View Full Version : At least the DC was standing with the FOP

09-18-2010, 04:29 PM
Sure, we can say all you want. But at the City hall the other day he was talking to us, and even got a FOP t shirt. I am sure that doesnt go well with his addy. Where was Expo & Bloom. Hiding in the City hall. They at no time came out to say hi to us. Your scored some points DC.

09-18-2010, 04:50 PM
He may have gotten some points with you and you may like him, but he's still an incompetent, who should be at best a police officer.

09-18-2010, 04:56 PM
He may have gotten some points with you and you may like him, but he's still an incompetent, who should be at best a police officer.wE HAVE SO MAY OF THOSE IT REALLY DOESNT MATTER. WHERE DO YOU WANT ME TO START, WE HAVE AN ENTIRE LHAVANA A SHIFT CREW THAT SUCKS THE BIG ONE, WE HAVE A SGT CARTER, WE HAVE A LT BLANCA HEAD, SHOULD O CONTINUE

09-18-2010, 05:09 PM
D/C. Needs to talk to his daddy and stop trying to make points

09-18-2010, 05:14 PM
who else from the staff was out among the rank & file?

09-18-2010, 05:18 PM
He was there because he doesn't know enough to be in the meetings taking place in city hall. He is an over medicated idiot.

09-18-2010, 05:42 PM
Report this postReply with quoteRe: Boycott Heat Party FOP
by Guest on 09/18/10 12:25:22

To the Staff member that was running down ( working out) SW 8 Street the other morning, wearing an FOP T-shirt: Thank you

Hey naysayer: There is alot of support from the staff. It is not about the staff versus the troops. Stop looking for fires where there are none.

09-18-2010, 07:36 PM
Was it an FOP Support Regalado shirt? Thats a collectors item.

09-18-2010, 08:01 PM
It's not about some staff vs the troops. Some staff, Colina, Cabrera, Martin, Chavez, Caceres, and a few more can give a rats rear about the troops. They aren't getting cut and their points remain the same.

09-18-2010, 09:22 PM
It's not about some staff vs the troops. Some staff, Colina, Cabrera, Martin, Chavez, Caceres, and a few more can give a rats rear about the troops. They aren't getting cut and their points remain the same.

So what you are saying is that no one in the staff gives a damn about the rank and file.....Do you really believe that? It is easy enough to assert. But do you really believe that to be the truth? There are many who (though being management) have not forgotten where they came from. they do care. If you make blanket statements like that you will lose sight of the big picture....

09-18-2010, 09:27 PM
If the DC cared so much about the troops he would have talked to his Daddy. He was outside yuking it up with the rank and file but he never even hinted to grandpa that he should work with the union to resolve this mess. Way to go Luisito you one of the guys. NOT.

09-18-2010, 09:47 PM
When I spoke to the deputy about the pension as well as the contract all he wanted to talk about was his big office and kitchenette. Is this guy for real?

09-18-2010, 10:16 PM
When I spoke to the deputy about the pension as well as the contract all he wanted to talk about was his big office and kitchenette. Is this guy for real?

he never cared nor will he care for the rank and file. he is power hungry and will sell out anyone to get what he wants. to hell with him

09-18-2010, 10:33 PM
I don't need Chief Exposito and the Ztaff to stand next to me at City Hall. They came up with revenue-generating ideas that are being implemented, so that we wouldn't take a bigger hit ( Commercial Vehicle Enforcement, VIP, electronic signage on the parking garage, court-cost recovery, etc.).

That's where they show their loyalty.

To save Alfonso and the other former staff members the time, I will bring up their arguments; that the VIP was lost In court previously, that those things won't bring in enough money, etc.

It really don't care what you say, they did these things on their own to help us.

09-19-2010, 12:23 AM
Sure, we can say all you want. But at the City hall the other day he was talking to us, and even got a FOP t shirt. I am sure that doesnt go well with his addy. Where was Expo & Bloom. Hiding in the City hall. They at no time came out to say hi to us. Your scored some points DC.

So if someone says hi and smiles, THAT is making "points" ? your kidding right ?

09-19-2010, 01:54 AM
My office may have a kitchen but if any of the rank and file wants to visit and have a donut or a cup of coffee they can. So don't go blaming me for spending city money on my office.

09-19-2010, 01:56 AM
My office may have a kitchen but if any of the rank and file wants to visit and have a donut or a cup of coffee they can. So don't go blaming me for spending city money on my office.

Listen, if their any donuts in the DC's office Sandy will take care of them.

09-19-2010, 02:53 AM
Regalado wanted Luisito because he is as dumb as a rock, incompetent and will do what the Mayor wants. Another parrot head like FF who repeats what he hears, but doesn't have management skills. Can you say puppet?????????????

09-19-2010, 02:12 PM
Regalado wanted Luisito because he is as dumb as a rock, incompetent and will do what the Mayor wants. Another parrot head like FF who repeats what he hears, but doesn't have management skills. Can you say puppet?????????????

Although I like Luisito. I have to agree that he is a little lost. He missed his calling. He should have been an interior designer. Nice Office Luis.

09-19-2010, 04:17 PM
This clown was a horrible PO but he designs a great office. Go Luisito.

09-19-2010, 04:21 PM
I heard they got the dosage right on the meds and Luisito will be back again on Monday. Welcome back Luisito. Give Culito the assignment of making sure you take your meds.

09-19-2010, 04:25 PM
Guys This is not about Regalado or the DC, This is about the FOP, who sold us out. They were aware of everything and now just want to blame the person who they endorsed (whithout any concent), gave money(whithout any concent), and had meetings with him (whithout informing the members). Now people are the mayor sucks, no my friend our FOP, sucks we need new blood that will really care about its members and not about their political agenda.

We all have to face reality that the FOP,is only for them and not the rest of the membership. We all could force a recall vote of our board and contact the NATIONAL FOP & SAO for an investigations into their actions of the previous board and our Great President.

PS: Lets see how long it will take for them to remove this post.

Take care and be safe.

09-20-2010, 01:50 AM
It's so f-cking obvious what's happening and it's comming from the three groups against the Deputy Chief becomming our next chief:
• our current fat ass chief, Blom, Alvarez, Vega, and the other butt lickers who our corrupt and destroying this place.
• The demoted garbage trash that got us in the financial mess we are in now and in 2009, that we almost fired 120 officers thanks to Manny Diaz, Boy Queen Frank Fernandez, Timoney, and the other losers in the former staff like Llanes and Alfonso.
• Blom and his hairy scary transvestite so called girlfriend.

09-20-2010, 02:29 AM
I for one am glad the DC is coming back tomorrow. Please Culito make sure he takes those meds. We need him now more than ever since I heard Marty is leaving in a week. Who else has the expertise to clean the crappers.? lol You go Luisito. I want a nice clean crapper.

09-20-2010, 02:48 AM
Someone please call the doctor and ask to double the Deputy's dose.

09-20-2010, 02:07 PM
Louie you should stop attacking Blom and the hippo man. And please stop refering to yourself in the third person. Everyone knows your are f-ing crazy and that you have to take meds for your disorders. You are really screwed up. People don't hate you like they did FF but they sure laugh at you. You are a joke all over Dade County and have the MPD a joke.

09-20-2010, 10:24 PM

09-21-2010, 01:44 AM
The Deputy is way above his head. Unfortunately whatever medication he is taking is not having the desired effect. We all need to try to assist by going out of our way to be extra respectful. Make him feel like he's a REAL chief and try to take what he says seriously. I realize that he says crazy things that never materialize but we all have to humor the guy if for nothing else his health. Be nice to Loisito when he gets back to full duty.

09-21-2010, 01:49 AM
I agree. We should all pretend that he really is running his division. Let's make the guy feel good. For the most part he is harmless.

09-22-2010, 03:34 AM
Is this guy still out on medical leave? I heard he was having some head issues?

09-22-2010, 11:23 AM
I may have my reservations about some of the things being done in the department, and I am not ready to drink the Kool-aid, but when was the last time a chief of police did anything to soften the blow imposed by City Hall on the rank and file?

Chief Exposito and his Staff have come up with revenue-producing ideas that are being implemented so that we won't take a bigger hit on our salaries and pension than the one we are about to take. They include implementing the Vehicle impoundment Program, the enforcement programVon commercial trucks, the electronic signage on the parking garage that will bring in revenue from advertisement, and the court cost recovery program to name a few. I don't recall the other things the chief mentioned at roll call, and I could only write so fast.

Chief Exposito and the staff may be disliked by some of you guys, but you sure will accept his help. When he came to our roll calL and he told us about these steps that were going to be implemented to bring much-needed funding to help the cause, not one of the guys at our roll call raised their hand to oppose it or criticize it.vtheyvalso didn't question why it they should be implemented.

As I said before, you don't like him or his staff, but you'll gladly take their help. I know some memories are short, but maybe we need a small dose of Frank Fernandez aor Timoney to wake up our senses.

Don't be so hypocritical. When someone tries to help me. I am grateful.

That's my two cents worth.

That's where they show their loyalty.

To save Alfonso and the other former staff members the time, I will bring up their arguments; that the VIP was lost In court previously, that those things won't bring in enough money, etc.

It really don't care what you say, they did these things on their own to help us.

09-22-2010, 01:44 PM
You are a stupid fool if you really think any of those ideas are going to save money or make money. Exposito will go to roll call and say or do anything to make himself look good to the rank n file. He is a fat fraud who relies on stupid people like you to support him. LOSER