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09-16-2010, 05:02 PM
I read the Gainsville Sun with amazement that a Alachua County deputy did not know where to shoot a wounded deer to put it out of its misery, and called a Sgt. for approval and directions.Sgt. said, to shoot it behind the shoulder?The deputy then shoots the deer in the stomach SEVENTEEN times before it bleeds down and dies! Granted everyone is not a hunter but the brain is the obvious kill zone.I was about to quit reading the article and wish I would have, but I finished it and seen that the Dept. is going to train deputies how to kill a wounded animal.Here it is ASO! shoot the animal between the eyes, of for the officer in this case that was tramatized (yes the article said he was being offered a victims advocate) dont look it in the eyes and shoot it in the back of the head in the round spot between the ears.If you dont have extra ammo you can use that knife that you clip on your pocket for emergency's to cut its throat or my favorite is a claw hammer on top of the head.

09-17-2010, 02:43 AM
I kinda blame the supervisor as well as the deputy. Why did he tell him to shoot the deer behind the shoulder? Who would want to be shot in the chest when you could have a head shot?

The other sad thing is we LEO's are trusted to make split second decisions whether to use deadly force against another person, but we have to get permission from a supervisor for a mercy killing of an animal. Maybe I'm just not smart enough to understand that logic.

On a lighter note, maybe this was Jack Bauer style interrogation by the deputy in an attempt to find the deer's big brother. After all, hunting season is just around the corner. :wink:

09-28-2010, 11:21 PM
I kinda blame the supervisor as well as the deputy.

You shound like the typical guy with no rank or accountability..when all else fails blame your supervisor. :lol: