View Full Version : Pension Reform Govs Race

08-22-2010, 08:18 PM
To all Law Enforcement Officers and thier familys in Florida. Do not vote for Rick Scott if you wish to keep your rightfully earned pensions. Attached is todays article from the Herald Tribune:

TALLAHASSEE - Few would argue that Florida's struggling economy, projected $6 billion state budget shortfall and record unemployment rate will demand strong action from the next governor.

But what leadership style is best suited to solve those problems? A proven dealmaker who understands the nuances of state government and can work with the Legislature? Or a political outsider who views state government with a CEO's scrutiny and is not afraid to question sacred cows such as benefits paid to public employees?

Such is the stark choice Florida Republicans have when they decide Tuesday on their candidate for governor.

Bill McCollum, 66, would bring a lengthy governmental résumé to the governor's office, while Rick Scott, 57, offers a career pegged to the bottom line, that includes running the nation's largest hospital chain.

The differences go beyond their backgrounds. McCollum has strong support among Republican lawmakers, who hold nearly a 2-1 advantage in the Legislature. Scott, who has spent more than $40 million on his campaign, is not beholden to donors because he has none other than himself.

McCollum, who has served as Florida's attorney general since 2007 and was in Congress for 20 years, contrasted their backgrounds while talking to a Republican group in Tallahassee in July. He said it might be a good idea to send a "rookie" to a city council or even to Congress.

"But for governor, for president of this country, for those two offices, I think you really need a conservative, someone experienced who doesn't need on-the-job training to get the job done," McCollum said.

McCollum said he has a long track record of getting things done

Scott, a Naples business executive, said his lack of government experience is one of the reasons he can be an effective governor.

"If politicians could've solved Florida's problems they would've been solved by now," Scott said. "State government is headed in the wrong direction. Floridians have a choice in this election between the failed policies of the past or new solutions for our future."

Executive styles

As governor, McCollum or Scott will step into the nearly constant glare of public scrutiny. An effective governor can use it to sell his or her programs.

If his campaign is any indication, Scott would have to make adjustments. From the time he filed his qualification papers and said he was surprised at the number of TV cameras that showed up, Scott has often been ill at ease in the public spotlight. He sidestepped the one debate with McCollum that was to be televised statewide. And Scott has defiantly refused to release a deposition related to a lawsuit against one of his companies.

Such posturing would likely prove difficult in the governor's office, where the scrutiny of TV cameras and news reporters is a daily rite.

Although his critics call him boring, McCollum appears more ready to move into the high-visibility role of a governor, having spent most of his career in the public arena and subject to public and press scrutiny. And he has proven adept at bringing attention to his issues, including filing a lawsuit against President Barack Obama's health care law that has drawn national attention.

Scott would bring other strengths to the state's chief executive office. He would need little training moving into the executive role, having run a number of businesses, including Columbia/HCA.

He said he wants to run state government "more like a business." Critics would say that is easier said than done -- pointing to other governors who promised major changes only to see them founder as they tried to unravel the complexities of state spending and the multitude of interest groups involved.

Although the bulk of his career has been as a lawmaker, McCollum has four years of experience as an executive, leading a major state agency that employs more than 400 lawyers. McCollum also has experience as a member of Florida's unique Cabinet system, where executive duties are shared by the governor and three elected Cabinet members.

Taxes and budget

The only bill that has to be passed each year is the state budget. And heading into the annual spring session, the governor outlines a spending plan, although it is ultimately up to the Legislature to pass the bill, which is subject to the governor's veto.

Scott and McCollum sound similar themes calling for tax cuts -- including property taxes and corporate income taxes -- and spending limits for state and local governments.

But the key will be who can get his budget initiatives through the Legislature.

McCollum may have an advantage with his experience in Congress and in passing legislation over the last four years related to the Attorney General's Office.

Some of McCollum's proposals seem more pragmatic than Scott's, such as calling for a 1 percent cut in the 5.5 percent corporate income tax, while Scott is calling for the complete elimination of the tax -- which would cost about $1.5 billion. A 1 percent cut would be in the range of $340 million.

Scott is calling for a more aggressive plan, saying that in addition to the business tax cut, he can use "accountability" budgeting to bring as much as $1 billion in savings in prisons spending and $1.4 billion in pension reform.

While Scott's odds of achieving such dramatic savings may be in doubt -- particularly in a climate when overall state revenue remains stagnant -- he has an advantage in that he is not financially beholden to any interest group.

Since the wealthy businessman financed his own campaign, Scott may have more freedom to take on issues such as curbing pension benefits for state workers and not have to worry about the political fallout.


Scott and McCollum said they would have signed Senate Bill 6 -- the controversial measure that would have ended tenure for public schoolteachers that Gov. Charlie Crist vetoed. Both also have suggested that they might support a revised version of that bill.

McCollum has aligned himself with former Gov. Jeb Bush's school reform efforts, which include the use of more student testing, school choice, vouchers and merit pay for teachers. Although he has offered less detailed plans, Scott appears to be similarly inclined.

Both candidates also promise to beef up the state university and college system, including a greater emphasis on technology and science initiatives and linking funding to graduation rates.

Health care

Florida's next governor will have to deal with the rising cost of Medicaid, the $19 billion state-federal health care program for the poor and disabled that accounts for more than a quarter of the state budget.

Lawmakers are already working on Medicaid reform plans, which ultimately would have to be approved by the federal government.

This is an area of expertise for Scott, who ran the Columbia/HCA health care giant -- although his opponents note the company was hit with $1.7 billion in fines -- and has been involved in other health care ventures.

Scott cites his creation of Solantic Health, a Florida-based company whose clinics have provided low-cost, quality health care to more than 1.5 million Floridians.

The environment

Long before the BP Gulf oil spill, McCollum had staked out his position as an opponent of near-shore oil drilling in Florida. Scott is more open to the idea, although he says it would have to be done while protecting Florida's environment.

McCollum has released a detailed plan on water management -- which may be one of the most pressing issues facing the state in this century.

Both candidates support efforts to restore the Everglades, although Scott has raised questions about a costly plan to pay U.S. Sugar as part of a restoration effort. And U.S. Sugar is one of the major backers of McCollum's gubernatorial campaign.

He said he wants to run state government "more like a business." Critics would say that is easier said than done -- pointing to other governors who promised major changes only to see them founder as they tried to unravel the complexities of state spending and the multitude of interest groups involved.

Although the bulk of his career has been as a lawmaker, McCollum has four years of experience as an executive, leading a major state agency that employs more than 400 lawyers. McCollum also has experience as a member of Florida's unique Cabinet system, where executive duties are shared by the governor and three elected Cabinet members.

Taxes and budget

The only bill that has to be passed each year is the state budget. And heading into the annual spring session, the governor outlines a spending plan, although it is ultimately up to the Legislature to pass the bill, which is subject to the governor's veto.

Scott and McCollum sound similar themes calling for tax cuts -- including property taxes and corporate income taxes -- and spending limits for state and local governments.

But the key will be who can get his budget initiatives through the Legislature.

McCollum may have an advantage with his experience in Congress and in passing legislation over the last four years related to the Attorney General's Office.

Some of McCollum's proposals seem more pragmatic than Scott's, such as calling for a 1 percent cut in the 5.5 percent corporate income tax, while Scott is calling for the complete elimination of the tax -- which would cost about $1.5 billion. A 1 percent cut would be in the range of $340 million.

Scott is calling for a more aggressive plan, saying that in addition to the business tax cut, he can use "accountability" budgeting to bring as much as $1 billion in savings in prisons spending and $1.4 billion in pension reform.

While Scott's odds of achieving such dramatic savings may be in doubt -- particularly in a climate when overall state revenue remains stagnant -- he has an advantage in that he is not financially beholden to any interest group.

Since the wealthy businessman financed his own campaign, Scott may have more freedom to take on issues such as curbing pension benefits for state workers and not have to worry about the political fallout.


Scott and McCollum said they would have signed Senate Bill 6 -- the controversial measure that would have ended tenure for public schoolteachers that Gov. Charlie Crist vetoed. Both also have suggested that they might support a revised version of that bill.

McCollum has aligned himself with former Gov. Jeb Bush's school reform efforts, which include the use of more student testing, school choice, vouchers and merit pay for teachers. Although he has offered less detailed plans, Scott appears to be similarly inclined.

Both candidates also promise to beef up the state university and college system, including a greater emphasis on technology and science initiatives and linking funding to graduation rates.

Health care

Florida's next governor will have to deal with the rising cost of Medicaid, the $19 billion state-federal health care program for the poor and disabled that accounts for more than a quarter of the state budget.

Lawmakers are already working on Medicaid reform plans, which ultimately would have to be approved by the federal government.

This is an area of expertise for Scott, who ran the Columbia/HCA health care giant -- although his opponents note the company was hit with $1.7 billion in fines -- and has been involved in other health care ventures.

Scott cites his creation of Solantic Health, a Florida-based company whose clinics have provided low-cost, quality health care to more than 1.5 million Floridians.

The environment

Long before the BP Gulf oil spill, McCollum had staked out his position as an opponent of near-shore oil drilling in Florida. Scott is more open to the idea, although he says it would have to be done while protecting Florida's environment.

McCollum has released a detailed plan on water management -- which may be one of the most pressing issues facing the state in this century.

Both candidates support efforts to restore the Everglades, although Scott has raised questions about a costly plan to pay U.S. Sugar as part of a restoration effort. And U.S. Sugar is one of the major backers of McCollum's gubernatorial campaign.

Since the wealthy businessman financed his own campaign, Scott may have more freedom to take on issues such as curbing pension benefits for state workers and not have to worry about the political fallout.


Scott and McCollum said they would have signed Senate Bill 6 -- the controversial measure that would have ended tenure for public schoolteachers that Gov. Charlie Crist vetoed. Both also have suggested that they might support a revised version of that bill.

McCollum has aligned himself with former Gov. Jeb Bush's school reform efforts, which include the use of more student testing, school choice, vouchers and merit pay for teachers. Although he has offered less detailed plans, Scott appears to be similarly inclined.

Both candidates also promise to beef up the state university and college system, including a greater emphasis on technology and science initiatives and linking funding to graduation rates.

Health care

Florida's next governor will have to deal with the rising cost of Medicaid, the $19 billion state-federal health care program for the poor and disabled that accounts for more than a quarter of the state budget.

Lawmakers are already working on Medicaid reform plans, which ultimately would have to be approved by the federal government.

This is an area of expertise for Scott, who ran the Columbia/HCA health care giant -- although his opponents note the company was hit with $1.7 billion in fines -- and has been involved in other health care ventures.

Scott cites his creation of Solantic Health, a Florida-based company whose clinics have provided low-cost, quality health care to more than 1.5 million Floridians.

The environment

Long before the BP Gulf oil spill, McCollum had staked out his position as an opponent of near-shore oil drilling in Florida. Scott is more open to the idea, although he says it would have to be done while protecting Florida's environment.

McCollum has released a detailed plan on water management -- which may be one of the most pressing issues facing the state in this century.

Both candidates support efforts to restore the Everglades, although Scott has raised questions about a costly plan to pay U.S. Sugar as part of a restoration effort. And U.S. Sugar is one of the major backers of McCollum's gubernatorial campaign.