View Full Version : Contract

08-31-2010, 06:59 PM
It seems as if the city has decieded to come up with money and try and settle the contract before the auditer responds back. This contract is of no help! Dental insurance is being taken over by Blue Cross Blue Shield October 1 if anyone wasn't aware, to the tune of about 60.00 a month, the better dental plan is 75 ish. That wipes out the first year "raise" right there. At $1,000.00, you can figure that it's only about a 2% raise and 30.00 a paycheck more. If they do 600 for the general employees, add 15.00 more minus taxes that Uncle Sam gets. So now we need to look at the health care insurance, that hasn't gone up in what 2 years or more, rest assured that will be going up, eliminating what ever you get next year.

Now getting rid of the rank structure, (I hate the idea) slick sleeves will be out the 6% for PFC, then the 6% for corporal from what I understand so again the city is making out at our benifit. All for $3,000.00 plus what ever the rest of the city gets which there is no gurantee the last two years of the contract! According to members that bargined for our contract, this was not proposed by the city but the FOP! I worked hard to get where I'm at and proud to be where I am, I don't think that I should be on the same playing field as the guy walking in the door, and the public does recognize the seniority at a scene. if it was eliminated but the senior corporals wee grandfathered in to keep their stripes I might change my opinion but as it stands now I hate this idea all together.

The rest of the contract is the same as what we turned down last time so are we really that desperate to not fight for more money? We have an obligation to look out for the new peoplewho this contract isn'tgoing to help. We need to stand up and be united on this! We deserve more than what we are getting and I for one am tired of everyone setteling for scraps! Maybe it's time to impeach some members of the negotiations and start fresh.

We can do better and should, why aren't we. The city created atleast 3 jobs that pay over $100,000 a year, and the best they can do and the union will "fight for is $3,000.00, really? Has everyone over there been so brain washed that they want nothing better?

09-02-2010, 12:57 PM
Something else that should be said.

1) The union is giving away benifits for employees that have no return by the city, ie the chiefs right to provide extra time off in emergency situations, This is being given away. So if you got hurt and ran out of sick time, you can basically get credit for your years of service to the department.....1st rule, never give anything in a contract away! That will never be given back. Once it's gone, it gone!
2) The extra money that the city is supposed to be given is not being written in as "COLA", and basically shows that it's a sum of money that you will loose at the end of the contract.
3)The contract is opening the door for officer's with take home cars to have to provide for their own insurance at some point, no big deal right, if you cause a crash that's your fault and the insurance is in your name, think about the civil liablity. The officer now opens themselves up to being sued!
4) The new plan shows the pay ranges, but doesn't show how you get there. There is supposed to be some plan in place to show these steps on how to get from point A to point B. My understanding is that there is supposed to be an 11 step process, it's not in the contract.
5) Discipline will be in your file FOREVER, it doesn't go away after a couple years, that means the media and everyone has access to it, for the life of your career!

I can go on and on the bottom line is this isn't a good contract, I agree with the first person on here. The FOP hired a guy to do an audit of the city, lets wait for his response the city always claims there is no money especially when times are good, we know there's money, and I believe that we need to push them to get a better contract. That or get someone from the FOP that has nothing to loose to negotiate for us because apparently we aren't doing a good job, based on what I see.

09-09-2010, 08:15 PM
In reference to comments made by Sr. Corporal no more and guest, I think you maybe misunderstanding some aspects of the contract or misinformed. Please feel free to contact me in person and I will do my best to explain it to you.

Thanks--Harold Compton

09-12-2010, 01:34 AM
Whoo hoo it passed. Give me my 70 bucks a paycheck before taxes.

07-18-2011, 02:43 AM
Well it seems as if the city is going to get out of giving us anything more than what was in the contract, so you new guys that voted this contract in....you get what you deserve! There's no way that you will ever make up for what has been lost. If you think it will change next year, you better think again! 26th largest city in the state and still in the lower 20th % in pay.....when will you all stand up and take notice!

07-19-2011, 06:59 AM
Well it seems as if the city is going to get out of giving us anything more than what was in the contract, so you new guys that voted this contract in....you get what you deserve! There's no way that you will ever make up for what has been lost. If you think it will change next year, you better think again! 26th largest city in the state and still in the lower 20th % in pay.....when will you all stand up and take notice!

From "Former Corp". Haaaaaaaaaaaaa :snicker: