View Full Version : special positions

08-18-2010, 12:01 PM
did they announce who got traffic or crime prevention yet???

08-20-2010, 03:26 AM
yep, 239 got the traffic position and 490 got the CP position, geeez, where have you been????

08-22-2010, 10:33 AM
The traffic positions were awarded to 472 (eves) and 390 (mids ).. congratulations to you both

08-22-2010, 02:57 PM
443 will get the CP position, it was recreated for her.....already decided don't waste your time. To paraphrase an officer at a recent oral board: This agency looks out for about 15-20 officers and their careers and everyone else is a mere tool to be used.

You can see the preference and some of the golden ones deserve it, but many do not. When we see supervisors eating, joking and socializing off duty with the same officers and those same seem to get special treatment, what are we hard working have nots to think? I know there are some officers who are not very good or are problem children and they seem to complain alot, but there are many of us who work hard, don't cause problems and seem to be used as fodder for golden children.

How many times will they praise some "goldie" for going out of town or to some event and ignore the fact that others had to take up the slack with more work so goldie's career could be advanced?

Let's not get started with the Corporal "People we like/supervisor bone throw" Program and the Special position shuffle and extension Program.

08-22-2010, 08:17 PM
Fedup, I agree with everything you said in your post. This is a good place to work, but certain people are looked after, not based on performance or skills as an officer, but because they are liked by the admin. We have rank and file folks involved in businesses, owning property and vacationing with supervisors. These folks have been handed specialized position after position. Most have less road patrol experience than one of our explorers. Most of them treat coworkers disrespectful, with no expectation of being disciplined.

We should just make Horsey a full time horse patrol and not waste a CP position that a deserving officer should get. But then again, if a certain Admin person pulls enough strings to get her this position, her co-workers my actually have an officer on shift who shows up to work for a full week and maybe will take calls.

Is the reason not too many people are putting in for specialized positions because someone was already a shoe-in or because working in certain sections are not very appealing for various unknown reasons?

08-22-2010, 10:43 PM
Notice the hurricane assignments? Those are mostly laid out according to special treatment, the favored are high and dry and the rest left to the elements.

Hey Chief, sounds like it's time for a policy against fratenization.....just like all of the other agencies have.

08-23-2010, 04:57 AM
Be careful what you ask for.

08-26-2010, 06:04 AM
signal 44 . . . that is all . .

08-30-2010, 12:02 AM
Don't bother telling the chief anything... she is NOT listening. Our chief was a respectable and fair leader at one point. The sad fact is that she has not been leading this department for quite some time now and is essentially a lame duck and a conversation piece in the corner of the second floor that is run by captian whats his face. This department is in a nose dive and soon it will have to hit the ground. It is a true shame because with a little work and ACTUAL leadership this could be a great place to work as a police officer.

hey DORENE... W A K E U P ! ! D O S O M E C H I E F W O R K !

08-30-2010, 12:37 AM
"Oh Billy, Billy, Billy...don't let me down Billy."

08-30-2010, 04:33 AM
I love the chief to death. but she is clueless to what is going on in her own dept. She picks up awards all around the nation for being the chief of chiefs, yet her dept is run by the capts. Some I respect, some i wish would just go play with horses... she has no idea what is happening in her building, what ever happened to the general meeting..another face save, that has pissed everybody off. Won't take live questions or address the real issues at this hole. Wait until the other agenices start hiring, all the admin will be saying the same thing..why did they leave?, what is the problem?, why is everybody so unhappy?, It's not ok to let certain people treat others like sh*t??, can we change rules to piss people off just because we can?, can we create policies because some high paid schoool ( SPI, FBI acadamy) says so. why can't we get anyone to put in for specialized positions? Do we really need 5 supervisors for 5 officers on shift? Are we supervisor heavy? can we continue to let our co workers treat officers worse than animals, even though they hang out with supervisors off duty and also engage in business and own property with them. can anyone stop the supervisor in charge of every charity known to man? the do as i say, not as i do guy, i don't want to share the spot light... make my own OT guy, rules don't apply to me person. If you have not been selected for a special spot, figure out your future, it may be here or somewhere else, but as long as this continues, its a crap shoot.. The other side of the street isn't as green as you might think.

09-06-2010, 10:58 PM
days are happy with the changing of the cpl guard, good luck mids you will need it

09-08-2010, 01:34 AM
Glad to see LT Baldo up to he usual tricks