View Full Version : Leadership Development Plan

08-26-2010, 01:34 PM
Says nothing about a pay increase so why are we supposed to care?

08-26-2010, 03:11 PM
It would seem that this is first step to improvement in morale. It gives visual ( assuming there is some adjustment of "rank arm patch or lapel pin) recognition to years in service with an assumption that more years in rank equals more knowledge and seniority ( which in FHP IS NOT accurate, but...). 8)

Secondly, this "plan" will probably be the framework for institution of pay grades--- for the grades within rank. Can you visualize the posturing of some older slugs when the new slugs are visually discriminated against. Wow. Let's party. "Listen junior trooper, I am a Master Trooper, soo-----------better than master B, I guess. :D :D

(It is just getting too easy to pass these by anymore.) :devil: :devil:

08-26-2010, 04:14 PM
This is retarded, we already have I.D. numbers that go by seniority.

08-26-2010, 05:05 PM
Remember your merit pay evaluations? This is all set up to build another empire in somones offfice in Tallahassee and not help those in the field. Leadership is not here and will not be here and never was here. :oops:

08-26-2010, 07:03 PM
This only makes sense if pay is associated with this. Otherwise this is a total waste of time. We need $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$. We are grossly underpaid by FHP for risking our lives everyday!

08-26-2010, 07:06 PM
Under the FAQS it says that this is not funded and no retro(whatever that means). Tallyhassee takes us all for being supid.

08-26-2010, 08:21 PM
No retro means non retroactive should it ever be funded; we won't be issued back payments from the date the program was implemented.

08-26-2010, 10:29 PM
Czernis just wanted to get this started before he leaves in February - he know he'll be long gone before it totally flops. Just another stupid idea to add to his legacy.

08-27-2010, 04:58 AM
This is just more nerd $hit from tally. This wont improve morale , it will just further devide us. ... For example after 10 years of service to this state you will only bring home about $2400 a month after taxes. They are lucky to have people to even take a 10-8 and answer calls for this criminal pay. Alot of the supervisors came on the patrol when they had a step pay plan and they can go eff themselves. Libido Dominandi ......... The urge to Dominate. these are the types that want to become supervisors now.

08-27-2010, 05:15 AM
True it's basically a gravy train for those that been on the patrol since the 80's. Those of us that come on the patrol now will always be screwed.

08-27-2010, 05:23 AM
What is the PBA's stance on this ?

08-27-2010, 05:43 AM

08-27-2010, 02:06 PM
This is retarded, we already have I.D. numbers that go by seniority.

Seniority? What's that? This agency doesn't give you anythig for Seniority. It's all about how much #$%^$%&*%^*%%@#! you #^%$&#$&#$%^! and how many TICKETS YOU WRITE.

yes I said Tickets....


Signed every captain in this place.

08-27-2010, 10:03 PM
A lot of you guys that been around a while deserve respect for your experience. I think the LDP will somewhat do that and help those that don't know you personally look at you differently when they see the extra rockers or whatever.

However, all we hear (I say we as in been on less than 10 years) is nothing but complaining about how sorry all these new troopers are. How about doing more mentoring and being a positive example as to how things are done. Troopers today are definitely a different group than the ones that have been around for 10 or 20 years. There's a lot more "all about me" and a lot less "comraderie".

When I came on I had one of the senior troopers tell me that he was sorry that him and the other senior troopers weren't FTOing anyone. They weren't getting any extra pay to show the new guys the ropes, so it wasn't worth the headache. Instead, we get FTOs that have been on a whopping two years. And then they want to b!tch about all the clueless rookies.

It's not the rookies fault that there is no step plan. Turning your back on them isn't doing any good. Instead you want to be jealous when they go out and write 20 tickets a day. THEY ARE NEW!! They signed up to write tickets. That's why they are writing so many.

Do you remember being new and wanting to save the world one ticket at a time?

Sure, they are going to realize that they don't HAVE to write 20 tickets a day but why not give them a "good job" instead of "you know, they still pay you the same no matter how many your write".

08-27-2010, 10:57 PM
A lot of you guys that been around a while deserve respect for your experience. I think the LDP will somewhat do that and help those that don't know you personally look at you differently when they see the extra rockers or whatever.

However, all we hear (I say we as in been on less than 10 years) is nothing but complaining about how sorry all these new troopers are. How about doing more mentoring and being a positive example as to how things are done. Troopers today are definitely a different group than the ones that have been around for 10 or 20 years. There's a lot more "all about me" and a lot less "comraderie".

When I came on I had one of the senior troopers tell me that he was sorry that him and the other senior troopers weren't FTOing anyone. They weren't getting any extra pay to show the new guys the ropes, so it wasn't worth the headache. Instead, we get FTOs that have been on a whopping two years. And then they want to b!tch about all the clueless rookies.

It's not the rookies fault that there is no step plan. Turning your back on them isn't doing any good. Instead you want to be jealous when they go out and write 20 tickets a day. THEY ARE NEW!! They signed up to write tickets. That's why they are writing so many.

Do you remember being new and wanting to save the world one ticket at a time?

Sure, they are going to realize that they don't HAVE to write 20 tickets a day but why not give them a "good job" instead of "you know, they still pay you the same no matter how many your write".

You're crazy. I never wanted to write a lot of tickets. Not even my first month on solo.

08-28-2010, 03:55 PM
A lot of you guys that been around a while deserve respect for your experience. I think the LDP will somewhat do that and help those that don't know you personally look at you differently when they see the extra rockers or whatever.

However, all we hear (I say we as in been on less than 10 years) is nothing but complaining about how sorry all these new troopers are. How about doing more mentoring and being a positive example as to how things are done. Troopers today are definitely a different group than the ones that have been around for 10 or 20 years. There's a lot more "all about me" and a lot less "comraderie".

When I came on I had one of the senior troopers tell me that he was sorry that him and the other senior troopers weren't FTOing anyone. They weren't getting any extra pay to show the new guys the ropes, so it wasn't worth the headache. Instead, we get FTOs that have been on a whopping two years. And then they want to b!tch about all the clueless rookies.

It's not the rookies fault that there is no step plan. Turning your back on them isn't doing any good. Instead you want to be jealous when they go out and write 20 tickets a day. THEY ARE NEW!! They signed up to write tickets. That's why they are writing so many.

Do you remember being new and wanting to save the world one ticket at a time?

Sure, they are going to realize that they don't HAVE to write 20 tickets a day but why not give them a "good job" instead of "you know, they still pay you the same no matter how many your write".

I am glad someone came on here with a positive outlook and believes in the right thing.
Good post!

To the rest of the non-supporters of this program, you don t have to participate, PERIOD!! No one has come here yet with any substance to that has trashed this leadership program. It only betters one self and the agency, by making it better and more professional unit. It’s a win situation for all and.

08-28-2010, 04:55 PM
I'm new and before I took the job I new what the job was. I love the way the new Troopers talk and ***** about not wanting to write ticket I guess they forgot how happy they got everytime they advanced in the hiring process and then got the job. To those new Troopers if you don't want to do what you getting pay to do stop crying and go somewhere else. Then you would be *****ing about too much work. Again I'm a new Trooper but I have worked in the real world out there. This new Troopers never did any real work that is why they think writing tickets is hard work. Write some tickets and the public will respect you when you go down the road.

08-28-2010, 05:32 PM
FHP's deve plan has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. To top it off, now we have to document every traffic stop in interstate highways ie I-75 or I-95. Guess Tsdr is not enough now.. Yea I want to be on a 10-50 in I-95 even longer!!!, which is considered one of the most dangerous highways in USA! Yes FHP! Always taking the right turn!

08-29-2010, 02:34 AM
FHP's deve plan has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. To top it off, now we have to document every traffic stop in interstate highways ie I-75 or I-95. Guess Tsdr is not enough now.. Yea I want to be on a 10-50 in I-95 even longer!!!, which is considered one of the most dangerous highways in USA! Yes FHP! Always taking the right turn!

That post is just stupid. Are you seriously complaining because the patrol is finally starting to require us to check out with every traffic stop. I realize its only on the Interstates now but maybe it will soon be all stops day and night. A few extra key strokes on stops might save your "A" one day.

08-29-2010, 04:33 AM
A lot of you guys that been around a while deserve respect for your experience. I think the LDP will somewhat do that and help those that don't know you personally look at you differently when they see the extra rockers or whatever.

However, all we hear (I say we as in been on less than 10 years) is nothing but complaining about how sorry all these new troopers are. How about doing more mentoring and being a positive example as to how things are done. Troopers today are definitely a different group than the ones that have been around for 10 or 20 years. There's a lot more "all about me" and a lot less "comraderie".

When I came on I had one of the senior troopers tell me that he was sorry that him and the other senior troopers weren't FTOing anyone. They weren't getting any extra pay to show the new guys the ropes, so it wasn't worth the headache. Instead, we get FTOs that have been on a whopping two years. And then they want to b!tch about all the clueless rookies.

It's not the rookies fault that there is no step plan. Turning your back on them isn't doing any good. Instead you want to be jealous when they go out and write 20 tickets a day. THEY ARE NEW!! They signed up to write tickets. That's why they are writing so many.

Do you remember being new and wanting to save the world one ticket at a time?

Sure, they are going to realize that they don't HAVE to write 20 tickets a day but why not give them a "good job" instead of "you know, they still pay you the same no matter how many your write".

Write 20 a day? This is what this cheap ass state is counting on to keep the highway patrol going. When you figure out there is no future in this outfit, you will move along to a new agency and some other new guy will come along and replace you who will write 20 tickets a day till he figures it out. Our great leaders in Tally don't look at you going to a county or city agency as a waste of money for all that great training as long as your a cop in FL. Its a damn shame that the state operates this way but thats the way it is. I have been on over 23 years and theres a reason that FL has always been one of the lowest paid patrols in the country, the state legislators want it that way and it will always be that way.

08-29-2010, 06:29 AM
Whatever, senior troopers are the ones too stupid to promote that are lazy and milk calls so the newer troopers can catch all the calls. seniority shouldn't mean anything - and for good reason.

08-29-2010, 04:20 PM
Whatever, senior troopers are the ones too stupid to promote that are lazy and milk calls so the newer troopers can catch all the calls. seniority shouldn't mean anything - and for good reason.

Spoken like true rookie, who is driving a Charger, and writing 20 a day just to make his Sgt Proud.

You'll learn something someday.

Be Safe out there.

08-30-2010, 05:23 PM
What leadership? :oops:

08-31-2010, 05:17 AM
What leadership? :oops:

NICE.... What leadershop???? never was, never will....

thanks for nothing...

09-05-2010, 04:22 PM
A lot of you guys that been around a while deserve respect for your experience. I think the LDP will somewhat do that and help those that don't know you personally look at you differently when they see the extra rockers or whatever.

However, all we hear (I say we as in been on less than 10 years) is nothing but complaining about how sorry all these new troopers are. How about doing more mentoring and being a positive example as to how things are done. Troopers today are definitely a different group than the ones that have been around for 10 or 20 years. There's a lot more "all about me" and a lot less "comraderie".

When I came on I had one of the senior troopers tell me that he was sorry that him and the other senior troopers weren't FTOing anyone. They weren't getting any extra pay to show the new guys the ropes, so it wasn't worth the headache. Instead, we get FTOs that have been on a whopping two years. And then they want to b!tch about all the clueless rookies.

It's not the rookies fault that there is no step plan. Turning your back on them isn't doing any good. Instead you want to be jealous when they go out and write 20 tickets a day. THEY ARE NEW!! They signed up to write tickets. That's why they are writing so many.

Do you remember being new and wanting to save the world one ticket at a time?

Sure, they are going to realize that they don't HAVE to write 20 tickets a day but why not give them a "good job" instead of "you know, they still pay you the same no matter how many your write".

I am glad someone came on here with a positive outlook and believes in the right thing.
Good post!

To the rest of the non-supporters of this program, you don t have to participate, PERIOD!! No one has come here yet with any substance to that has trashed this leadership program. It only betters one self and the agency, by making it better and more professional unit. It’s a win situation for all and.

New Category: Trooper Specialist - PIT Master

09-06-2010, 03:32 AM
Whatever, senior troopers are the ones too stupid to promote that are lazy and milk calls so the newer troopers can catch all the calls. seniority shouldn't mean anything - and for good reason.

Spoken like true rookie, who is driving a Charger, and writing 20 a day just to make his Sgt Proud.

You'll learn something someday.

Be Safe out there.

Now that's funny.... spoken like a true charger boy... It's true, the patrol is lacking those ole timers.... none of the rookies listen to the ole timers.... the new patrol, write 100 cits a month and get a charger... get a taser, get ..... etc...... nice.. NO PAY, but toys..... get more with less, Thats our new management style.... I mean more managemt positions filled by those who have done NOTHING, or are chosen by AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. yet more, more, more activity seems to be the calling by these leaders (and I use this term loosely).... LOL..

give us someone who has some leadership and not some ungodly chosen ability....

Please. please, please

09-07-2010, 04:10 AM
Whatever, senior troopers are the ones too stupid to promote that are lazy and milk calls so the newer troopers can catch all the calls. seniority shouldn't mean anything - and for good reason.

Spoken like true rookie, who is driving a Charger, and writing 20 a day just to make his Sgt Proud.

You'll learn something someday.

Be Safe out there.

Now that's funny.... spoken like a true charger boy... It's true, the patrol is lacking those ole timers.... none of the rookies listen to the ole timers.... the new patrol, write 100 cits a month and get a charger... get a taser, get ..... etc...... nice.. NO PAY, but toys..... get more with less, Thats our new management style.... I mean more managemt positions filled by those who have done NOTHING, or are chosen by AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. yet more, more, more activity seems to be the calling by these leaders (and I use this term loosely).... LOL..

give us someone who has some leadership and not some ungodly chosen ability....

Please. please, please

You sir are an idiot. we want numbers, numbers, and citations only.... AWC's just dont cut it anymore... this coming from leadership who have never written more than 4 a week themselves, eh. Capt, ha, ha, ha, Freeman, and maj. Jones..... Thanks for nnothing.....

09-07-2010, 05:35 AM
What we need is more supervisors. I mean we only have 1 supervisor for every 3 Troopers if you look at the ID llist . The reality of FHP is you got some freedom and then you have to write tickets or answer your calls. As a new Trooper (since 1991) you wont get paid crap and your life will eventually revolve around working at least some O.T.. Your health will suffer because of the rotating shifts, the stress, and sedintary line of work. Nowadays their is no brotherhood in FHP like their was before the Troopers that came out of the NEW academy. The LAST real crew of instructors was back in the day when Lt. Welch, Sgt Martinz, Sgt. McCormick ETC. ETC. . The old school mentality ended with the end of the old academy. And dont call certain Troopers Slugs because they dont write alot of tickets. Pull the CAD numbers and see who has the most case numbers assinged to them before you call them a Slug.

09-07-2010, 06:40 PM
Why is it every time something good or positive is introduced, there is always some whining little tard that feels the need to come on here and put people or an idea down. Yes we all know we need money, we all know where under paid, but to come on here and cry and complain like a little sniffling fool is pathetic, Czernis did good in introducing this plan, if the cry babies would clear their eyes and smell the roses, you would see some positive in this program, but instead some of you are so used to bashing and only seeing the bad, you will never see the light and I feel sorry for you. We can do without you cry babies, if you have a serious point to make then by all means make it. But good god stop your meaningless whining, the program in itself tries to reward those who stay and work hard to do well because they want to be here, that’s it. I like the program and I think the majority of the people do also, but a squeaky wheel will be heard because it’s annoying not because it's right. ..Hands a hanky to the next cry baby

09-08-2010, 12:24 AM
Why is it every time something good or positive is introduced, there is always some whining little tard that feels the need to come on here and put people or an idea down. Yes we all know we need money, we all know where under paid, but to come on here and cry and complain like a little sniffling fool is pathetic, Czernis did good in introducing this plan, if the cry babies would clear their eyes and smell the roses, you would see some positive in this program, but instead some of you are so used to bashing and only seeing the bad, you will never see the light and I feel sorry for you. We can do without you cry babies, if you have a serious point to make then by all means make it. But good god stop your meaningless whining, the program in itself tries to reward those who stay and work hard to do well because they want to be here, that’s it. I like the program and I think the majority of the people do also, but a squeaky wheel will be heard because it’s annoying not because it's right. ..Hands a hanky to the next cry baby

I have not heard that most people like the idea.

09-08-2010, 01:44 AM
Why is it every time something good or positive is introduced, there is always some whining little tard that feels the need to come on here and put people or an idea down. Yes we all know we need money, we all know where under paid, but to come on here and cry and complain like a little sniffling fool is pathetic, Czernis did good in introducing this plan, if the cry babies would clear their eyes and smell the roses, you would see some positive in this program, but instead some of you are so used to bashing and only seeing the bad, you will never see the light and I feel sorry for you. We can do without you cry babies, if you have a serious point to make then by all means make it. But good god stop your meaningless whining, the program in itself tries to reward those who stay and work hard to do well because they want to be here, that’s it. I like the program and I think the majority of the people do also, but a squeaky wheel will be heard because it’s annoying not because it's right. ..Hands a hanky to the next cry baby

Very True!

09-08-2010, 01:50 AM
Why is it every time something good or positive is introduced, there is always some whining little tard that feels the need to come on here and put people or an idea down. Yes we all know we need money, we all know where under paid, but to come on here and cry and complain like a little sniffling fool is pathetic, Czernis did good in introducing this plan, if the cry babies would clear their eyes and smell the roses, you would see some positive in this program, but instead some of you are so used to bashing and only seeing the bad, you will never see the light and I feel sorry for you. We can do without you cry babies, if you have a serious point to make then by all means make it. But good god stop your meaningless whining, the program in itself tries to reward those who stay and work hard to do well because they want to be here, that’s it. I like the program and I think the majority of the people do also, but a squeaky wheel will be heard because it’s annoying not because it's right. ..Hands a hanky to the next cry baby

I have not heard that most people like the idea.

I have heard from both sides.

The ones that don’t like it, because no money.

The ones that do like it, because it brings back a sense of visible seniority. "Senior Trooper take charge type.

These are the guys that do it for pride and a sense of duty.

The gold diggers will all ways be gold diggers and will never be happy, You can keep giving and they can be happy until it gets old, then it’s time to support that habit again.

My 2 cents.

09-08-2010, 03:35 AM
I think you have to put in for it, right? Why don't you cry babies that don't like just not put in for it. Settled.

09-08-2010, 11:46 PM
I think you have to put in for it, right? Why don't you cry babies that don't like just not put in for it. Settled.

Put in for what. It said initially everyone is grandfathered in. Nothing to put in for right now. Just order the shirts or patches.

09-09-2010, 01:18 AM
I think you have to put in for it, right? Why don't you cry babies that don't like just not put in for it. Settled.

Put in for what. It said initially everyone is grandfathered in. Nothing to put in for right now. Just order the shirts or patches.

You don’t have to order patches, you don’t have to wear any patches, and you don’t have to do anything, like you probably do now!