E...Union, Civil Service Board, etc..) "levels the playing field". Unions are not there to bully employers contrary to popular belief. their primary function and goal is to make sure the employees have a voice and make sure that the employer conducts buisness in a fair and impartial manner. those that oppose unionization usually have something to lose which they didn't earn or shouldnt have been given in the first place. And as you said about liability being much more prevailant in law enforcement, this is even more reason to have a union. A union provides and assists the officers in legal actions. The City attorney, when having to be used for law suits against the city brought on by an employee's actions is not there to protect the employee, but soley protect the best interests of the city itself. you in effect are left to your own devices.

Regardless if unionization ever came to the BTPD, bottom line is, the men and women who are posting their gripes and troubles on here need to become one and put aside all the bickering amongst themselves. It was said before somewhere on here that chief wants us to fight amongst ourselves. As long as we do, he will be able to conduct his style of business. But once we all stand together, what a formidable force we can be! I plead with my fellow officers, let's ban together, set aside our differences and focus on what really matters, US! As for this website, I agree with the others who say it's needed. even if it does not change anything, atleast it's a place where we can safely vent without fear of retaliation from the administration. As for the public finding out, I also agree..maybe they should know what's happening. I can't see how any good resident wouldnt want to know or not care about what happens within their local government, especially the one they pay for!