View Full Version : SWAT handles 21's now?

08-20-2010, 12:22 PM
Let me get this straight, because the Slant Pete Times is not the best information source in the world. PPPD responds to an alarm call at a pharmacy. You determine that a burglary has occurred. Perimeter (good). K-9 (good). SWAT Team (are you kidding me?). You tards used a SWAT team to clear a business after three hours during a burglary in progress because you thought the guy may have a gun? Do you handle every in progress call with a SWAT team? I mean you could really assume everybody may be armed. Do you always wait for SWAT to clear the way for you? A three hour stand off at a call that any other agency would have used a K9 to clear the building with in a matter of minutes. You tards wasted three hours and let the bad guy plan for that long, knowing you were there, because someone thought that SWAT needed to do your job. You guys are total tards. Way to justify your existence.

08-20-2010, 03:53 PM
The answer is summed up in your username. You described yourself accurately.

08-20-2010, 05:05 PM
The answer is summed up in your username. You described yourself accurately.

Then why does even a dumb deputy know how to handle a burglary in progress? What does that make you stupid Pineapple Park tards? SWAT???? Really? Do they come to your domestics and bar fights too? What about holdup alarms? Open doors on alarms? You are in-tell-oh-jint!! barve brothers in blue. "Holy sput fire, theres a somebody in that there pharmacy Sergeant Bubba!!! What in we gonna do?" "Calm down there Ricky Bobby, we's gonna call in the them there SWAT boys to flush him." "Ah heckfire Sarg, how long that gonna take?" "Three, four hours, theys got to wake up and all." Twang twang twang twangggggg (Dueling banjos).

08-21-2010, 04:37 AM
Hey Deputy.....did you ever think that perhaps you don't have the entire story? The fact that our SWAT team hasn't been called out prior to his for over a year says several things...

We don't regularly use our team for these type of incidents. In fact this is the first time our team has been activated in over a year and a half. Burglaries in progess are a daily occurrence and no, we don't normally call out the team. A smart investigator, which I am going to go out on a limb and say your not, would probably have concluded that perhaps there were some other circumstances.

Then again your maturity level was shown in the quality of your post. Our existence is protected as long as the Sheriff's office continues to field the likes of you.

But hey, stay safe.

08-21-2010, 03:34 PM
Not taking sides here, but i hear the swat team was not needed in the incident. i heard most of the support personnel were confused and after the keyholders arrived, the K9 could have flushed this crackhead out and the patrol folks who were on scene could have taken thins guy into custody. Cant say the last time a burglar became armed inside a drug store or a burglar who showed up with a gun to burglarize even though it was a closed businesses with no one there. The outcome was good, but at what cost? two non-violent felony charges? no hostages or demands? I guess you can call it a good fire drill, if the involved realize they have issues and they learn from them. The SO has no room to talk because they go overboard for everything they do, well maybe before the budget cuts.

08-21-2010, 04:19 PM
Not taking sides here, but i hear the swat team was not needed in the incident. i heard most of the support personnel were confused and after the keyholders arrived, the K9 could have flushed this crackhead out and the patrol folks who were on scene could have taken thins guy into custody. Cant say the last time a burglar became armed inside a drug store or a burglar who showed up with a gun to burglarize even though it was a closed businesses with no one there. The outcome was good, but at what cost? two non-violent felony charges? no hostages or demands? I guess you can call it a good fire drill, if the involved realize they have issues and they learn from them. The SO has no room to talk because they go overboard for everything they do, well maybe before the budget cuts.

Hey Switzerland...what you heard is full of holes, just like Swiss cheese. There was no confusion on the part of the support personnel. The call-out was processed and completed in a timely manner following correct protocol and procedure. The Communications supervisor came in to handle the traffic on the call-out because there were only two dispatchers. Policy calls for the SWAT dispatcher to respond in, but they were unable to respond.
As far as the need for the call out, the Supervisor at the scene made the determination, and I trust that decision. He is not one to make rash decisions. Forgive my stupidity, but I was not aware the only acceptable parameters for a SWAT call out were hostages and demands. I always thought a suspect who was possibly armed and who had refused to come out was an acceptable reason.Silly me.
I guess though, like the Deputy above, it's easier to post comments without knowledge, so that one can opine and disparage without all the facts. I also guess that were you to have ascertained all of the facts you wouldn't have known what to do with them...and maybe, just maybe, after you've worked through what must be a lot of issues, you might remember that even though dispatch does make mistakes, they also probably fix a lot of yours..in fact, I'd bet m0ney on it. That is all.

08-21-2010, 05:34 PM
We are all very impressed by your burglary investigative techniques. However, the fact that you have nothing better to do then come on to another depts. site and insult gives away the fact that you are a LOSER. Enjoy pushing a cruiser the rest of your career...you don't have what it takes to make a speciality unit or gawd forbid, the SWAT team. Don't let all that jealousy eat ya up, Boy and leave the important issues to the Men while you waddle around warehouses with your flashlight :roll:

08-22-2010, 06:41 PM
In the end no one hurt, bad guy hurt, and 100% response to the SWAT page. It was a little confusing in that there were far too many supervisors barking out orders....but that is a daily burden at this agency with a 1-1 supervisor to worker ratio on most days.

08-23-2010, 02:39 AM
The starter of this posting is not a deputy, its ours, sorry don't be so stupid.

08-23-2010, 04:56 AM
Exactly what kind of math gets you a 1:1 supervisor ratio on most days. Oh, I know, fuzzy math.

You probably had a valid point, right up until that point.

08-23-2010, 01:50 PM
we ar supervisor heavy, especially in patrol. i have worked shifts where there 1 lt, 2 sgts, & 2 cpls, with 5 ofcs. the ofcs are the only ones taking primary on the calls, dont start with the cpls counting toward manpower, bringing that up will just cause negative posts.this doesn't happen every shift, but it happens enough.

08-23-2010, 10:08 PM
Relax, PPPD wont even exist anymore in 5 years and none of this will matter

08-24-2010, 12:22 AM
we ar supervisor heavy, especially in patrol. i have worked shifts where there 1 lt, 2 sgts, & 2 cpls, with 5 ofcs. the ofcs are the only ones taking primary on the calls, dont start with the cpls counting toward manpower, bringing that up will just cause negative posts.this doesn't happen every shift, but it happens enough.


08-24-2010, 02:18 AM
Maybe if you were man enough to earn a promotion you could help make the rules and set the right example. Oh whats that? Youre too fat and uneducated? Tough $hit then!

08-24-2010, 03:48 AM
Gripe about the use of the SWAT Team. Gripe about officers' performance in a successful outcome. Gripe about supervision. Supervisors griping back at posters and making it personal. Is this a hateful place or do we just have some hateful people? The sad thing is, these same few will smile at you on a call or in the PD and act like you’re friends but really their heart is filled with detestation and they seem to take a posture of creating as much chaos for the rest of us as possible. Life is way too short to be this unhappy 40 to 50 hours a week. Look, this place has changed over the years but it appears by some of the post that some people’s expectations will not be met here. Too many calls, too much supervision, decisions you don't agree with and people not respecting each other. Here a question: what motivates a person to stay miserably employed?

08-24-2010, 04:46 AM
Pension and Seniority to be exact

08-25-2010, 09:24 AM
We have some fat supervisors

08-25-2010, 05:19 PM
Deer deer deer deeeeerrrrrr (Dueling banjos). I admit that it was a successful venture if no one but that bad guy was hurt. However, if you brought the SWAT Team to every call you have I would bet that they too would safer as well. But it does not distract from the fact that your agency called a SWAT Team in to handle a commercial burglary in progress involving one suspect and a surrounded building. The rest of the county makes a tight perimeter around the business and unleashes a K-9. It's pretty simple and even taught that way in the academy and everything! You are most likely correct that a supevisor made that call, but it was a bad call. Overkill. Ridiculous. Lemme guess, your SWAT team has not had a callout in a good long while and one of the supervisors is or was SWAT. Embarassing.

08-26-2010, 06:39 PM
Deer deer deer deeeeerrrrrr (Dueling banjos). I admit that it was a successful venture if no one but that bad guy was hurt. However, if you brought the SWAT Team to every call you have I would bet that they too would safer as well. But it does not distract from the fact that your agency called a SWAT Team in to handle a commercial burglary in progress involving one suspect and a surrounded building. The rest of the county makes a tight perimeter around the business and unleashes a K-9. It's pretty simple and even taught that way in the academy and everything! You are most likely correct that a supevisor made that call, but it was a bad call. Overkill. Ridiculous. Lemme guess, your SWAT team has not had a callout in a good long while and one of the supervisors is or was SWAT. Embarassing.

Lol Dear Dump..oops Dumb deputy, reading your posts is kinda like being back in the 4th grade and watching that fat little red headed kid who had no friends, so since he was bigger ended up just being a bully. Were you like him? Did you never go out on a date either?
Er, ahem, I listen to your channel Mr. Dear Dumb Deputy..ya'll don't have all that much to brag about. I've heard some of your pursuits and quite frankly they rather resemble a Keystone Cops adventure, and in the end you didn't get the bad guy...we did. Perhaps if you'd quit obsessing on our agency, you could help improve yours.
I know it's been awfully disconcerting worrying about all those pesky budget cuts and layoffs; and watching your buck-toothed leader auction off his mini arsenal must have cut to the quick, but really..those are you issues, not ours. :devil:
You are correct in that our agency hasn't had a call-out in quite awhile, and that speaks for our agency, not against it. And, while the tactics you cited above are taught at the academy, they are not the only tactics to be used. Or do you have to limit yourself to those school books you must keep beside you in your cruiser in order to know what to do?
So go ahead, continue to besmirch and hold in disdain our agency, but I do notice that it isn't our guys showing their insecurities by going to your agencies forum and making disparaging comments. Just sayin :snicker:

09-08-2010, 05:45 PM
Not taking sides here, but i hear the swat team was not needed in the incident. i heard most of the support personnel were confused and after the keyholders arrived, the K9 could have flushed this crackhead out and the patrol folks who were on scene could have taken thins guy into custody. Cant say the last time a burglar became armed inside a drug store or a burglar who showed up with a gun to burglarize even though it was a closed businesses with no one there. The outcome was good, but at what cost? two non-violent felony charges? no hostages or demands? I guess you can call it a good fire drill, if the involved realize they have issues and they learn from them. The SO has no room to talk because they go overboard for everything they do, well maybe before the budget cuts.

Uuuh...nope..you are wrong. It's easy to tell who wrote this...either midnight's Officer Dumbledork, or his evil girlfriend. There was no confusion on the part of the support personnel, it was simply a misplaced item. Everything that is required to have been done, was done, and done well. But, thanks for a typically tacky, not unexpected style post...hope you get better at your job, cause people might not be so quick to fix your mistakes anymore..and if it was the g-friend...how's that new job working out?!

09-09-2010, 02:23 AM
Maybe you should walk up to Dumbledork and punch him right square between the shoulder blades. Then get ready to have your teeth knocked down the back of your throat. Oh I forgot...you cant do anything unless you have your merry band of boyfriends in commando suits standing with you. Maybe you can get your scalp peeled back, tough guy. Or maybe you can keep the girlfriend's name out of your stinking mouth, boy, and just go along your way.
ps. learn to spell

09-09-2010, 09:23 AM
I think it's safe to assume a nerve was struck . . .

09-09-2010, 04:06 PM
Maybe you should walk up to Dumbledork and punch him right square between the shoulder blades. Then get ready to have your teeth knocked down the back of your throat. Oh I forgot...you cant do anything unless you have your merry band of boyfriends in commando suits standing with you. Maybe you can get your scalp peeled back, tough guy. Or maybe you can keep the girlfriend's name out of your stinking mouth, boy, and just go along your way.
ps. learn to spell

Wow...such strong emotion. What is that old expression? If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen? Is that how it goes? Or is the more appropriate saying that People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones? Maybe you shouldn't either post/say things to people that will be posted here that are A- not true, or B- show clearly who you are.

09-22-2010, 07:13 PM
Relax, PPPD wont even exist anymore in 5 years and none of this will matter

PPPD has been a successful police dept and is not going anywhere. All police officers wear a badge and they are one big family. It amazes me how there is so much hate between agencies but the love comes out when another is in trouble. Every agency has different procedures, supervisors, but all that matters is that the bad guy was caught and everyone was safe. Instead of bashing Pinellas Park for this not knowing every circumstance be happy everything turned out the way it did in the end.

09-22-2010, 07:19 PM
Relax, PPPD wont even exist anymore in 5 years and none of this will matter
PPPD is here to stay bud! Sorry to hurt your feelings. Why does it matter how differently each agency works. Everyone has the same goals, catch the bad guy and go home at night. Instead of bashing a fellow agency why are you not helping each other make procedures safer. If PPPD thinks SWAT is needed for a 21 then let it be.
:devil: :snicker: