View Full Version : I thought the city was broke

09-16-2010, 03:52 PM
How can the city pay for a huge party for the Heat when they are broke and have to impose contracts? I need to work off-duty now because of the pay cuts but I will not sign up for that job. I hope no one does. Fuk them. The mayor and the commisioners can stand out there and direct traffic.

09-16-2010, 07:16 PM
Will the State PLEASE come in and put an end to all this nonsense.

09-16-2010, 09:43 PM
Looks like they will increase the size of the pay cuts to pay for the Heat party. The fuking commissioners and the mayor are a bunch of corrupt mother fukin azzholes. I wish the governor would get off his azz and do something.

09-16-2010, 10:41 PM
Party for the Heat. Lol. I can't wait for the Heat to be routed at the hands of the Celtics. lakers or Orlando. what a waste all around.

09-17-2010, 09:29 PM
Don't sign up. That's fine with me that way they make it time and a half which means mo money for me. I will be working it. I just hope I don't have to 39 any of you.

09-17-2010, 10:47 PM
Don't sign up. That's fine with me that way they make it time and a half which means mo money for me. I will be working it. I just hope I don't have to 39 any of you.

That's really funny. NOT! Don't make light of the grave situation we're in arsehole! Apparenlty you fail to comprehend. I only hope that you will be enlightened and join the fight or get the he'll outta here. We certainly don't need idiots like you. Hopefully you're just one of those city hall cronies trying to undermine and divide us So GO F#%k yourself!

09-17-2010, 10:51 PM
Don't sign up. That's fine with me that way they make it time and a half which means mo money for me. I will be working it. I just hope I don't have to 39 any of you.

That's really funny. NOT! Don't make light of the grave situation we're in arsehole! Apparenlty you fail to comprehend. I only hope that you will be enlightened and join the fight or get the he'll outta here. We certainly don't need idiots like you. Hopefully you're just one of those city hall cronies trying to undermine and divide us So GO F#%k yourself!

don't worry. We'll just compare the draft list to the attendance list and be able to seek out those that sign up for some indoctrination.

09-18-2010, 03:20 AM
Don't sign up. That's fine with me that way they make it time and a half which means mo money for me. I will be working it. I just hope I don't have to 39 any of you.

With that attitude, I hope you never, ever, need a back up kid. Remember you have to be tough, if your going to do stupid. And you aren't tough enough. :D

09-20-2010, 11:59 PM
stevens here ill work that off duty party :devil: .

09-21-2010, 12:26 AM
Don't sign up. That's fine with me that way they make it time and a half which means mo money for me. I will be working it. I just hope I don't have to 39 any of you.

Any one observed working voluntarily this event should be kicked out of the FOP. Additionally, since you are knowingly hurting all our families, we will make it a point to make the rest of your career a very lonely one. And by the way, I hope you never need a 15 or worst, a 3-15. Pay back in going to be the BIGEST *****. As to 39 one of us, very unlikely unless you want to spend the rest of that day picking up your teeth from the side of the road.. And to all the butt-lickers that are going to come on here and bleed heart for this rat, FUK you all. :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: