View Full Version : War of words in compstat

09-23-2010, 12:37 AM
Brown and Blom got into a war of words in compstat today when Brown told Lt. Lozano why can I permit beat unit not deter crime in a five block area in liberty city square. Blom cried foul to brown saying to him not to bring up deficiencies in comstat but in private. What a baker act idiot is Blom he embarrassed the Chief who put his head down in disbelief. What a fiasco!!!!!!

09-23-2010, 12:52 AM
what did brown do when he was in the north -end..... mmmmmm lets see crime when up mueders when up ,,, oh wait yea he burn patrol officers

09-23-2010, 01:36 AM
Crime is up in the north end since Brown left. Blom is an idiot and Brown should have told him off in front of everyone. A commander needs to be able to answer why crime is up and what her beat officers are doing. Idiots that is the purpose of Comstat

09-23-2010, 01:58 AM
Brown is a loser and a back stabber! DONT TRUST HIM..

09-23-2010, 02:20 AM
This post is not about chief Brown or his past it's about chief Blom acting like idiotic baker act child infront of an entire staff. This chief of police is sinking quickly allowing Blom to diplay antics that are unprofessional.

09-23-2010, 02:25 AM
Don't worry first his EA embarrases the Chief with the family drama and now his medicated baker act assistant chief Blom. What a trio of clowns.

09-23-2010, 02:43 AM
Mike unload Richie he is dead weight and is going to take you down. Richie is a liability and is not respected by the former, current or any staff. At the dade county retiree convention we were discussing why you would bring back Richie who is not respected among police executives. This post is no surprise to anyone because Richie is unstable and will be the anchor that will sink you.

09-23-2010, 05:47 AM
The Big Guy runs compstat the way it should be run.Not like the last bunch of NAZIS. Thanks Big Guy for sticking up for your guys.

09-23-2010, 05:52 AM
It was the DC asking about pawn shops in the south end that got most of us laughing.

09-23-2010, 05:56 AM
Brown has a score to settle with one of the beat officers in model city. He really needs bury the hatchet and quit embarrassing himself.

09-23-2010, 12:36 PM
What's this big guy crap is blom retarded and not able remember peoples names or is this one of his closet case fantasy. This comes from his transvestite side.

09-23-2010, 12:47 PM
Richie you little piece of shit we all know you constantly come on Leo Affairs to defend yourself. Have a little pride big guy, sorry " I forgot you have none as you have no nuts also". We know you use all these guests names as norma, fuln, and many other to hide. Your a bald pathetic laughable parasite who should have been aborted.

09-23-2010, 12:53 PM
Brown is the worst! He is just trying to score points with Cabrera attacking Blom. Its just incredible that people don't realize what type of scumbag he is, But more incredible is why doesn't he get demoted for insubordination. You know when i get to work today I'm going to disrespect my commanding officer.

09-23-2010, 01:02 PM
What's up with Blom and the "attention on decks" to open meetings. This guy is a wacko basket case who is the laughing stock of the staff. What a disrespect for the rank he holds. Oh well, this must be a navy fatansy he is trying to re-live village people style.

09-23-2010, 01:23 PM
Brown and Blom! If you noticed both of their name start with the little B.. and B stands for .itch!

09-23-2010, 08:19 PM
First Blom isnt browns superior officer. Second, Browns question was perfectly legit. Comstat is a waste of time the way it is run now. Do away with and stumble around in the dark.

09-23-2010, 11:23 PM
Brown should have b--ch slapped the little half breed

09-23-2010, 11:36 PM
Do you demoted azzholes team up to post this kind of crap? Give it a break and get a life. No wait, keep eating your livers and posting these childish rants. And before you butt plugs start, I work NO WHERE NEAR the 4th floor. Very scary you clown have any rank at all.

09-24-2010, 01:15 AM
The only losers who come on here still talking about those who were demoted are conies of this lame adminstration. They are the most incompetent and corrupt to ever run the MPD. Not to mention the DC is a Baker Act.

09-24-2010, 03:28 AM
The only losers who come on here still talking about those who were demoted are conies of this lame adminstration. They are the most incompetent and corrupt to ever run the MPD. Not to mention the DC is a Baker Act.

Sorry L-T, there are many of us who still remember you former wannabes, who are azz kissers. I am not part of the the 4th floor. But you azz wipes who never stop with your whining are displaying the lack of character which got you promoted under T$ and got you demoted. If you spin masters ever grow up and move on, you would past into history as a bad dream gone away. But with every bit of B S you clown try to spin just reminds us THAT YOUR JUST AZZHOLES AT HEART.

09-24-2010, 01:53 PM
Look Sgt/Major or EA, stop coming on leoaffairs and writing about the demoted people. It is time this adminstration that Regalado and Exposito gave starts being accountable for their screw ups. The department is in trouble and gets worse everyday. Don't look at the patrol, look at what happens behind the scenes, that is where things are crumbling. Once they crumble patrol will be hit the hardest as they always are.

So stop "we are family" chants and face up to it, your days of screwing this place up are coming to an end before you know it.

09-25-2010, 03:40 PM
The only losers who come on here still talking about those who were demoted are conies of this lame adminstration. They are the most incompetent and corrupt to ever run the MPD. Not to mention the DC is a Baker Act.

Sorry L-T, there are many of us who still remember you former wannabes, who are azz kissers. I am not part of the the 4th floor. But you azz wipes who never stop with your whining are displaying the lack of character which got you promoted under T$ and got you demoted. If you spin masters ever grow up and move on, you would past into history as a bad dream gone away. But with every bit of B S you clown try to spin just reminds us THAT YOUR JUST AZZHOLES AT HEART.
What is wrong with being an azzhole? Everyone got one!!! Expo is your Chief is he not??? :devil:

09-25-2010, 06:27 PM
The little tit for tat between the chiefs in public just shows how bad things are between the staff. Now Cabrera has stopped the training of community leaders because he was in the loop. Lui you idiot the training is being conducted to help cops working in the black community. You were a fool and looked like a little spoiled child when you walked into the room and cancelled training after it had started.

09-26-2010, 01:03 PM
The little tit for tat between the chiefs in public just shows how bad things are between the staff. Now Cabrera has stopped the training of community leaders because he was in the loop. Lui you idiot the training is being conducted to help cops working in the black community. You were a fool and looked like a little spoiled child when you walked into the room and cancelled training after it had started.
Hey you ignorant ****, what training was cancelled? The Deputy set some things straight. What are you talking about?

09-26-2010, 07:02 PM
Unfortunately the poster is correct, Luis walked into a training room full of clergy and community leaders and complained that he wasn't aware of the training and that there was poor communication between and the chief. There were other NRO's in the room beside me who witnessed it. The Luis said the segment of training that was in progress could finish but the rest was cancelled.

Just another little temper tantrum by our unstable deputy chief.

09-26-2010, 08:14 PM
I hope these posts are correct about the in-fighting of current staff members, because I was bored with the backstabbibng and in-fighting between Asst. Chief Luis Vega and Deputy Chief Frank Fernandez. Timoney turned his back on his long-time friend in favor of an immature, childish, egotistical boy king who ran this department into the ground. It says plenty about Timoney

Asst. Chief Tom Cannon and Luis Vega also had some entertaining spats, as did Cannon and Craig McQueen.

Asst. Chief Burden was really tight with D/C Frank Fernandez. Yeah they frequently went out for drinks together.... NOT.
Boy, Their spectacles were great!

Oh wait!!! That was under the previous administration. How could Timoney allow those things to go on.

I guess things were so bad then, that the rank and file didn't really care what went on between the staff.

The only smart guy in the group was the rookie Asst. Chief Gallagher, who got out of town before everything turned to shizzat (I don't believe he got into any fracas with any staff member. I guess he wasn't here long enough).

09-26-2010, 09:28 PM

09-26-2010, 09:46 PM
But what happened to Cabrera that he was seen leaving the chiefs office crying......again

09-26-2010, 09:50 PM
Once again one of the cronies is posting about the last adminstration...Timoney did this, Fernandez did that, Vega, Cannon, Burden,....

Get over it cronies. Anything that the prior adminstration did has no bearing on this administration being totally screwed up and incompetent.

By the way has anyone seen a tactical unit in a black neighborhood.....oh I forgot, Exposito took them out of the black nieghborhoods instead of being criticized for the shootings. Face it crony, the fat man is spineless.

09-27-2010, 02:17 AM
Once again one of the cronies is posting about the last adminstration...Timoney did this, Fernandez did that, Vega, Cannon, Burden,....

Get over it cronies. Anything that the prior adminstration did has no bearing on this administration being totally screwed up and incompetent.

By the way has anyone seen a tactical unit in a black neighborhood.....oh I forgot, Exposito took them out of the black nieghborhoods instead of being criticized for the shootings. Face it crony, the fat man is spineless.

Tell us how many tactical units we had under those you wish to NOT be reminded of ? Go on tell us how many? THAT WAS SPINELESS.

09-27-2010, 04:38 PM
CSU, Gangs, FAT....expos only started the robbery tactical detail. And it is a failure

09-28-2010, 02:26 AM
CSU, Gangs, FAT....expos only started the robbery tactical detail. And it is a failure

Failure? two armed robbers neutralized in the act of committing dangerous felonies a failure?
Oh yeah, I forgot, under the former azzholes in charge shooting armed dangerous felons WAS A FAILURE. But i didn't mention them by name as I know you don't like that.

09-28-2010, 01:29 PM
A lot is written here about the past adminstration and shootings. However, not one officer was ever disciplined for firing his service weapon, even on some questionable shootings.

The issue still is that under Exposito the department is viewewd as less than professional by outside law enforcement agencies and inept at best in it's ability to address crime issues.

The little show at Compstat was completely unprofessional. Blom is totally lost when it comes to crime fighting strategies because he was never a crime fighter. He has spent his entire career attempting to get ahead though who he suck up to and back room deals.

09-29-2010, 12:54 PM
Must have been a short war. Everyone involved lacks the mastery of the English language.

09-29-2010, 01:11 PM
Papo , where have u been Compstat is now shorter because there are less Dip arrests that need to be analyzed .

09-29-2010, 08:35 PM
did luisito start crying while blom was putting brown down

09-30-2010, 11:42 PM
I sat through the last compstat and it is a waste of time. All you need is barney singing " I love, you love me"

10-02-2010, 07:04 AM
Who cares