View Full Version : Tampa explorer issue

09-08-2010, 09:51 PM
At RVHS there is a teenager(17) that is in the Tampa explorers that seems to think he is a sworn officer. He carries handcuffs to school and tries to put them on other teens. He was taken out of school for 2 days once before because charges were pending against him. He asks other that he needs to see their id's and if they don't show him he says he will arrest them.

His name is Andrew but I will only give out his full name to someone over the program. He has tried this with my son and I am thinking about pressing charges as well. This could be a liability to TPD as well and I would hate to see one bad apple spoil the bunch.

Who do I need to contact about this?

09-09-2010, 12:00 AM
Officer J.M. Duran is the advisor. I don't have his number but I am sure if you call TPD they can connect you.

09-09-2010, 12:06 AM
Thank you