View Full Version : Quit the F.O.P and save close to $50.00 a month towards your

09-28-2010, 07:16 PM
Useless in bed with the mayor. Let donate another $30,000 to his realection campaign. Oh lets not forget $5,000 of your dues to his daughter just weeks before pay cuts. This is a joke you must act now!!!!

09-29-2010, 03:03 AM
Useless in bed with the mayor. Let donate another $30,000 to his realection campaign. Oh lets not forget $5,000 of your dues to his daughter just weeks before pay cuts. This is a joke you must act now!!!!

Tell me when your going to the lodge to quit and I will follow YOU and do the same.

09-29-2010, 03:14 AM
Useless in bed with the mayor. Let donate another $30,000 to his realection campaign. Oh lets not forget $5,000 of your dues to his daughter just weeks before pay cuts. This is a joke you must act now!!!!

Tell me when your going to the lodge to quit and I will follow YOU and do the same.
I already went to Wachovia and cancelled my FOP membership.

09-29-2010, 03:27 AM
I went to jasper's and he gave me the golden ticket waiver sweepstakes conversion form and that will take thirty one days to get processed and then it goes to the high court of nostradamous and once he signs it, there will be a vote for the fop to approve me from applying to quit, and if it gets denied then well I just have to see Lt Marcos and he will tell me a hocus locus recipe of appeals and then I'll get a raise because once I quit the fop migoya and his seven dwarfs can shove more pension restrictions up my ass and I like that so I'll quit the fop so no one can protect me

Viva Cabrera and exposit and blom is scum

09-29-2010, 07:36 PM
after this b.s. everyone should say... bye byee to the fop ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yea no more free trips to vages kerr

09-29-2010, 08:29 PM
Dont quit the FOP. Get rid of Aguilar and Ortiz. It is time for new leadership. We need leadership that doesn't have dinner with the mayor. We need leadership that is going to be working for the next ten years, not someone who is in the DROP.

Why is it the FOP leadership attacks the commission but does point a finger at the mayor and city manager. The mayor and manager are responsible for developing the budget not the commission. The blame lies with Regalado and the FOP for it's too close ties to the mayor. If this was Diaz the FOP would be hiring PI's to follow him around. Lets hear about Regalado stealing city gas. Regalado filed for bankruptacy. If he can't run his personal life how can he manage the city.

09-30-2010, 09:36 PM
I quit way back in 2001. Never had the need for "protection." Do a pretty good job of defending myself. Not patting myself on the back, but I would have to say I do a better job of it.

10-01-2010, 02:35 AM
Lt Alphypoo we know you're not an fop member and you wouldn't be accepted anyway.'of course you want the executive board out seeing you were shown at a ddrb what an idiot you are, and the chief agrees.
You won't be able to protect yourself from fdle very soon.

10-01-2010, 03:10 AM
after this contract why do we need a FOP? PBA sounds like an idea

10-01-2010, 03:14 AM
? What contract ?

10-01-2010, 03:39 AM
Dont quit the FOP. Get rid of Aguilar and Ortiz. It is time for new leadership. We need leadership that doesn't have dinner with the mayor. We need leadership that is going to be working for the next ten years, not someone who is in the DROP.

Why is it the FOP leadership attacks the commission but does point a finger at the mayor and city manager. The mayor and manager are responsible for developing the budget not the commission. The blame lies with Regalado and the FOP for it's too close ties to the mayor. If this was Diaz the FOP would be hiring PI's to follow him around. Lets hear about Regalado stealing city gas. Regalado filed for bankruptacy. If he can't run his personal life how can he manage the city.

Nestor, you will be elected to anything on the FOP board, when pigs fly.

10-02-2010, 02:47 AM
Dont quit the FOP. Get rid of Aguilar and Ortiz. It is time for new leadership. We need leadership that doesn't have dinner with the mayor. We need leadership that is going to be working for the next ten years, not someone who is in the DROP.

Why is it the FOP leadership attacks the commission but does point a finger at the mayor and city manager. The mayor and manager are responsible for developing the budget not the commission. The blame lies with Regalado and the FOP for it's too close ties to the mayor. If this was Diaz the FOP would be hiring PI's to follow him around. Lets hear about Regalado stealing city gas. Regalado filed for bankruptacy. If he can't run his personal life how can he manage the city.

Nestor, you will be elected to anything on the FOP board, when pigs fly.

I guess the time for Nestor has come because I saw Al Borroto flying today. Good luck Nestor.